Wellbeing @ Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – December 2013
Thursday, December 5th, 2013Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.
Contact us at wellbeing@monash.edu
In the December edition:
- Wellbeing events and news
- Monash Sport news and offers
- TeamMONASH news
- Employee benefits and discounts
Wellbeing at Monash Events and News
With the festive just open us, its time to enjoy the festive season and stay healthy!
The festival season comes only once a year and it’s a great time to catch up with family, friends and colleagues to share a wonderful meal together. There’s always a long line of events to attend – lunches, dinners, drinks – all packed with great food and good wine! And, there’s no need to miss out – just remember to try and make the healthier choices and enjoy the festive season without the festive kilos! Whether you’re organising the office party or the Christmas lunch, here are some tips to help you have fun without packing on the traditional extra kilos:
- Stay away from fried foods or if you have to, limit yourself to only one or two treats
- Opt for the healthier options, salads, vegetarian options, grilled or roasted meats
- Try the healthier snack options like low fat dips with pita bread or vegetable sticks
- Choose delicious fresh fruit over sugary deserts
- Always remember to drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated
- Drink less soft drink and juices
- Limit yourself to only a small amount of alcohol
- If taking food to an event, take a healthy option ie vegetarian quiche, salad, frittata
- Regift food presents like chocolates and biscuits or share them with others so you don’t consume them all yourself
- Remember to maintain a regular exercise program to steer off those unwanted kilos
Most importantly, remember to have a great break and a wonderful festive season!
We’re all winners in the 10,000 Steps Challenge
Teams taking part in this year’s 10,000 steps challenge completed a staggering 750million steps during the four week event.
The 328 teams were made up of staff from Monash’s campuses in Victoria, Malaysia and South Africa.
The top prize, for the team that was first to complete the virtual walk around Tasmania, went to “eSol Spartans” from Clayton with the team with the highest number of steps going to “Persian Catwalk” from Clayton. Other winners were:
Best campus participation: Bendigo
Teams from each campus who completed the challenge first
- Clayton: eSols – Spartans
- Caulfield: Roadrunners
- Parkville: The Walking Dread
- Peninsula: MPARC Legends
- Berwick: eSol Berwy Healthy
- Gippsland: Unif(i)ed Steppers
- Bendigo: The Itchy Feet Gang
- Alfred: Lost in Pace
- Malaysia The Infinite Walkers
- South Africa Library Walkers
At a lunch to celebrate the end of the event, guest of honour, Professor Edwina Cornish, Provost and Senior Vice-President, congratulated all participants for taking part. She also highlighted the benefits of taking time out for activity, not just on physical wellbeing but also mental health and added that it helped to increase productivity.
Academics from BASE (Be Active Sleep Eat), a world first centre at Clayton – bringing together research into sleep, nutrition and exercise also formed a panel discussion and presented information on the benefits of physical activity, healthy eating and achieving good sleep patterns.
Participants were encouraged to continue their healthy exercise program and keep walking!
Its holiday time and what a great time to ramp up your daily exercise regime.
Not only will you increase your fitness, but you might also stave off those unwanted
and unhealthy kilos
Here are some simple tips to help you along the way:
- Set up a daily routine and enjoy a regular walk in your local park or around your neighbourhood
- Form a walking group
- Grab your family and friends, pack a picnic and the cricket set and pop down to one
of the many picturesque parks and gardens around Melbourne and Victoria - Arrange family activities that involve exercise like going for a swim, or hike
- Sign up to a fun activity like dancing or zumba
For a range of activities to keep you moving, click here.
Join the Camp Australia School Holiday Program
With school holidays rapidly approaching, parents are reminded that Camp Australia are now running the University’s School Holiday Program. The summer program will be the first where the full program is hosted in a newly renovated space in the Monash Sport building. Camp Australia offer a variety of fun and entertaining experiences for your child, including real life puppet shows; sports spectaculars and toy bear making.
This program also sees the introduction of excursions such as a day of fun roller skating and a gymnastics day with a team of experts providing a range of activities to keep children running, hopping, skipping and dodging their way through the day!
The Holiday Program runs from Monday 6 January – Friday 24 January for all children aged 5-12, on the Clayton campus. For further details, or to contact Camp Australia to register, please visit http://www.campaustralia.com.au/
‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook 
Get information about the latest events, special offers, discounts and news by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook. Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.
Order a delicious fruit box for your next staff meeting or event
At Monash we encourage staff to make the healthy choice when providing food for staff meetings and events. Why not try a delicious box of fruit at your next meeting and event?
FruitAddicts offers Monash departments an excellent fresh box of fruit, with free delivery to Monash campuses and 10% discount off the following prices –
Box of 30 fruit pieces $24
Box of 45 fruit pieces $34
Box of 60 fruit pieces $44
To order contact Steve at FruitAddicts or phone 1300 438 378 and quote ‘Monash Wellbeing’. Payment can be made via cheque, credit card or monthly invoicing.
You can order these and find many more suggestions in our Health Smart Healthy Catering brochure or the Catering How To Buy Guide.
Do you cycle to work or run/walk regularly at lunchtime?
The University Wellbeing KPI aims to achieve 30% participation in wellbeing events and programs.
Staff who regularly participate wellbeing related activity during their work day can now log their participation in a database to help contribute to their Faculty/Division Wellbeing KPI.
Regularly is defined as at least once per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes during your work day (Monday to Friday).
Log your participation in the Wellbeing KPI form.
Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program
Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals
About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks.
Cost: $19.50 per session for 13 week program. Payment can be in cash, credit card or pay $50 upfront then 3 monthly instalments. Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.
Do you wear glasses? Monash eye glasses collection
Do you have old eye glasses sitting in your desk draw? Wellbeing @ Monash is now collecting used eye glasses for the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.
Send your unwanted eye glasses via internal mail to Wellbeing @ Monash – OHS, Building 40P, Clayton
Monash Sport news and offers
Health and Fitness Options for Monash Staff
At Monash Sport, we want all Monash University staff members to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Because of this, we have introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff. The variety of options available has been tailored so that each and every staff member is able to join the centre and able to achieve their fitness goals whether it is individually or as a group.
The Health and Fitness Options for Monash University
Staff includes Centre memberships, participation in the SWAP Group Exercise and casual visits.
For any further enquiries please contact our friendly staff or come down and visit us with your voucher for a 7 Day Trial.
Hot weather exercise tips
Exercise in hot weather can often be a daunting task. Overexerting yourself in the heat can lead to heat stress, heat stroke or other complications.
However, just because the hot weather is finally upon us, doesn’t mean it’s time to stop exercising regularly. In the hot weather, it’s important to exercise smart, not less.
Below are six handy tips to help you get the most out of your summer workout:
Exercise smarter – avoid working out during the hottest parts of the day, preferably exercising when the sun’s heat is minimal – early in the morning or in the evening. Always keep in mind other fitness options – visiting our indoor fitness centre, or going for a cool dip in the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool.
Hydration – drinking water during a workout in summer is vital to keep you going. Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after physical activity. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.
Know your limits – know the signs of danger and know your own limits. If you’re feeling the effects of the heat while working out, stop, seek refuge in a cool place and rehydrate.
Find a friend – If you are able to, team up with a friend of family member. You’ll be safer if one of you does experience heat stroke, plus it is more fun.
Ease into the weather – let your body adjust to working out in hotter weather. If a day is hotter than what you’re used to working out in, start off slow and build back up to your regular workout.
Don’t dress to impress – wear lightweight clothing with breathable fabrics. Avoid dark coloured clothing; instead opt for something white or similarly light-coloured. Hats are always a good idea to keep the sun off your head. Always remember to wear sunscreen if you’re heading outside.
Christmas Close Down Hours
Just a reminder to all our members and visitors – Monash Sport is closed for Christmas!
All Monash Sport facilities and services will be closed from Saturday 21 December, 2013 to Wednesday 1 January, 2014 (inclusive), reopening Thursday 2 January, 2014.
We hope everyone has a great holiday season and stays healthy and safe during the break.
Stadium Change Room Update
Over the past month we’ve been busy with refurbishments to our stadium change rooms in Clayton. We foresee the project being completed in readiness for 2014. Upon completion, the refurbishment project will:
- Provide an improved change and amenities environment for members and customers
- Respond to significant customer feedback regarding the current condition of the change rooms.
- Improve the provision of accessibility change facilities for people with a disability.
In the meantime, we thank all our members for their patience. We are looking forward to delivering our members and customers significantly improved change facilities in the near future.
Fitness Connect
Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.
Tennis $2 Happy Hour
Step away from your desk and onto the court! Monash Sport is making this easier for you by introducing a $2 Happy Hour during your lunch break!
All Monash staff and students are able to play up to two hours of tennis at the Clayton courts for only $2 per hour between 12-2pm Monday – Friday. This works out to be over an 85% saving off the standard Non-Student Off-Peak rate! Bookings can be made up to one week in advance and you are able to find all court booking information on our website.
Doug Ellis Pool Refurbishments are Completed
We’ve come a long way since the refurbishments on the Doug Ellis pool commenced in September, and now we’re proud to present the finished area to the public.
Over the past few months we’ve refurbished the change room area to better cater for a wider variety of people and needs. The newly refurbished space now features:
- A new and improved family change area with individual change cubicles
- New and improved Accessible Change Rooms
- An expanded group change area
- An open rinse shower area adjacent to the pool deck
- New fixtures and finishes throughout
- New Monotek flooring system in the Change Rooms and Pool Hall
We look forward to seeing the improved aquatic environment being used and enjoyed by all!
TeamMONASH news
Monash University Sport Hall of Fame
The Monash University Sport Hall of Fame inducted two new members at the inaugural Great Sport Debate in November.
Monash Sport wishes to congratulate Peter Moore and Travis Brooks, the two new inductees.
Travis Brooks was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2005. He played 143 international caps and scored 51 goals for the Kookaburras between 2003 and 2008.
He achieved gold medals at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, the 2005 Champions Trophy in Chenai, the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne and the 2008 Champions Trophy in Rotterdam. He also earned himself the silver at the 2007 Champions Trophy in Kuala Lumpur and bronze at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
Peter Moore played 249 games in his AFL careers at Collingwood and Melbourne football clubs and scored a total 243 goals. He was awarded the Brownlow Medal in 1979 and 1984 and the Copeland Trophy in 1979 and 1980.
He was Collingwood FC’s leading goal kicker in 1977 and 1978 and was Collingwood captain between 1981 and 1982. Named in the All-Australian team in 1979, he was inducted into the AFL Hall of Fame in 2005 and named in the Melbourne FC’s 150 Heroes in 2008. He’s also in the Collingwood FC Hall of Fame and a Legend and Life Member of the club.
Funds raised from the event went towards support future elite athletes in the Enhanced Elite Athletes Friendly Program. This program gives athletes the opportunity to study at Monash while training to be the top of their field.
Employee benefits and discounts
Did you know Monash staff have access to a range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts
Up to 50% off Peppers and Mantra Resorts
Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.
Download the November specials here . See the flyer for travel dates and specials.
To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.
Bank Benefits
As a Monash employee you can now access a range of banking and financial benefits including competitive rates on home lending and other NAB financial products, discounted movie tickets, computers, travel, shopping and much more from a range of top brands.
Benefits include:
- Preferential rate of 0.7% p.a. less than the standard variable home loan rate for both owner-occupied and residential investment home loans. For higher loan amounts, additional benefits may be negotiated.
- First year annual fee waiver for NAB Choice Package under NAB@work (saving $395).
- Home lending: 50% discount on the standard application fee for home loans (saving of $300).
- Term deposits: Receive a 0.25% p.a. bonus on the standard rates or 0.10% p.a. bonus on the blackboard special rate. This offer is available for deposit amounts of $5,000 – $250,000 for terms of 6-24 months, for online applications through NAB@work.
- Dining: Special offers on a wide range of restaurants around Australia including local eateries and premium restaurants.
- Shopping: Special offers on an extensive array of quality brands, products and services through telephone based and online service providers.
For more information about the NAB@work program visit the Monash eployee benefits and discounts webpage
10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts
Enter the Monash Corporate ID at 40 Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK and receive:
- 10% off all your accommodation bookings
- Best rates online guaranteed
To start saving:
- Visit any of the hotel websites and select your preferred location and stay dates
- Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates
BUPA health insurance staff discount
Bupa (formerly HBA) provides staff access to a Monash Corporate Health Insurancec Plan, with:
- Your premiums paid through direct debit/credit card
- Savings on corporate products including Top, Intermed
iate and Saver Hospital cover,
- Access to Corporate Advantage, Classic and Essentials extras (with a minimum of 70% back on most services),
- No gap dental for children
- A single room or your money back.
For pricing and detailed information see staff benefits and discounts.
Change to how your pay for your health insurance – New members who join BUPA from 1st August will only have the option of direct debit/credit card payment. There will be no changes for existing members who pay through payroll deductions.
Travelling soon? Discounted Virgin and Qantas lounge access
Sign up for a discounted airport lounge membership for Qantas and Virgin and enjoy the benefits!
Qantas Club memberships offer heavily discounted rates that can be salary sacrificed; pricing: $316 (one year) or $560.89 (two years) plus $230.00 joining fee.
Virgin Australia lounge corporate memberships offer a special price of $200 per year with a $100 joining fee.
Visit Airport Lounge discounts for more information.
Free Comedy Club tickets
The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff a great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.
View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp). For detailed information see staff discounts.
Other discounts available to staff
- Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
- Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
- Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
- Blink Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
- BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, xorporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
- Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
- Dell – up to 15% discount
- Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
- Magazine subscriptions – 10% off
- Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki
- Parkville Carlton Football Club Cafe
- Travel insurance – special rates for staff