Wellbeing at Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – October 2012
Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.
Contact us at wellbeing@monash.edu
In the October edition:
Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff
Wellbeing events & news
Register for the 10,000 Steps Challenge and step out for better health
It’s that time of year again, get your walking shoes on and step out for better health during the Monash 10,000 Steps Challenge.
Registrations close Wednesday 10 October
The 4 week Challenge is open to all staff, students, friends and family and commences on Monday, 15 October and will see participants walk a virtual walk from Cape Otway, Victoria to Lake Macquarie, NSW.
Teams of up to 8 people will each aim to clock up at least 10,000 steps each day. There are great events happening at each campus and prizes for teams and individuals to win!
Participants will not only measure the number of steps they take each day using pedometers, but also experience the many benefits that physical activity has on mental health.
Register today! For more information and to register your team, visit the 10,000 steps website
Monash Mental Health Week, 8-12 October
With one in five Australians experiencing some form of mental illness, Monash Mental Health Week, from 8 to 12 October, aims to raise awareness of the importance of mental health at Monash through a great variety of events across each campus.
Staff and students are invited to participate in a range of free on campus events including:
- – ESSENCE of mental health presentation
- – GLOBAL walk/run
- – Healthy minds, healthy lives seminar
- – Mindfulness meditation classes
- – safe TALK: Building a suicide-alert community
- – School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Dean’s Lecture Series: Trauma and Recovery
- – Staff walking group
- – Sleep education seminar
- – Free Monash Sport classes and more
Read about what’s happening at your campus.
Mental health week is a joint initiative delivered by Health & wellbeing, Wellbeing at Monash and Monash Sport.
Lunchtime GLOBAL Monash walk/run, 10 October
All Monash staff are invited to take a step toward better health and participate in the Monash GLOBAL walk/run at their campus.
Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport and Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre.
Join your colleagues for a on campus 3km walk or 5km run during Mental Health Week – aiming to increase the awareness and knowledge of mental health.
Date: Wednesday 10 October, 12.15pm-1pm
Register: Get your colleagues together and register online
All participants will receive a Health Smart lunch at the end of the event and go in the draw to win great prizes. Participants are encouraged to make a gold coin donation at the lunch to MAPrc which will be used to continue the program’s mental health research and education initiatives.
Register for your free WorkHealth check at Monash
More than 3700 staff have received a free 15 minute WorkHealth check. New dates are now available for staff to participate in the WorkHealth check program.
Participants will receive immediate, confidential results and advice on blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, waist circumference and more.
Delivered by an accredited WorkHealth provider, your results will remain private and your employer will not receive any personal information about your health.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about your health.
Dates: October – November
Locations: Most campuses
How to book: Register for an appointment online at your preferred campus
Sustainable Transport Week
Leave the Car at Home and Make a Difference duriong Sustainable Transport Week: Monday 15 – Friday 19 October. Events include:
- Monday, 15 October: Monash 10,000 Steps Challenge Walk
- Tuesday, 16 October: Race for Sustainability
- Wednesday 17 October: Ride to Campus Day
- Thursday 18 October: Public Transport and Shuttle Bus
- Friday 19 October 2012: Carpool Day
Read more about Sustainable Transport Week events
‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and win a $20 Myer voucher
Find out all the latest news about health and wellbeing at Monash by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.
Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook before 12 October and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher. Congratulations to Nicole Jennings, Faculty of Education, Peninsula on winning the August voucher
Tips for keeping active at work at home
Here are some simple ideas of making choices to be more active:
- Stand up at your desk when taking a phone call
- Schedule a walking meeting
- Remove the bin from your desk so you have to walk to the next bin
- Stand and take a break from your computer every 30 minutes
- Download a free 7 day trial at Monash Sport
- Register your department for a Staff Wellbeing & Activity Program (SWAP)
- Eat lunch away from your desk
- Enjoy the lunchtime sun with a stroll around campus. Download campus walking maps (pdf 1620kb)
- Pack a picnic or the cricket set and take your family to enjoy one of the many picturesque parks and gardens around Melbourne and Victoria
- Download the 10,000 Steps 4 week health challenge brochure (pdf 301kb)
- Register for the Monash Health Revolution and commit to making a change
Step into spring! Lunchtime pilates, boxing, zumba and yoga classes
Make the most of the nice weather and step out with colleagues for lunchtime SWAP activity!
EResearch, HR, Facilities & Services, Education, eSolutions, OHS, the Alfred, Engineering and Medicine have all registered for the Staff Wellbeing & Activity Program.
SWAP has been designed to bring on campus activity to your department!
With 30, 45 or 60 minute yoga, zumba, boxing and pilates classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you!
Download the SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.
Thankyou for supporting R U OK?Day
On 13th September, more than 1500 staff and students participated in BBQs, morning teas and lunches in an effort to build a more connected community on R U OK? Day.
Experiences were shared, mental health was discussed and talking about suicide was less taboo. View the MONASH R U OK? photo gallery. For more information about RUOK? Day visit
Free Quit Smoking Smartphone app
A new smartphone app, My QuitBuddy has been launched. The app is a personalised and interactive application with smoking quit tips, daily motivational messages and reminders for those planning to start the quitting journey.
The National Tobacco Campaign, managed by the Australian National Preventative Health Agency (ANPHA), developed the application to further promote the Commonwealth and state and territory government’s approach to sustained, whole-of-population prevention efforts to reduce smoking prevalence in Australia.
“Australian’s have one of the highest levels of Smartphone usage in the world so it’s good to provide free and readily available technology to make it easier for peole to quit.”
Downlod the app or visit the National Tobacco Campaign’s website
New SDU course: The Working Parent Resilience Program
Staff are invited to register for a new SDU course that provides working women with strategies ( and time) to create greater control over their day to day lifestyle and align their personal and professional lives after having children and/or who have other carer responsibiliites. A program supporting men is also available.
The Program’s core modules consist of
- Handling Guilt,
- Aligning Values,
- Building Self Vision,
- Creating a Lifestyle Recipe and
- Better Time Management.
It is suited to a variety of people including those recently returned from parental leave to those with older children, conflicting goals and those with caring responsibilities.
Date: Tuesday 16 October, 9am-5pm
For further information and to book visit the SDU website.
Save 3 lives during your lunch break- Red Cross Blood Service at Monash
The mobile blood service will be visiting Monash Clayton campus in October. Just one blood donation can save three lives. Imagine how many lives you could save if your department donated.
Club Red gives you the opportunity to do something really special and give blood in a group. Over 27,000 blood donations are needed every week and blood has a short shelf life, so regular donations from groups like yours are really important. By joining Club Red, you can make a big difference.
Donating as part of the Club Red program is a great way to build community spirit, and to play a part in community engagement and service programs.
Monash dates: Wednesday 17, Thursday 18, Friday 19 October, 9.30am-3.30pm
Venues: Engineering Building EH 4/60
To book: Call13 14 95 Or emaildpallen@redcrossblood.org.au
Confidential, external employee counselling and Manager Assist Program
EAP is a professional, external, confidential counselling service available free-of-charge to all University employees and their immediate family members.
The service can be of assistance when staff are experiencing work-related, personal and/or health problems. Manager Assist is a phone consulting service available to University Supervisors and Managers, providing practical advice and support.
The service is tailored to meet individual needs when step by step advice or a sounding board is needed.
Further information can be found on the University’s EAP website or phone 1800 350 359.
Monash a great range of mental health resources for staff. Services and programs include:
- Counselling service: free, professional and confidential service. Individual appointments and group programs
- Mental Health First Aid training: learn how to help someone with a mental health problem before professional help is sought
- Mindfulness meditation: free short courses and weekly practical classses.
Register for the Monash OHS Conference, 24 October
All staff are invited to attend the biennial OHS Conference on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 at the Clayton campus.
The conference, through a program of innovative and inspiring speakers, will explore the following topics:
- Workplace Injury Prevention
- Employee health and wellbeing
- Mental health and resilience
- Emerging technology.
Beaconsfield Mine Survivor Todd Russell will feature as a keynote speaker.
For further information and to register visit the Occupational Health and Safety Conference website.
New web program for anxiety, depression, divorce and bereavement
A new self-help interactive web program that aims to help people cope with emotional problems and difficult times in their lives is available. The modules cover topics including depression, generalised anxiety & worry, social anxiety, relationship breakdown, and loss & grief is available.
The program helps you to learn to manage and prevent emotional problems by changing your thinking, considering your relationships with others, scheduling regular exercise, and learning relaxation techniques and includes exercises to help you understand yourself and others.
Cost: Free
How long does it take to do the program? e-couch lets you do the program at a pace that suits you.
For more information visit Ecouch
Get rid of the biscuits in the tea room and try a fresh fruit box
Wellbeing at Monash has secured discounted pricing for fruit boxes delivered direct to your Monash office.
Office Fruit is the Melbourne campuses supplier. Pricing:
Small box – containing 35 fruit pieces $23.45 (RRP $30.00)
Large box – containing 55 fruit pieces $36.85 (RRP $44.00)
How to order: E-mail info@officefruit.com.au or phone 1300 735 848 –quote Monash University, your campus and your department. www.officefruit.com.au. Payment can be made via credit card or weekly invoicing.
Gippsland campus supplier is Manny’s Market.
Pricing: Fruit box – containing 35 fruit pieces $25.00 (RRP $30.00)
How to order Phone 5133 6067 –quote Monash University, Gippsland campus and your department. Payments can be made via monthly invoicing
UniSuper Seminar: Building your super and protecting your future
This seminar seeks to provide members in the accumulation phase with a better understanding of the various Government incentives available for contributions into superannuation and the competitive insurance coverage offered through their account.
This seminar includes information on:
Contributions overview
Salary sacrificing
Government contribution incentives
Insurance options
Risk/Return trade off
Date: Tuesday 9th October 9th, 4-5pm
Venue: Science Building 25, Lecture Theatre S4, Clayton Campus
Book online, registration closes on Monday 8th October.
For further information, contact Chandra Yellapragada on extension 29585 or email superannuation@monash.edu
Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program
Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals.
– Introduce a friend to Weight Watchers® At Work meetings and you both receive a free Cook Hearty Cookbook.
– Join now and receive 15 weeks of at work meetings for the price of 13!
Cost: $18.90 per session for 13 week program (payment must be made upfront by cash or card at the first meeting). Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.
How to register: Send your interest to join a program to wellbeing@monash.edu with WW and your campus in the subject line. 12 participants are required for the program to proceed.
Competition winners and your chance to win
For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email wellbeing@monash.edu
Monash Sport news and offers
Member Rewards receives a Boost at Monash Sport!
To celebrate the new Boost Juice store at the Clayton campus centre, Monash Sport members are now eligible to receive double loyalty card (Vibe) points for any fully priced purchase made at the store. This is the equivalent of a 20% discount!
Along with a lengthy list of current participants, Boost Juice is yet another reason Monash Sport is the health and fitness centre choice of the Monash University community.
With many membership options, and the ability to salary package your membership – there has never been a better time to take out a membership to the most convenient health and fitness centre Monash University staff will ever have access to!
Looking to tee up a round of golf soon?
Great news for all Monash University staff members – our friends at Churchill Park Golf Club have set up some great offers to get you up and out on the course again!
Monash University staff are now eligible to receive your choice of:
Green Fee specials:
- 18 Hole West Course* – $16
- 9 Hole East Course* – $10
- Beginner Golf Program* – $49 (4 one hour sessions)
- Private Golf Lesson* – $59
*Bookings are essential, 18 Hole West Course offer only available Monday to Friday. To be eligible to receive these offers, and for more information – register online!
Fit Camp Fundraiser – Dig deep for Pete!
Pete Hardie-Porter, a much respected Monash Sport Fitness Instructor and new father of premature twin boys has been tragically diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.
Facing an uncertain future where he may not be able to support his new family, Pete recently appeared on the Channel 7 nightly news seeking support from the public in the form of financial assistance.
Monash Sport is proud to be hosting a Fit Camp Fundraiser class, with all money raised going towards supporting Pete and his family. Details of how you can participate are below:
- When: Wednesday 31 October: 6.30am – 7.30am
- Where: Monash Sport, Building 1, Clayton Campus (meet at the café @ 6.20am)
- Who: This class is open to anyone who wishes to add some variety into their training while supporting a worthy cause
- Cost: $20 (all proceeds going towards supporting Pete), participants can enjoy a complementary BBQ breakfast afterwards
- See our website for more information.
Strength in numbers
The 20th anniversary of Australia’s largest mass participation bike ride, Around the Bay in a Day (ATB) is just around the corner, and TeamMONASH™ is planning to take the event by storm.
Among the participants will be third year student Rebecca Beagley, who is currently undertaking a Law/Music double degree at Monash University’s Clayton campus.
Rebecca has entered ATB every year since starting at Monash in 2010, which raises money for The Smith Family, an Australian children’s charity.
“I had never participated in any cycling events before, but in 2010 my friend Luisa Moore – also a Monash student – suggested we have a go at the 100km Sorrento to Melbourne ride. I had so much fun that I came back and tackled the 135km ride in 2011,” Rebecca said.
This year Rebecca is back to take on the 135km ride, starting in Geelong and ending in Melbourne.
“It’s a great challenge! And it’s well organised, as you have all day to complete your event and the free TeamMONASH™ cycling jersey sets you apart from the crowd.”
TeamMONASH™ has represented Monash University at ATB every year since 2003, winning the Largest Tertiary Team title for four of the last five years that the award has been presented – losing only once to arch rival The University of Melbourne in 2007.
“In an event with thousands of participants, it’s a great feeling to ride alongside other Monash cyclists out on the road. And being cheered on by the TeamMONASH™ cheer squad when you’re cycling along the home stretch is pretty exciting,” Rebecca said.
“Completing in ATB has inspired me to take up cycling more regularly. It’s a wonderful way of keeping fit.”
The Around the Bay in a Day bike ride will be held 21 October with events starting from a range of locations throughout Melbourne, the Mornington Peninsula and Geelong with all events finishing within the grounds of Alexandra Gardens, Melbourne.
Swimming isn’t the cure, but it sure helps
For the third year in a row, Monash University will be hosting a 24 hour Mega Swim, in aid of Multiple Sclerosis. This year to date, we have raised in excess of $30,000.
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease of the central nervous system, which affects more young Australians than any other neurological condition and does not yet have a cure.
Monash University PhD Student, from the School of Biological Sciences, and coach of the Youth Squad (a team entered in the event), Melissa Klamt, said this year the team is setting their goals even higher.
“In 2012 we’re setting our fundraising target at more than $20,000 and swimming towards a target of 113km plus to break the record for the longest distance swum in a 25 metre pool,” Ms Klamt said.
Youth Squad’s 2011 efforts led the team to raise a grand total of $14,285 and swim a total distance of 108.35 km in the 24 hour event, surpassing the $7,445 and 96.4 km result from the year before.
This performance led to the team accumulating the most points for money fundraised and distance swum combined amongst all the other participating teams in 2011.
“This is a fantastic fundraising effort for such a young team, whose average age is 14 years,” Ms Klamt said.
“Money has been raised through selling chocolates, a swimming club breakfast, school fundraisers, social dinners, raffles and auctions however Youth Squad could not have raised this money without the help of the local community and businesses donating money and items”
Donations to the event can be made online.
The 2012 24 hour Mega Swim for MS will be held from 6-7 October at the newly retiled Doug Ellis Swimming Pool complete with revamped grand stand, at Monash University’s Clayton campus.
Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day
The Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day is a fundraising opportunity for Monash University affiliated sporting clubs across all campuses. The four person Ambrose format will provide the basis for a great day of golf on one of Melbourne’s most prestigious courses at the Spring Valley Golf Club. Throughout the day various competitions will be held including, longest drive and nearest the pin. And with the Baseball club winning the past two Chancellor’s Cup Golf Days, they will be sure to be going for a third, however there will be a few teams biting at their heels this year.
Although the competitive streak will come out throughout the course of the day, our fundraising efforts are the top priority. Last year over $8,500 was raised for Monash University sporting clubs. These funds went direct to helping them stay financially viable sporting clubs, providing a great outlet for Monash University students and staff members.
A light lunch will be provided on arrival, with food and beverage snacks supplied to participants during the round from a mobile refreshment cart. The event will finish with an informal gourmet BBQ, presentations to the winners and a thank you to all participants for their support.
Held on Friday 16 November, at Spring Valley Golf Club (just 5 minutes from Clayton campus), the day promises to be great day out for all keen golfers at Monash.
Please visit our website for more information.
Melbourne Marathon Festival
TeamMONASH are on track to enter a team of over 300 participants at the upcoming Melbourne Marathon Festival.
This year, TeamMONASH will be working behind the scenes, fundraising to support the charity partners for the event with Melbourne Marathon again teaming up with the James-Macready Bryan Foundation and the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre (CPEC).
First time entrants into this TeamMONASH event are eligible for a free TeamMONASH uniform when they register with TeamMONASH!
Registrations are open for the 2012 Melbourne Marathon 3km, 5km, 10km, and full marathon events with the half marathon having already reached capacity in the annual events 35th year.
The Melbourne Marathon will be held from 7am on 14 October at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. For more information please visit our website.
Sport at Monash Calendar
Don’t know when key events are? There are no more excuses with the Sport at Monash calendar exclusive to Monash staff.
Conveniently feeding times, dates, locations and web links to everything ‘sport at Monash’ directly into your Google calendar, the Sport at Monash calendar is perfect for fitting in a planned or spontaneous sport and activity into even the busiest schedule!
To access the Sport at Monash calendar, login into the my.monash portal, select the Sport at Monash tick box and update your subscription. The Sport at Monash calendar will now appear overlaid on your personal Google calendar.
Fitness Connect
Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.
Discounts for staff
20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parking
Staff can receive a 20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parking, Melbourne Airport (Tullamarine). The discount applies whether for business and leisure purposes.
A 15% discount is available to family and friends of Monash employees. Read more information online.
Avis car hire
Avis is pleased to offer special discount leisure rates to Monash University staff;
1. Discounted daily rates plus reduced accident excess from $3020 to $1500
2. Avis Holiday Pass offering free days or discounts
For extra discounts, visit Avis Holiday Pass for vouchers giving you:
- 3rd day of a weekend rental FREE
- 6th day of any rental FREE
- $10 off a 2-day weekend rental
For more information visit the Avis leisure rate information online
Travel insurance
Monash has negotiated heavily discounted travel insurance rates with ACE Insurance Limited (ACE) for employees, Alumni and their families when travelling domestically or internationally on holidays.
ACE Insurance Limited (Australia) is a member of the ACE Group of Companies®, a global leader in insurance and reinsurance. The ACE Group has been operating in Australia for over 50 years and is distinguished by its underwriting expertise, superior claims handling and global franchise, which includes offices in more than 50 countries and clients in more than 170 countries.
ACE offers ‘Ina-Suitcase’ – an online insurance product available to you around the clock. You can access it anytime at your convenience; be it months before your holiday or a few hours before your flight takes off!
For more information visit the Leisure and Travel discounts webpage or Get a free online quote now
BUPA (HBA) health insurance staff discount
Monash staff who sign up as a new member with BUPA on the Monash University Corporate Health Plan receive access to a specially designed corporate suite of Health Insurance products that are not available to the general public.
Monash offer:
2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on extras.
Other corporate benefits include:
Your monthly premium is paid from your Monash pay so there’s no need for direct debit or credit card
- BUPA will waive 1 excess for singles and 2 excesses for families for same day or overnight admissions into hospital.^
- Claim more back – members on corporate extras covers can increase the amount they can claim each year by a set amount for most services for the first six years. As part of Monash University corporate health plan you can start claiming at year 3 Loyalty maximums and will increase each year for the next 3 years.
- A range of discounts and deals from specially selected partners, so whether it’s fitness and sports you’re interested in or rest, relaxation and travel—you can choose what suits your needs.‡
More info: Visit a BUPA Retail Centre or call 1800 649 406 and quote the Monash University corporate group number – 122265. For detailed pricing information see health insurance discounts.
Save up to 50% at Peppers and Mantra Resorts
Ready to escape the cold Melbourne winter? Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia and New Zealand. Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.
October specials:
Download North Qld specials (for travel November to March)
Download Australia wide special (for travel November and December)
To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff
BMW & Mini Corporate Program
Staff have access to a BMW and Mini Corporate Program, entitling you to the following benefits when purchasing a new BMW or Mini:
- Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
- Complimentary use of a BMW during scheduled servicing (selected models only)
- Door-to-door pick-up during scheduled servicing
- Corporate pricing (selected models only)
- Reduced dealer delivery charges
- Corporate finance rates to approved customers
- Reduced rate on a BMW Driver Training course
- Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
- Programme benefits extended to your spouse
- Reduced National Dealer Delivery Fee
- Complimentary valet service during scheduled servicing
- Corporate finance rates to approved customers
- A dedicated Corporate Sales Manager at your local MINI Garage
Your spouse is also entitled to purchase a new BMW or Mini and enjoy all the benefits of the Corporate Programme.
For more information visit the Wellbeing at Monash discounts
adiCentre exclusive invitation, 40% off storewide*
adidas has opened a new and improved retail store and outlet. Monash staff are invited to receive 40% off storewide. *Excluding watches, sunglasses, miCoach & TMaG clubs
When: Monday 1 – Friday 5 October and Saturday 27 October
Where: 21/35 Dunlop Rd, Mulgrave
Opening hours: Monday –Friday 9am-5pm (Thursday to 6pm), Saturday 27 October 9am-1pm
Where: 21/35 Dunlop Road, Mulgrave, 3170
Register: You must register to attend, phone 92635276
Magazine subscriptions, 10% discount
Just in time for christmas, staff can purchase a range of magazine subscriptions for yourself or gifts. Available title include APC, Australian PC User, Australian Geographic, Cleo, Cosmo, Money, Motor, Wheels and more. To purchase visit Wellbeing at Monash discounts
Massive golf savings – Churchill Park Golf Club
Great news for all Monash University staff members – our friends at Churchill Park Golf Club have set up some great offers to get you up and out on the course again!
Monash University staff are now eligible to receive your choice of:
Green Fee specials:
- 18 Hole West Course* – $16
- 9 Hole East Course* – $10
- Beginner Golf Program* – $49 (4 one hour sessions)
- Private Golf Lesson* – $59
*Bookings are essential, 18 Hole West Course offer only available Monday to Friday. To be eligible to receive these offers, and for more information – register online!
New salary packaging option for staff at the Book & Merchandise Shops
Monash staff can now salary package items at the Book and Merchandise Shops.
Staff benefit by receiving a reimbursement of GST paid and can reduce gross taxable income through salary packaging.
Items available for salary packaging include (but are not limited to) all books, stationary, general gifts, cosmetics, Kodak products, Monash apparel, Oxfam and Fair Trade products. Salary packaging does not apply to services including dry-cleaning and special items such as discount movie tickets and gift vouchers.
For more information, and to collect your free salary packaging booklet and receipt holder, visit the Monash Retail website.
Complimentary Comedy Club tickets
The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff a great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.
View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp).
Where: The Athenaeum Theatre, Upstairs @ 188 Collins Street, Melbourne
Availability: Bookings are essential and subject to availability. To check availability phone 9650 1977 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 10am–5pm and advise you are from Monash University.
Other discounts available to Monash staff
- Doncaster MINI & BMW Corporate Program
- Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
- Feel neck pain, free initial visit
- Lite n’ Easy 7 day meal pack discount
- Aussie Farmers Direct first order discount
- Dell – up to 15% discount
- Magazines – 10% subscriptions
- The Convenient Kitchen – 10% discount
Visit discounts for staff for more information