Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – March 2015
Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities.
For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing wellbeing@monash.edu
In the March edition:
- Wellbeing events and news
- Monash Sport news and offers
- TeamMONASH news
- Employee benefits and discounts
Wellbeing Events and News
Monash Global Walk Run
The bi-annual Monash Global Walk/Run kicks off early this year on the 31st March and will signal the start of Premier’s Active April and Get Active Week.
All staff and students are invited to get their walking shoes on and take part in the event to be held across all Monash campuses and sites. The event will commence at 12.15pm with a walk or run and will conclude with a Health Smart lunch. Participants at each campus will also go in the draw to win some great prizes.
Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport, Team Monash and Andrology Australia the event aims to raise an awareness of men’s health issues. Participants are encouraged to make a gold coin donation at the lunch to Andrology Australia which will be used to fund men’s health programs and education initiatives.
So, why not take a step toward better health and be part of the global Monash community.
For more information and to register go click here.
Does diet have an impact on the mind?
While there is good evidence to support the idea that diet has a significant impact on physical health, the amount of research done on whether diet has a significant impact on mental health has been limited … until now.
A task force advising on new dietary guidelines is considering the possible role of diet in mental health.
While mental health problems are complex, and can cover a range of environmental and dietary factors, it is now believed that improving one’s diet with brain-healthy nutrients can only support mental and neurological health. To see the full article click here .
Ride to Monash Day
Want to get fit, save money and help the environment? Well, why not celebrate ‘Ride to Monash’ day on Thursday, 12th March. Celebrations will be held at:
- Clayton @ 8-10am at the the Bike Arrival Station
- Caulfield @ 1-3pm at the end of Queens Ave on the lawn area
There’s no need to register, just drop in on your way to Uni with your bike or helmet for some free treats including: fruit, muffins, puncture repair kits and water bottles. You can say hello to other cyclists, chat about cycling to Monash, or boast about all of the benefits of cycling.
We look forward to seeing you next Thursday!
Creating a healthy workplace together
Monash has recently commenced an accreditation process to join The Achievement Program, a Healthy Together Victoria initiative that supports early childhood education and care services, schools and workplaces and workforces to create healthy environments for learning, working and living.
Based on the World Health Organisation’s Healthy Workplaces Model, the program framework provides guidelines, resources and ongoing support to help meet statewide benchmarks on physical activity, alcohol, smoking, healthy eating and mental health.
More information will be provided as we progress through the accreditation process.
Support for Smokers
Monash continues to support staff and students in their transition to a healthier lifestyle, and is actively assisting those who wish to quit or reduce smoking through a range of services provided through University Health Service,and Counselling. Staff can also attend fully funded QUIT programs at their campus by simply registering their interest.
Information on programs available and the smoke-free initiative is available at http://www.monash.edu.au/ohs/wellbeing/smoke-free/
The final phase of the smoke-free initiative will be implemented with a totally smoke-free Monash from January 2016.
Get fit with our range of SWAP Programs
Want to make a difference to your health in 2015?
Why not grab a few of your colleagues and register for one of the many SWAP wellbeing activities availabe. Join a fitness class like boxing, pilates, yoga or zumba There’s so many to choose from. Click here for further information.
Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance
Register to take part in a 3.5 hour Mindfulness Workshop through. The workshop will explore:
- the science, principles and practice of mindfulness
- its applications in areas including wellbeing, mental health, and resilience
- its role in leadership development
- the capacity of mindfulness to enhance information processing, decision making and performance.
Supervisors are encouraged to take part in this 3.5 hour program which in addition to the above 4 points, also looks at what you can do as supervisors, to assist in the embedding of the mindfulness practice.
The mindfulness program for supervisors is available online.
Up to one in 10 Australian women will experience depression during pregnancy. This increases to one in seven in the year following birth. Anxiety is thought to be even more common. We can all play a vital role in supporting expecting and new parents.
Other programs available include:
Monash Sport news and offers
Free Energise Class and Healthy Breakfast
Monash Sport is the centre of healthy and active lifestyles at Monash University. In order to provide opportunities for everybody within the University community to experience the benefits of being active, Monash Sport will be providing a FREE Energise Class & Healthy Breakfast.
Energise is a highly effective workout incorporating body weight exercises with explosive cardio bursts. This class combines cardiovascular and strength training principles aimed at increasing strength, muscular endurance, aerobic capacity, metabolism and power. It will get your heart pumping, calories burning and get you fit fast. Modifications for all fitness levels will be provided.
The Healthy Breakfast will consist of cereals, fruit and refreshments and will be a perfect way to start the day.
The session will run: Friday, March 27 2015
Energise Class: 7.00am – 8.00am
Breakfast: Anytime between 8.00am – 9.00am
(Participants can attend the class and / or breakfast)
Registrations are essential. Please register HERE. Read more information here.
Both the class and breakfast will take place at the outdoor presentation space at Monash Sport. Indoor alternatives will be organised if weather is poor.
Play On! During Week 3 at Clayton
Monash Sport’s Play On! Festival encourages students to get active in Semester 1 for 2015. With Social Sport kicking off in Week 3 as well as the College Clash taking place, Monash Sport invites all staff to enjoy and take part in the fun events and activities.
The Play On! Festival includes an outdoor cinema night featuring the Ben Stiller comedy Dodgeball on Oval 1 Monday night, bean bags will be laid out and all are welcome.
Throughout the week Bubble soccer will be set up for staff to come and try. For those who are unsure what Bubble soccer is, it consists of players wearing an inflated bubble ball on their upper torso, running around playing soccer. The pitch is also inflated, promising for fun times and laughs for both players and spectators. Bubble soccer is as fun to play as it is to watch.
Those participating in social sport are encouraged to hang around after their games, as the Play On! Festival will serve up awesome food trucks and a DJ Tuesdays-Thursdays. Good vibes are promised for those looking for dinner after classes or Social Sport.
The College Clash will begin Wednesday 18 March and will see the residential students take on the non-residential students in a series of fun-filled activities. Staff are encouraged to follow the College Clash and get involved
The festival welcomes all those who have finished classes or Social Sport during the week to relax, enjoy the music, or play Bubble soccer, Play On!
Semester 1 Group Fitness Timetable – out now!
The Semester 1 Group Fitness Timetable is now in full swing.
With all your old favorites as well as brand new classes, there is something for everyone on the new timetable. Enjoy the all-new Energise, Core and Abs and Zumba Gold. Keep an eye out around the centre and on our website for the new timetable.
Group Fitness classes at all campuses are included in all Fitness and Fitness + Aquatic memberships. Not a member? Join today! Monash University Staff get a discounted rate.
Events for students
If you know of any students, please feel free to pass this information of our upcoming events on.
- Play On! – Monash Sport’s festival to kick-start semester 1!
- YOUR campus experience – Are you a Monash student? We’d love you to help us improve your campus experience while you study with us. Please visit a survey here.
- SSAF Rebate – get $50 off your Monash Sport membership.
- Take the plunge today – Thanks to SSAF funding, our Water Wise Program, teaching beginner Adult Learn to Swim classes, is FREE to all Monash University Students. Enrol today!
TeamMONASH news
Mother’s Day Classic – Register today!
Get moving to help find a cure for breast cancer! Breast cancer strikes one in nine Australian women. The Mother’s Day Classic is the biggest community fundraising event for breast cancer in Australia. With over 80,000 people participating nationally, this walk/run event gives people the chance to make a real difference to the lives of those diagnosed with breast cancer.
When: Sunday 10 May 2015
Where: Alexandra Gardens and the Tan Track
Registration fees: $35-220
Options: 4km, 8km run/walk
See our website for more information.
Volunteer with TeamMONASH
Volunteering is a rich and rewarding experience for Monash University Staff.
As Monash University staff, you are entitled to two paid days per year for approved volunteering. You can step away from the desk and develop your personal and professional skills without compromising your work commitment.
What you gain from volunteering with TeamMONASH:
- Make a difference to your university
- Being an ambassador for with TeamMONASH
- Receive additional training
- Entitled two days special paid leave per annum
Am I eligible?
- If you are fixed-term and continuing staff at Monash University’s Australian campuses
- The work is undertaken Monday to Friday during business hours
- The work is not for more than two working days per annum
- The activity is not considered high-risk and is recognised as beneficial to the community
- The organisation offering the position is not-for-profit*
See our website for more information.
Support Royal Children’s Hospital
Run for the Kids is an annual event which raises much needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. You can participate by registering today!
Where: Alexandra Avenue
Registration fees: $48 for short course, $53 for long course
Options: 5.4km, 15.5km
Date: 22 March, 2015
Event Day Information and Registration
Please see our website for more detailed event specific information.
Varsity Challenge – Come Cheer Monash to Victory!
Monash University is competing against Melbourne University in the Varsity Challenge – 2 weeks of sporting competition for the inaugural Varsity Challenge trophy. The head-to-head competitions include the following sports:
- Men’s and Women’s Soccer
- Men’s and Women’s Hockey
- Men’s and Women’s Basketball
- Men’s and Women’s Volleyball
- Men’s AFL
- Mixed Touch Football
how your Monash pride, wear your Monash blue and come help cheer Monash to victory!
Spectators are invited to come to Monash and Melbourne University and support their fellow Monash University students in our fan zone.
Monash-Hosted event: On Wednesday 11 March students are invited to come down to Monash Sport, Clayton Campus to cheer Monash on to victory! FREE food and face painting will be provided with a festival atmosphere. The matches are guaranteed to be exciting – don’t miss out!
Melbourne-Hosted event: Come cheer Monash as they take on Melbourne University on their home turf. Free transport to away campus events will be provided. The away leg will be at the Parkville Campus (opposite IKON Park). Free buses are provided for those wishing to come spectate. Buses will leave from the Robert Blackwood Hall at Monash University at 3pm and 4pm. Arrive early to secure your place on the bus.
In 2014 Monash University took home the trophy, winning 5 matches to 4. Let’s bring it back in 2015!
Please see our website for more information.
Employee benefits and discounts
Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts
Cheaper public transport travel for staff
All Monash staff (including sessionals and casuals) have the opportunity to participate in the Monash Commuter Club scheme and get 10% off their annual Myki pass which can be used on metropolitan trains, trams or buses all year round.
You’ll save $99.50 on a Zone 2 pass and $150.15 on a Zone 1 and 2 pass.
To avoid fare increases and the need to top up your myki for 12 months visit the Monash Commuter Club
Join BUPA and enjoy the benefits
Get Bupa hospital and extras cover by 31 May and choose one of three gifts as a thank you. See the current offer here.
Your BUPA consultant will also be visiting the Clayton Campus on the 19th March, Berwick on the 24th March, Caulfield on the 26th March andPeninsula on the 30th March, all from 10am-2.30pm. Click here to book your consultation now!
Bupa provides staff access to the Monash Corporate Health Insurance Plan, with:
- A suite of health cover options not available to the general public
- Competitive premiums
- No GAP optical packages
- No GAP physio and dental for kids
- Switching from another fund is easy
- A single room or your money back # conditions apply
- Your premiums paid through direct debit/credit card*
For pricing and detailed information:
Visit the BUPA Corporate webpage:
- Username: monashuni
- Password: healthplan
Or see Cover for Corporate (pdf 3Mb), for more information about benefits see the Corporate Benefits Guide (pdf 388kb).
Join the Travel club
Travel Club is a private leisure club which gives you access to amazing holiday deals and travel products to destinations all over the world. Backed by the global Flight Centre Travel Group, Travel Club offers Monash University staff access to the best deals together with a dedicated, highly experienced consultant.As a member of Travel Club you will have access to specially negotiated holidays, products and services tailor-made for you.
And, as a bonus, all Monash University staff who register will receive a $50 gift voucher upfront, and one every year after that, to put toward their next holiday*. With Travel Club’s “Price Promise” you can be sure you’re getting the very best price, Travel club will beat any available quote you find*, that’s how committed they are to ensuring you have the best value experience every time you travel.
So register today and start planning your next trip. *Terms and Conditions apply.
Virgin Airlines Discount
Virgin Airlines is offering all Monash staff a 10% discount on domestic travel booked before the 31st March 2015. For more information go to Corporate Leisure Offer
Up to 50% off Peppers and Mantra Resorts
Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.
To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.
For this month’s specials see here.
Enjoy a 10% discount on magazine subscriptions 
Staff can purchase a range of magazine subscriptions for themselves or for gifts. Available titles include Australian Geographic, Good Health, Gourmet, House and Garden, Money, Motor, Wheels, Top Gear, Women’s Weekly and many more.
To purchase click here.
Bank Benefits
As a Monash employee you can now access a range of banking and financial benefits including competitive rates on home lending and other NAB financial products, discounted movie tickets, computers, travel, shopping and much more from a range of top brands.
Benefits include:
- Preferential rate of 0.7% p.a. less than the standard variable home loan rate for both owner-occupied and residential investment home loans. For higher loan amounts, additional benefits may be negotiated.
- First year annual fee waiver for NAB Choice Package under NAB@work (saving $395).
- Home lending: 50% discount on the standard application fee for home loans (saving of $300).
- Term deposits: Receive a 0.25% p.a. bonus on the standard rates or 0.10% p.a. bonus on the blackboard special rate. This offer is available for deposit amounts of $5,000 – $250,000 for terms of 6-24 months, for online applications through NAB@work.
- Dining: Special offers on a wide range of restaurants around Australia including local eateries and premium restaurants.
- Shopping: Special offers on an extensive array of quality brands, products and services through telephone based and online service providers.
For more information about the NAB@work program visit the Monash employee benefits and discounts webpage
10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts
Get some great discounts on all Rydges, Art Series, QT Hotels & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. As a Monash staff member, you will receive:
- 10% off all your accommodation bookings
- Best rates online guaranteed
To start saving:
- Visit Rydges, Art Series, QT Hotels & Resorts and select your preferred location and stay dates
- Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates
Travelling soon? Discounted Virgin and Qantas lounge access
Sign up for a discounted airport lounge membership for Qantas and Virgin and enjoy the benefits!
Qantas Club memberships offer heavily discounted rates that can be salary sacrificed; pricing: $316 (one year) or $560.89 (two years) plus $230.00 joining fee.
Virgin Australia lounge corporate memberships offer a special price of $200 per year with a $100 joining fee.
Visit Airport Lounge discounts for more information.
Other discounts available to staff include:
- Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
- Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
- Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
- BUPA Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
- BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, corporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
- Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
- Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
- Travel insurance – special rates for staff