Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – May 2018
Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing, Monash Sport and Team Monash events, services and activities. For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing wellbeing@monash.edu
In the May edition:
- Wellbeing events and news
- Monash Sport news and offers
- TeamMONASH news
- Employee benefits and discounts
Men’s Health Week: The importance of social connection by Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue Ambassador, Jim Moore will be delivering a presentation on his experiences with depression and what you can do to alleviate the symptoms through social connection. The presentation will be held on Thursday 14th of June at the Clayton campus as part of Men’s Health Week from the 4-11th June. Registration details can be found here
Men’s Health Week: Prostate Cancer Screening (What you need to know)
Andrology Australia ambassador, Prof Dragan Ilic,Head of Medical Education Research & Quality (MERQ) unit and School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine at Monash University will be delivering a talk about Prostate Cancer. The current literature provides conflicting evidence as to whether men should be screened for prostate cancer – and at what age. The presentation will outline the diagnostic test used for prostate cancer screening, benefits and limitations and methods to better inform men about the benefits and risks of prostate cancer screening. The presentation will be held on Wednesday 13th of June and the Clayton campus and registration details are here
Do you know the signs and symptoms of Bowel Cancer?-Its time to get behind it!
June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, an initiative of Bowel Cancer Australia aimed at raising public awareness of a disease that claims the lives of 80 Australians every week.
Cancer Council will be coming to Monash University to delivered a talk on on the signs and symptoms bowel cancer and the home screening test. The presentation will be held on 7th of June at 12:00-1:00 at the Clayton campus. To register for this session, please refer to the booking system
Bowel cancer is the third most common type of newly diagnosed cancer in Australia affecting both men and women (almost equally) and is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer after lung cancer. The good news is that 9 in 10 bowel cancers can be successfully treated if found early. This talk will discuss what is bowel cancer, symptoms of bowel cancer, preventing bowel cancer and screening for bowel cancer, as well as how to use the home screening test.
Join Green Impact and help make a sustainable and healthy difference in your area
If you would like to make a sustainable and healthy difference in your area, why not register to be part of the Monash Green Impact Program. The Green Impact program which replaces the old Green Program, now helps you embed sustainability and wellbeing in your workplace.
All you need to do is create a departmental team to participate in the program which will run from June to September. Below is all the information you need to know to get started.
What is Green Impact?
Green Impact is a continual improvement, collaborative and meaningful program that promotes and embeds sustainable and wellbeing practices and behaviours into the workplace and will help Monash to achieve our recently launched Net Zero Emissions strategy.
How does the program work at Monash?
Each participating departmental team will have access to their own online toolkit where all the sustainability tasks and wellbeing initiatives of the program will be waiting for your team to implement, achieve and record. Each criterion is a simple action you can undertake to improve sustainability and wellbeing in your area.
The Wellbeing and Sustainability Engagement Team will run and support events, provide regular updates, and will be available to answer any questions you have. At the end of the program each participating area will be audited to recognise the most sustainable team!
Where do I learn more?
We’ve set up information and training sessions to provide an overview of the new program and run through the Green Impact online toolkit. Use the links below to book into a Clayton campus or webinar session next week.
Thursday 31st May:
- 9:30am – 11:00am Information and Training Session (Clayton)
- 9:30am – 11:00am Information and Training Session (Webinar)
If you have any further questions, please email environment@monash.edu
Thank you for coming to Uni Mental Health and Wellbeing day!
Uni Mental health and wellbeing day took place at each of the campuses from 30 April – 4 May with approximately 2500 staff and students participating in face to face activities, exercise classes, information sessions and seminars. The theme ‘Community’ brought people together, had them chatting and put a spotlight on the benefits of being a part of something bigger than just ourselves.
“Monash is such a big uni – It’s easy to for staff and students to feel anonymous and have trouble making connections when there are so many people on different schedules. We often hear from students that this isolation is one of the hardest parts of university life, and so the aim of this campaign was to link people with networks, whether it be within their own work teams, clubs or sporting teams. We have received some lovely feedback demonstrating that this did, indeed happen which we are delighted about!” said Clare Swanson, Mental Health Programs Coordinator
JMF Centre for Primary Immunodeficiencies Melbourne Opening symposium 
Monash Sport News, Events and Offers
Monash Sport Merchandise
Look the part when you’re using Monash Sport facilities, programs and services with our range of merchandise.
Drink bottles, T-shirts, Hoodies and a range of other Monash Sport branded items are available at our Caulfield, Clayton and Peninsula sites.
Remember, Monash Sport members currently receive 10% off all full-priced Merchandise.
Doug Ellis Main Pool Maintenance Project
To enhance your experience at Monash Sport, the Doug Ellis pool is undergoing an essential maintenance project. The Main Pool (including the Leisure Pool) will be closed over a period of approximately 5 months.
During this period, there will be some periods of revised access to the Variable Pool and the Sauna, Spa and Steam room.
For more information, revised hours, and to discuss your membership options, visit our website, or contact the Service Desk at 9905 4102.
Clayton Fitness Centre – Floor Plan Re-Design
As part of our commitment to providing a progressive training environment that caters to our members and customers and needs, we will soon be determining some changes to the equipment layout within the Fitness Centre.
Read the full story, and view the proposed layout changes here.
Wings for Life – Held Sunday May 6
The 5th edition of the Wings for Life World Run saw Monash University form the World’s Largest University Team with 215 runners registered under the Team MONASH banner.
Run Melbourne – Sunday July 29
Join Team MONASH as we combine with the External Relations, Development and
Alumni office to participate in the Run Melbourne event for the first time!
Click here to find out more and register.
Nova Rover – Shooting for the Stars
Four Monash University engineering students have become front-runners to win the prestigious University Rover Challenge.
Employee benefits and discounts
Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts
Medibank are coming to you!
The healthier you are, the better you’ll feel at work, and the more you’ll get out of life. Join eligible Corporate Hospital and Flexi Extras Cover before 15 June 2018 and you could get a voucher from rebel, HelloFresh and Endota spa worth up to $150 each1.
Plus, as a Monash University employee you’ll get:
- 7% off your monthly premium
- A flexible annual extras limit of up to $1500 per person2
- Up to 80% back on included extras at any recognised provider2
- A separate limit on optical items with 100% back of up to $300 per person, per year3
- 100% back on an annual dental check-up when you visit a Members’ Choice dentist4
Medibank representatives are available at our campus to discuss and explain your options on the following days:
- Clayton Campus – Wednesday 20th June & Thursday 21st June 9:30am to 4pm
- Caulfield Campus – Wednesday 20th June 9:30am to 2:30pm
- Parkville Campus – Thursday 21st June 9:30am to 2:30pm
- Peninsula Campus – Thursday 21st June 9:30am to 2:30pm
If you would like to review your health cover with Medibank, please click here to book a 1:1 consult with one of their dedicated Corporate consultants, alternatively call 131 680 or visit https://corporate.medibank.com.au/monashuni/
Lexus Corporate Program 
Lexus represents an incomparable driving experience, and the Lexus Corporate Programme builds upon this by providing a service uniquely tailored to Monash University employees
So whether your style is a luxury hatch, sedan, coupe or SUV, discover luxury automotive with revolutionary design when you drive away in your brand new Lexus.
- Preferential Corporate Pricing (1)
- 3 year / 60,000kms complimentary servicing(2)
- Reduced delivery fee of $995 (ex GST)
- Priority ordering and allocation
- Encore Privileges Programme, including:
- Service loan cars or complimentary pick-up/drop-off during servicing
- Lexus DriveCare, providing 24-hour roadside assistance
- Lexus Exclusive events
To access the Lexus Corporate Programme, please contact your nearest dealer or dedicated Lexus Corporate Sales Manager Nataliya Yavtushenko on either email: Nataliya.Yavtushenko@lexus.com.au or mobile 0477 006 738
Find more: https://www.lexus.com.au/corporate
HSBC Corporate Employee Offer for Monash University 
As part of HSBC’s Corporate Employee program, you can now exclusively save with our latest home loan offer.
- No up-front fees – $0 Establishment Fee (a saving of $600), $0 Settlement Fee and $0 Valuation Fee
(saving up to $225). - Your own Personal Relationship Manager will guide you through the entire process whether you’re buying or refinancing.
- Switch your home loan easily, with no need to talk to your existing lender, when you use HSBC Easy Switch
As a member of HSBC Corporate Partners you can also benefit from a range of other fixed and variable rate home loans, on-going services and special product offers.
To find out more:
Call: 03 9981 7512
Email: karenle@hsbc.com.au
Visit: www.hsbc.com.au/corporatepartners