Understanding the NDIS

“Understanding the NDIS” Workshops Accessible for People with Disability

During 2018-19, the Australian Federation of disability Organisations (AFDO), conducted a series of workshops called “Understanding the NDIS”, for people with disability, families and carers.

They also wanted to help those who could not attend a workshop in person so they don’t have to miss out on the information. So they filmed the workshop, from which they made 9 videos which you can find at this site.

The workshop explains important NDIS ideas and processes in plain, easy to understand language. It helps people with disability and their families to have increased understanding of the NDIS and confidence in dealing with the NDIA.

Workshop Videos Access Features

All videos have Auslan interpreting, captioning and audio description. A transcript for each video is also available.

The PDF or Word versions of the workshop handbook and factsheets can be downloaded from:


If you would like to purchase a hard copy of these materials in print or braille, for $10.00 per set, (postage included), please email AFDO at


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