Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – September 2015

Friday, August 28th, 2015

Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities.

For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing

In the September edition:

Wellbeing Events and News

Women’s Health Week- Finding a Healthier Youwomens health.jpg week

September 7 – 11 2015 is Women’s Health Week!

Presented by Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, the week is a time for women to focus on their health, learn more and take action. This year, the week will focus on ‘the elephant in the room’ – because, when it comes to health, every woman has one! To address just some of these elephants, Jean Hailes General Practitioner, Dr Deidre Bentley will be presenting ‘Finding a healthier you’ which will include tips and tricks for living well, healthy eating, exercise, mental health and looking after yourself at any age.

A presentation will be held at the Campus Cinema on Tuesday 8th of September on the Clayton Campus.

To register for the presentation click here

Get Ready to Step Out


Registrations for the Monash 10,000 Steps Challenge 2015: Let’s Explore Italy will open on Monday, 28th September, with the challenge commencing on the Monday, 26th October.

This year our virtual destination will be going global with participants walking 2,240,000 steps around beautiful Italy, starting at the amazing Naples, then wondering through the histrorial sites of Venice and the fashion capital Milan before finishing at the Monash University Campus, Prato (Florence).

The challenge, which is open to all Monash staff, students and their family and friends will kick off with the Global Walk/Run to motivate walkers and runners.

Don’t forget to register for the challenge from Monday, 28th of September.

Monash R U OK Day? Thursday 10th September, every conversation countsruok-day-speech-bubbles

Monash is proud to be a program partner of 2015 R U OK? Day.

R U OK? Day is a national day of action that reminds us that every person and every conversation counts. Here’s some ways your department can get involved:

  • Encourage staff to register for safeTALK, suicide awareness training (3.5 hour course)
  • Invite your mental health first aid ambassador to speak at your staff meeting
  • Organise an introductory Mental Health Awareness seminar for your staff
  • Put on an event eg. Yellow food morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, lunchtime walk
  • Promote the range of mental health services and resources available to staff
  • Organise team building activities (e.g. a sport or dance competition)
  • Include promotion in your newsletters, Facebook pages, webpages etc.
  • Incorporate yellow into your outfit
  • Share Monash mental health resources (see flyers and posters online)
  • Provide paper speech bubbles for people to write their tips for having an open and post on a communal wall
  • Allocate time for people to call a friend or family member during work hours

For more information and copies of flyers, and posters, please visit our  website.

Say NO to Violence against Womenwhiteribbonday

This year the Caulfield campus in conjunction with MONSU will be holding an event to “Say No to Violence against Women”

Belinda Lo is a senior lawyer at the Eastern Community Legal centre. She works directly with clients on family and intimate partner violence in strong collaboration with social workers. She will be presenting a seminar to staff at the Caulfield campus on Wednesday September 2nd at 12:00pm at H2.38.
If you’re unable to attend the seminar and would like to show your support. Raise awareness with a fundraising walk and BBQ with a gold coin donation (for White Ribbon Campaign).

Time:         12:30pm
Date:          2 September 2015
Venue:       Main lawn – Caulfield campus green
Cost:          $5 for fundraising walk (sign up on the day)

Weight Watchers at Work Program

Want to get healthy before summer begins?

Weight Watchers is once again being offered on campus during 2015.  Staff who enrol will have the convenience of weekly on-campus meetings, to help them achieve WeightWatchers2their weight loss and lifestyle goals.

The program will consist of once a week lunchtime meetings over a 13 week period.  To register your interest, please click here.

Free Online Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance mental health mindfulness-exercises-02

Do you have trouble focusing and staying on task? Do you find yourself getting stressed and overwhelmed by the pace of modern life? Would you be interested in knowing more about a simple, effective way of managing these pressures, and enhancing your wellbeing and performance?

Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress, improve wellbeing, enhance relationships and boost study/work performance. Practising it strengthens the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, brain areas central to wellbeing and performance.

Spearheading this approach are Dr Craig Hassed and Dr Richard Chambers, two internationally recognised experts in mindfulness. Together, they have recently created a free online course, Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance, in conjunction with the OVPLT and FutureLearn.

Enrol in a six week Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance now starting on 14 September, or find out more information about the Mindfulness at Monash initiative and programs.

ESSENCE of Health ProgramsESSENCE Program Image (v1)

The Essence of Health program is a model for enhancing wellbeing and sustainable performance as well as the prevention and management of chronic illness. Essence is an acronym standing for Education, Stress management, Spirituality, Exercise, Nutrition, Connectedness and Environment and is a comprehensive lifestyle program underpinned by enabling strategies such as mindfulness, enhancing motivation, goal setting and behaviour change.

The program has been delivered within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences for a number of years in training doctors and allied health practitioners in stress and lifestyle management.

There are several programs available on several campuses and sites, to find out what is available please click here.

Nutrition advice at the right price!

The Monash Nutrition Clinic is continuing to offer individual dietetic consultations at a reduced rate.  Just like a teaching hospital, where you are seen by trainee doctors, the Monash clinic is staffed by trainee dietitians, supervised by an experienced and qualified Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). The recently opened clinic is located in the BASE (Be Active Sleep & Eat) Facility in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science adjacent to Clayton campus, Monash University and is available to staff, friends and family of Monash University and Monash Health, and the local community.



  • $15 charge per appointment (new or review)
  • $5 charge per appointment (new or review) for students, pensioners and concession card holders

If you have an illness such as diabetes, obesity or high cholesterol, you may be eligible for free treatment under an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan.  Please discuss this with your GP prior to making a booking.

For more information, or to make a booking, telephone: +61 3 9902 4270, email: or visit:

Ride 2 Work Day – Wednesday 14 October 2015Ride to work

Monash University is proud to support National Ride2Work Day – the largest celebration of commuter riding in Australia. Held on 14 October 2015, the day celebrates the benefits of riding to work and brings together the Monash community.  It helps people who have never ridden to work before to give it a go, and it allows frequent riders to stay motivated and encourage their workmates to get involved.
Sign up for your local campus event using the links below

On the day bring your bike or helmet to the event for some free treats including: fruit, muffins, puncture repair kits, coffee cups and water bottles.  You can say hello to other cyclists, chat about cycling to Monash, or boast about all of the benefits of cycling like:

  • Reducing traffic
  • Saving money
  • Keeping fit
  • And helping the environment

Monash Sport news and offers

Footy Colours DayIMG_0156

Monash Sport is proud to announce that Footy Colours Day is returning for 2015 on Thursday 17 September.

Show your support of your favourite team while helping to raise money in support of the Fight Cancer Foundation.

We will be hosting an all inclusive free event for students and staff at Monash, featuring bubble soccer and plenty more at Caulfield, Clayton and Peninsula campuses!

See our website for more information!

R U OK? Day

660x400-190813042006_ruokOn Thursday 10 September, Monash University will be hosting numerous events for staff and students to coincide with R U OK? Day.

R U OK? Day creates awareness in the community for suicide prevention. Suicide can affect many peoples lives, especially family and friends of those who suffer from mental illness. However, it can be prevented by simply asking someone meaningfully: “Are you ok?”, and having a conversation.

Monash University is a big supporter of R U OK? Day, with numerous events to be held across the Caulfield and Clayton campuses. One little question can make a big difference to those struggling with life, make sure you ask someone today!

Monash Sport will be hosting free relaxation classes, outdoor sport and informal activities and health checks at the Caulfield campus, while at Clayton we will be offering a free group fitness Yoga Class.

To find out more click here.

Mega Swim, Spin & Stridemegaswim

The MS 24 Hour Mega Swim is back again, and this year we’re making it bigger and better!

You don’t only have the option of participating in a 24 hour swim this year, but we’re also including a 24 hour Mega Spin, spin bike event, and a 24 hour Mega Stride which will consist of walking or running around the oval. Supporting Multiple Sclerosis research, over the last 10 years the event has managed to raise more than $1,000,000 to help people living with multiple sclerosis achieve their dreams!

You can register online. All three events will be held on the 26-27 September at the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool & Monash Sport Clayton.

Any type of team can register, work teams, family teams, swim teams or even just a group of friends. Please make sure that if you’re registering a team that you put your option of SWIM, SPIN or STRIDE in the team name though!

Participating is a fantastic team building exercise or off-season training opportunity with prizes being awarded to teams who achieve the highest points through fundraising, time and distance.

To find out more click here.

Play for FREE – help us celebrate our Recreation Hall Opening!rechall

We’re excited to announce that our Recreation Hall has reopened with a brand new floor!

With mid-semesters looming and assignment due dates starting to come up there’s never been a better time to pick up a racquet or ball and blow off some steam!

In celebration of the reopening, Monash Sport is offering customers the chance to play Badminton for free any time between 8:00am and 4:00pm during Monday 31 August to Friday 4 September. Equipment hire is free although player must purchase or bring their own shuttles.

On top of that we’re offering three free hours when you purchase one of our multi pass cards between Monday 31 August and Sunday 13 September. Pay for nine hours and play for twelve hours in badminton, table tennis, tennis or squash!

Variable Pool Refurbishment Project Completion

We are pleased to announce that the variable pool, sauna and steam room are back open again!

As you may be aware, we’ve been undertaking refurbishment projects to improve the variable pool floor, sauna and steam room over the past two months with the following outcomes achieved:

  • Replacement of the variable pool floor panels.
  • Newly refitted and resealed steam room.
  • Replacement of the wood panelling, seating and improved lighting in the sauna.

We are pleased to advise that all of these areas will be reopen for operation on Saturday 29 August, 2015. The variable pool will reopen at a fixed depth of 1m and Monash Sport is continuing to work with contract partners on the operation of the movable floor.

We thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy the refurbished facilities.

Please call the aquatic service desk with any questions on 9905 4115.

We want your feedback!

In order to build the best team, we all need to work together. Please let us know your thoughts on any of our programs, SWAP, Group Fitness, etc via our online feedback system. Let’s kick some goals together!

TeamMONASH news

Australian University GamesAUG

The team captains have been named and the countdown has begun for this years Australian University Games. With six weeks to go, preparations are well and truly underway!

Running from 27 September to 2 October, the games are building up to be our biggest year yet, with over 50 teams, 100 support staff and 650 students representing Monash.

With both team captains – Alexandra Gummer and Craig Dent having represented Monash at previous evens we’re expecting this year to be a success!

The Vice Chancellor’s Elite Student Athlete Welcome Dinner was held to celebrate our university’s
sporting community and its student athletes, past and present. President and Vice Chancellor
Professor Margaret Gardner welcomed the 188 elite athletes registered in the involved in the2015
Elite Athlete Friendly University Program cohort at the inaugural dinner in May.
Monash University, as a foundation member of the Australian Institute of Sport’s ‘Elite Athlete
Friendly University’ program, continues to assist its students in balancing their sporting endeavours
and academic commitments with the full support of the Vice Chancellor.
“Supporting elite athletes is part of our commitment to excellence,” Ms Gardner said, “Few forces
are more powerful for building and strengthening communities than sport.”

Indigenous Sport Forum

Yulengj Indigenous Engagement Unit and TeamMONASH are proud to bring a timely event which will discuss whether there is a level playing field in sport – on and off the ground.

Join Jason Mifsud (Senior Advisor, Indigenous & Multicultural Affairs, AFL), Belinda Jakiel (former heptathlete and Director of the KorinGamadji Institute) and Kyle Vander Kuyp (Olympian) to hear about their experiences in sports and sports administration.

The event is running between 12-1pm Friday 4 September, at the Campus Centre Cinema and should be an interesting and thought provoking session. We would love to see you there!

Please register here:

Melbourne Marathon – participate with TeamMONASH!


The Melbourne Marathon is an exciting event for participants of all ages and fitness levels. There are running and walking opportunities ranging from 3km up to 42.195km. All events will start from Batman Avenue (150m north of Rod Laver Arena entrance); Melways Ref 2G A7 and finish outside the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

Event date: Sunday 18 October, 2015

Before and after the event you can ‘hang out’ with other TeamMONASH™ participants in our marquee which also offers face painting and a free massage service provided by Recover Sports Medicine. TeamMONASH™ has entered a team in the Melbourne Marathon every year since 2006.

To register or for more information, please see our website.

Support a Good Cause and Go Around the Bayatb

Around the Bay is one of the world’s biggest and most popular cycling participation events. Offering participants options of riding 250km, 210km, 135km, 100km or 50km the ride takes in some of Melbourne’s most scenic and popular riding routes around Port Phillip Bay.

This years ride offers 12 different options with a variety of start and finish points determined by the particular race chosen.

Around the Bay supports the Smith Family Charity in helping disadvantaged children get the most out of their education, so that they can create better futures for themselves.

To register or for more information, please see our website.

Chancellor’s Cup Golf Dayccgd

Save the date! TeamMONASH is once again organising the Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day, to be held at the prestigious Sandhurst Golf Club on Friday 13 November 2015.

The format for the day will be 4 ball ambrose, with participants from all parts of the Monash University community.

The goal of the day is to raise funds for the Talented Student Support Program (TSSP) and Monash University affiliated sporting clubs. These programs and clubs perform a valuable role promoting social inclusion and providing broad support networks for our students, as well as the opportunity to allow them to compete for their University.

For more information about the day and to register for the event, please refer to the Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day webpage.

Volunteering at Monashvolunteer

Alternately, if you’re looking to volunteer, we also have a great opportunity for staff to volunteer with the St Kilda Football Club. Staff, students an alumni can get involved in the fun of an AFL match day. You can bring a friend of two, and each of you will get a free ticket to each game you volunteer at, some merchandise and the opportunity to get involved in the pre-game activities in and amongst the crowd. For more information or to register your interest, click here.

Volunteering is a rich and rewarding experience for Monash University Staff.

See our website for more information.

Employee benefits and discounts

Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more.

Read more information about the range of employee benefits and staff discounts

Peppers and Mantra Queensland hotel special offers

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers,


Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.

To read more about these and other August specials view the discounts flyer here.For pricing, availability and to book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff

Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays. If you have any reservations enquiries, email

Join Medibank medibanksmall

Get 1 month free when you join Medibank Corporate hospital and extras by 30 September. Plus we’ll waive the 2 & 6 month waiting periods on extras.  As a Monash University staff member you’ll also get an ongoing 7% discount on corporate cover. Your Medibank Sales Consultant is coming to visit in early October, click here to book your 1:1 consultation

Join BUPA and enjoy the benefits


Our friendly Bupa consultants are visiting your workplace very soon to offer advice and find a healthcare plan to help suit your needs.
When you take out hospital and extras cover you can look forward to:

  • A discount off your health cover*
  • Loyalty maximums – each year we increase how much you can claim by 20% of the initial amount for most extras services (up to 6 years). On Monash University health plan, you can start at year 3 loyalty maximums**
  • Gap free dental and physio for kids up to the age of 25 at Members First providers#

Your Bupa Sales Consultant is coming to visit in early September, click here to find campus locations.

Good Health Magazine

Good Health is Australia’s best loved and most respected health magazine brings you the latest news on medical advances, fitness, nutrition, relationships, alternative therapies, and beauty. Good Health makes being healthy easy – we provide the simple advice to empower you to enjoy a long and healthy life. For a limited time only, have 12 issues for $43 which is 50% discount and free delivery. Please see here for special.

Other discounts available to staff include:

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • BUPA Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, corporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit employee benefits and discounts for staff for more information