Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – October 2015

Thursday, October 1st, 2015

Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing In the October edition:

Wellbeing Events and News

It’s time to Get Ready and Step Out!!


Registrations for the Monash 10,000 Steps Challenge 2015: Let’s Explore Italy have opened! The challenge will start on the Monday, 26th October.

This year our virtual destination will be going global with participants walking 2,240,000 steps around beautiful Italy, starting at historical Naples, then wondering through the beautiful cities of Venice and the fashion capital Milan before finishing at the Monash University Campus, Prato (Florence). The challenge, which is open to all Monash staff, students and their family and friends will kick off with the Global Walk/Run to motivate walkers and runners. Don’t forget to register for the challenge before Friday 9th  of October.

Want to win some great prizes during the challenge, like our Facebook page and post with the hashtag #monash10000stepschallenge to be in the draw to win a Fitbit!

QUIT Program on offer for allquit

January 2016 will signal the start of a healthier smoke-free Monash with smoking no longer permitted on any Victorian campus, including buildings and grounds.

We recognise that giving up smoking is a difficult journey, and that’s why Monash is committed to helping staff and students who need support in their efforts to quit or reduce smoking.

To support smokers who wish to reduce or cease smoking, a range of support services are available through the University Health and Counselling services.  Staff and students can also now participate in fully funded QUIT programs by registering their interest at the Smoke-Free Monash website.

For information about the Smoke-Free Monash initiative, visit

We encourage all staff and students to take this opportunity to move to a healthier lifestyle.

Start the 10,000 Steps challenge a “step” ahead of everyone else

The bi-annual Monash Global Walk/Run kicks off the 10,000 steps challenge on the 26th October. All staff and students are invited to get their walking shoes on and take part in the event to be held across all Monash campuses and sites.

The event will commence at 12.15pm with a walk or run and will conclude with a Health Smart lunch.  Participants at each campus will also go in the draw to win some great prizes. Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport, Team Monash and Andrology Australia the event aims to raise an awareness of men’s health issues.  Participants are encouraged to make a gold coin donation at the lunch to Andrology Australia which will be used to fund men’s health programs and education initiatives. So, why not grab your team members and get those steps off to a great start. For more information and to register go click here.

Join our SWAP classes today and bump up those 10,000 Steps!SWAP Image no year

Did you know participating in SWAP classes can contribute towards steps for the 10,000 steps challenge? So grab a few of your colleagues and participate in one of the many SWAP classes available at our Clayton and Caulfield campuses and get those steps up! The classes include pilates, yoga, boxing and more. In addition, two new classes Tummy, Hips and Thighs (THT) and Studio Cycle have also been scheduled. To find out which classes are available on your campus, including dates and times, please visit our website.

Women’s Health Week- Finding a Healthier You

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On September 8th we celebrated Women’s Health Week. Dr Deidre Bentley, a Jean Hailes General Practitioner delivered a presentation on addressing the ‘the elephant in the room’.  She discussed five important clues to improving your overall health:

  1. Food eat a wide variety of food, including different colours and food groups.
    • BASE provide consultations with nutritionist for a heavily subsidised rate of $15. More information can be found here.
  2. Movement – sitting is one of the major threats to our health.  Get up and join a SWAP class, walk the stairs instead of the lift, go for a walk at lunch time – it all helps!
    • New SWAP classes for both Clayton and Caulfield campuses are available here
  3. Sleep – you cannot function effectively without a good nights sleep.  Try and get at least 6-8 hours sleep a night.
    • Monash has a sleep clinic!  Details are available here
  4. Emotional health – is as important as your physical health.  Monash offers many resources free to staff if you need assistance.
    • Monash Mental Health resources are available here
  5. Know you numbers – Have regular health check’s and know your numbers for:
    • Blood Pressure
    • BMI/Waist measurement
    • Cholesterol
    • Blood Sugar

Monash University has a wide range of resources available to assist staff with these five areas, visit our webiste to see additional resources.

If you would like to know further information regarding the presentation, an online version is available here and powerpoint slides are available here

Mental Health Week

In 2015, we’re encouraging to value our minds during Mental Health Week. As a University, the mental health and wellbeing of our community is an important priority. With one in five Australians impacted by a form of mental ill-health, this year, we’re encouraging individuals to prioritise mental health and wellbeing in the same way we would maintain our physical and social health.
Three ways we can all do this:
  1. Share with a colleague how you value your mind
  2. Sign up to one of our exclusive mental health and wellbeing programs. From Mindfulness to Mental Health First through to group fitness classes, you can book into as many as you like, right here
  3. Attend the launch of Monash Mental Health Champions – featuring a panel on how Universities are changing the story for youth mental health. Event details here
For more information, please contact Minto Felix | Mental Health Programs Coordinator on

Ride 2 Work Day – Wednesday 14 October 2015Ride to work

Monash will be supporting National Ride2Work Day, Wednesday 14th October 2015 – the largest celebration of commuter riding in Australia. The day celebrates the benefits of riding to work and brings together the Monash community.  On the day, staff and students can bring their bikes or helmets to receive some free treats including: fruit, muffins, puncture repair kits, coffee cups and water bottles. At Clayton, the Bikery will also be providing free bike checks.  Staff and students can sign up for the celebration events at:

Registrations close on Monday 12th of October

VicHealth Walk to SchoolWalkToSchool Logo A

VicHealth’s Walk to School month is a free, easy and fun way for kids to get active this October. Victorian primary students are encouraged to walk, ride or scoot to and from school to kick-start healthy walking habits that can lead to good health for life. Primary schools and students can sign up to track their achievements throughout October and be in the running for fantastic prizes. For more information and to register, please click here.

Healthy Living Apps

VicHealth, launched the Healthy Living Apps Guide. The Guide rates more than 200 phone apps that claim to help people eat better, move more, quit smoking, reduce their alcohol consumption, and improve their mental wellbeing.

The highest score provided was three out of five stars – a score which only five apps achieved. The top apps were Freeletics – Workout and Training, Quit Now: My Quit Buddy, Get Some Headspace, Water Balance and UP – Tracker Required.

The Healthy Living Apps Guide can be found at

ESSENCE of Health ProgramsESSENCE Program Image (v1)

The Essence of Health program is a model for enhancing wellbeing and sustainable performance as well as the prevention and management of chronic illness. Essence is an acronym standing for Education, Stress management, Spirituality, Exercise, Nutrition, Connectedness and Environment and is a comprehensive lifestyle program underpinned by enabling strategies such as mindfulness, enhancing motivation, goal setting and behaviour change. The program has been delivered within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences for a number of years in training doctors and allied health practitioners in stress and lifestyle management. There are several programs available on several campuses and sites, to find out what is available please click here.

Monash University Mobile Blood Donation Servicered cross

Bookings are open for the upcoming Blood Service visit to Monash University from 7th to 9th October 2015 To make your appointment please call 13 14 95 Before giving blood, remember too:

  • Drink up: in the 24hrs before donation, especially in warm weather, and have at least 3 good sized glasses of water/juice in the 3 hours prior to your visit.
  • Eat up: make sure you eat something in the 3 hours before donating.
  • Bring ID: please bring at least form of photo identification.

Monash Sport news and offers

Over $9000 raised at MS 24 Hour Mega Swimthumb_IMG_2339_1024

The 24 Hour Mega Swim, Stride and Spin was held over the weekend at Monash Sport, with over $9,000 raised for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.

From 10am on Saturday morning to the following Sunday, five teams contributed to raising money for Multiple Sclerosis Australia. There were many tired faces when 10am Sunday arrived, as many participants elected to sleep at the pool over night. However all 52 participants were proud of their achievements while raising money for an excellent cause.

The money raised will go towards financially helping people unable to achieve their goals and dreams due to Multiple Sclerosis, in what MS Australia call Go for Gold scholarships.

Spokesperson for MS Australia Shara Gillahan was thrilled with the efforts shown from all the teams.

“So for the 2015 Monash 24 Hour Mega Swim, Spin and Cycle, you guys have been able to raise over $8,700 and still counting. That’s an amazing effort and will help so many recipients of Go for Gold scholarships,” she said.

“The MS 24 Hour Mega Swim is to help raise funds to support people with MS to achieve their dream by granting them Go for Gold scholarships. Which is a financial scholarship to help them achieve their dreams, whether it be in education or employment, anything like that. Just to make it a little bit easier for them to achieve their dreams.”

Shara herself was diagnosed with MS five years ago, and after being supported by MS Australia she has joined the organisation to give something back.

“I was diagnosed with MS in 2010, and I was fortunate enough to be a recipient of a Go for Gold scholarship in 2012. And through that it allowed me to achieve my dream of traveling over to Ireland and UK and the US to learn millinery from some of the world’s best milliners,” she said.

Click here for the highlights video featuring Go Pro footage.

The Mega Spin and Mega Stride were two new additions to the Mega Swim event this year, to give flexibility for those wanting to contribute out of the pool. The Mega Stride consisted of walking or running on a treadmill, while the Mega Spin gave participants the task of riding on a spin bike for 24 hours.

Mega Swim team Team Minky took out the overall winning team award, raising $3,840 and swimming 87.6km. Sally Fyfield won the award for highest fundraising for an individual, raising $1,485.

Georgia Abott took out the youth award and Mega Spin team the Knight Riders won the award for best dressed team.

Monash Sport has held five Mega Swim events over the years, with over $100,000 being raised in total.

Donations for the Monash 24 Hour Mega Swim, Mega Spin and Mega Stride will close a month after the event finishes. Follow this link to donate.

Tennis Court Refurbishmenttenniscourt

The eight tennis courts at Monash Sport Clayton are undergoing essential maintenance works to replace the court surface. The project will require the Tennis Court precinct to be closed for a period of approximately 9 weeks, with resurfacing to begin on 15 September. The project aims to:

1. Address ongoing maintenance defects associated with depressions and cracking in the tennis court surface.

2. Resurface the court pavement with a new Plexipave system including repainting of court lines.

Monash Sport is committed to providing a safe environment for all leisure and aquatic centre users and this essential maintenance forms part of this commitment. Monash Sport will be communicating updates to staff, members and facility users regarding public access availability throughout the project. During the project, the Tennis Courts will be closed, and there will be no casual or member access during this time. It’s anticipated that there will be reduced parking (8 bays) in the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool car park throughout the project to enable access to the Works Site (Tennis Courts). We apologise for any inconvenience, but look forward to delivering brand new tennis courts to the Monash University community.

Footy Colours Day Recap

Each year, the Fight Cancer Foundation asks Australians to don their favourite football teams colours, unite and help support the fight against cancer.

For the second year in a row Monash Sport held their all inclusive Footy Colours Day to support the Fight Cancer Foundation. Staff and students ventured out to Monash Sport in spite of the week 8 overload to sample some tasty fares from food trucks, listen to the tunes from our DJ, test their accuracy at hand balling or kicking a footy and check how high they could jump in the vertical jump test.

Ever the fan favourite, students also spent some time bouncing off each other, the walls and even off the ground in friendly games of bubble soccer.

Events were also held at Caulfield and Peninsula campus.fcd

The Clayton campus event also offered the perfect opportunity to announce the Winners of our inaugural Footy Tipping competition. With nearly 1000 people registered in the competition from diverse areas of the University, the final draw came down to six participants equally tied for first place, the winner of which was ultimately determined by the margin score.

First place went to Professor Chrishan Samuel from the Pharmacology faculty and was accepted by Dr Barbara Kemp-Harper on his behalf as he was overseas at the time. Professor Chrishan not only became the winner of the first place prize – a 50 inch Full HD Smart LCD TV, but also came first in their faculty’s private competition consisting of around 20 people.

Second place went to Saul Block – a Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Commerce student currently completing his penultimate year. Saul won a one year Fitness and Aquatics membership at Monash Sport.

Third prize was won by biochemical Post-Doctoral researcher Dr Laurent Lermusiaux who got to take home a Playstation 4 and a couple of games.

Fourth place went to first year Psychology student Deandra de Krester, who was unable to attend and collect her Fitbit Charge HR as she was in a tutorial during the presentations.

Fifth place and winner of a Fitbit Flex went to Monash Blues football player Taylor Cameron.

A special mention should be made for Professor Edwina Cornish – Provost and Senior Vice-President of Monash University, who was the last to hold an equal tie for first place in points however missed out on a prize on by margin.

Well done to all of our nearly 1000 Footy Tipping participants and thanks to all who got involved in our Footy Colours Day celebrations!

Caulfield v Peninsula Annual Soccer Match 2015


Peninsula captain Ervin Lim, Monash Sport Director Brett Lavale and Caulfield captain Tony Nguyen

On Tuesday September 22, the annual Peninsula v Caulfield soccer match took place for the prestigious MONSU cup.

This year marked the 13th occasion of the match which first began in 2003. With the overall tally locked at 6 wins each, it was sure to be a tense affair.

In the end Peninsula came away with a narrow 3-2 victory, holding off a fast finishing Caulfield. Caulfield trailed by three goals early in the second half but fought back late in the game, controlling all play for the last 30 minutes and narrowly missing the opportunity to equalise on several occasions.

Freya Crocker did a tremendous job in goals for Peninsula to fight off the numerous attempts on goal and earn player of the match, whilst Jarred Sultana proved a pillar of strength, mopping up countless attacks in his sweeper role.

Peninsula Goal Scorers: Daniel Fleming, Nick Mandic and Max Waldron

Caulfield Goal Scorers: Michael Ligocki

Twilight on the Green12036764_10153245787283937_8372435497762691450_n

Monday 12 October the President and Vice Chancellor will be officially launching the new Caulfield Campus Green and Sound Shell at Twilight on the Green. All Monash students, staff, alumni, friends and family are invited to join us in celebrating the launch in an evening filled with fun and festive activities.

The event will feature music with headline performances from Kilter E^ST, and Papa G and the Starcats as well as showcasing a range of our own in-house student talent, entertainment, sporting and artistic activities as well as an array of food and beverage vendors.

Entry to the event is free and buses will be provided between the different campuses and Caulfield to transport students between the campuses for the evening.

Find out more by visiting the website or joining our Facebook event.

Trial Cycle Class at Clayton!

At Clayton campus we are trialling the addition of a new group fitness class to the timetable!

Over the next few weeks we will have a new cycle class (with Nicoletta) on every Monash at 4:30pm. Should this class be well attended we will consider adding it to our Group Fitness Timetable permanently.

Variable Pool Refurbishment Project Completion

We are pleased to announce that the variable pool, sauna and steam room are back open again! As you may be aware, we’ve been undertaking refurbishment projects to improve the variable pool floor, sauna and steam room over the past two months with the following outcomes achieved:

  • Replacement of the variable pool floor panels.
  • Newly refitted and resealed steam room.
  • Replacement of the wood panelling, seating and improved lighting in the sauna.

We thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy the refurbished facilities. Please call the aquatic service desk with any questions on 9905 4115.

We want your feedback!

In order to build the best team, we all need to work together. Please let us know your thoughts on any of our programs, SWAP, Group Fitness, etc via our online feedback system. Let’s kick some goals together!

TeamMONASH news

Australian University Games12039304_952605028138675_4001283566194105730_n

Australian University games have begun – with over 750 students and support staff representing Monash at the tournament, this year is already our biggest yet. For the next five days teams will showcase their talent whilst competing against students from 42 universities Australia wide. After tying with Melbourne University for second place last year with 7 Gold medals overall, this years team is more prepared than ever to do one better and take home the win!

Three days into the competition and Monash has had a fantastic start. On the first couple of days preceding the main week of events we took home the Gold in Taekwondo, becoming the new reigning champions of Australia. After competing fiercely over two days the Taekwondo team managed to take home 18 Golds, 16 Silvers and 8 Bronze medals in total, this spectacular tally secured us enough points to be crowned the Gold Medalists for the sport.

The official day one saw students from 35 different sports competing across the Gold Coast in varying areas. The end of the day saw our T20 cricket team sitting at the top of their pool along with convincing wins from our women’s netball team, ten pin bowling teams and our volleyball teams (who won every one of their combined nine games).12033085_10153199096846243_8755877859009922472_n

Although storms throughout the Gold Coast called a halt to most of the afternoon competitions, day two saw Monash taking home two more gold medals, placing us in third place overall in the Men’s Athletics competition! Daniel Learne took home the gold medal in the Men’s Pole Vault – vaulting 4.30m’s a whopping 15cm higher than his closest competitor. Toby O’Brien brought home our second gold in athletics winning the Men’s 3000 metre Steeplechase with a total time of 9.33.59. Our Men’s Table Tennis team broke a 4 year losing streak to Melbourne University, winning at 8-3! Our women’s squash team also continued their winning streak, placing them first in the competition and in the pole position to win the Gold Medal on Friday.

Wednesday saw the storm shifting and the normal sunshine returning.The highlights of the day saw our cheerleading team crowned the overall Cheerleading champions. In it’s first year as an Australian University Games competition, our Cheerleading team was made up of 91 cheerleaders across 6 different teams, competing in the 6 events over two days. We came first in the 1/2 All Girl Cheer, 3/4 Coed Cheer and Hip Hop and placed third in Jazz and fourth in 1/2 Coed Cheer, our combined medals placing us as the overall champions.11226194_10153204172006243_4214817737236429329_n

Other highlights included our Men’s Tennis team winning every one of it’s five games, placing them in the top spot in their pool and securing their entry into the semi finals. The Women’s softball team won both matches of the day and with two pool games remaining have a decent chance for the finals on Friday.

Overall we have had a stellar start to the Australian University Games and look forward to seeing the finals results of our student athletes hard work and dedication! To find out more updates click here.

The Vice Chancellor’s Elite Student Athlete Welcome Dinner was held to celebrate our university’s
sporting community and its student athletes, past and present. President and Vice Chancellor
Professor Margaret Gardner welcomed the 188 elite athletes registered in the involved in the2015
Elite Athlete Friendly University Program cohort at the inaugural dinner in May.
Monash University, as a foundation member of the Australian Institute of Sport’s ‘Elite Athlete
Friendly University’ program, continues to assist its students in balancing their sporting endeavours
and academic commitments with the full support of the Vice Chancellor.
“Supporting elite athletes is part of our commitment to excellence,” Ms Gardner said, “Few forces
are more powerful for building and strengthening communities than sport.”

Melbourne Marathon – participate with TeamMONASH!

runningThe Melbourne Marathon is an exciting event for participants of all ages and fitness levels. There are running and walking opportunities ranging from 3km up to 42.195km. All events will start from Batman Avenue (150m north of Rod Laver Arena entrance); Melways Ref 2G A7 and finish outside the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). Event date:Sunday 18

October, 2015 Before and after the event you can ‘hang out’ with other TeamMONASH™ participants in our marquee which also offers face painting and a free massage service provided by Recover Sports Medicine. TeamMONASH™ has entered a team in the Melbourne Marathon every year since 2006. To register or for more information, please see our website.


Support a Good Cause and Go Around the Bay

Around the Bay is one of the world’s biggest and most popular cycling participation events. Offering participants options of riding 250km, 210km, 135km, 100km or 50km the ride takes in some of Melbourne’s most scenic and popular riding routes around Port Phillip Bay. This years ride offers 12 different options with a variety of start and finish points determined by the particular race chosen. Around the Bay supports the Smith Family Charity in helping disadvantaged children get the most out of their education, so that they can create better futures for themselves. To register or for more information, please see our website.

Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day

ccgdSave the date! TeamMONASH is once again organising the Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day, to be held at the prestigious Sandhurst Golf Club on Friday 13 November 2015

. The format for the day will be 4 ball ambrose, with participants from all parts of the Monash University community. The goal of the day is to raise funds for the Talented Student Support Program (TSSP) and Monash University affiliated sporting clubs. These programs and clubs perform a valuable role promoting social inclusion and providing broad support networks for our students, as well as the opportunity to allow them to compete for their University. For more information about the day and to register for the event, please refer to the Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day webpage.

Volunteering at Monash

volunteerAlternately, if you’re looking to volunteer, we also have a great opportunity for staff to volunteer with the St Kilda Football Club. Staff, students an alumni can get involved in the fun of an AFL match day. You can bring a friend of two, and each of you will get a free ticket to each game you volunteer at, some merchandise and the opportunity to get involved in the pre-game activities in and amongst the crowd. For more information or to register your interest, click here. Volunteering is a rich and rewarding experience for Monash University Staff. See our website for more information.

Employee benefits and discounts

Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more.

Read more information about the range of employee benefits and staff discounts

Peppers and Mantra Queensland hotel special offers

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers,


Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.

To read more about these and other October specials view the discounts flyer here.For pricing, availability and to book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays. If you have any reservations enquiries, email

Cricket Australia – Group Bookings Now Available

Cricket Australia now offers ticketing for groups at discounted prices*; providing a memorable and personalised day at the cricket.   Visit the one stop shop for a great day out!  Seating can be arranged for groups of any size and provide adult and child tickets at discounted prices* For further information please contact John Goodson at Cricket Australia: Email: Phone: 03 9653 9946 or 0428 409 495

Join Medibank medibanksmall

Get 1 month free when you join Medibank Corporate hospital and extras by 30 September. Plus we’ll waive the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on extras.  As a Monash University staff member you’ll also get an ongoing 7% discount on corporate cover. Your Medibank Sales Consultant is coming to visit in early October, click here to book your 1:1 consultation

Other discounts available to staff include:

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • BUPA Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, corporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit employee benefits and discounts for staff for more information