Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – June 2015

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities.

For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing

In the May edition:

Wellbeing Events and News

Men’s Health Week

2men's healthMonash University will be taking part in Men’s Health Week across the June 15 – 21 2015.

Men’s Health Week is an opportunity to bring an awareness to the health issues men and boys face.

To address some of these health concerns, Andrology Australia and The Heart Foundation will be presenting two seminars at Monash.

The first Men’s health: What every man needs to know will be presented on Tuesday 16th June by Clinical Associate Professor Carolyn Allan and will discuss men’s health and well-being, particularly as it applies to male reproductive health.  This session will also look at the connection between diabetes and reproductive health and will provide valuable information and advice for men of all ages.

Another session, to be held on the 17th June will focus on Heart Health and will be presented by the Heart Foundation.


  • Andrology Australia: Tuesday 16 June, 12-1pm,  Clayton
  • The Heart Foundation: Wednesday 17th June, 12-1pm, Clayton

Click here to register for the above programs

Diabetes prevention seminar, are you at risk?

appleDiabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease with nearly 1,000,000 Australians currently diagnosed and 280 Australians developing diabetes each day. The good news is that up to 60% of cases can be prevented.

At this session you can learn how to reduce your chance of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as heart disease and stroke, by attending an information session delivered by DiabetesVictoria, will cover topics such as:

  • What is diabetes?
  • Symptoms and complications of diabetes
  • Risk factors linked to type 2 diabetes
  • How to prevent type 2 diabetes


  • Tuesday 14 July, 12-1pm,  Clayton
  • Wednesday 15th July, 12-1pm, Caulfield

Click here to register for the above programs

No time for exercise? Get healthy during your lunch break!

No time to exercise after work? Why not grab a few of your colleSWAP Imageagues and register for one of the many SWAP wellbeing activities available to Monash staff at a time convenient to your group.

You can join one of the existing programs available to all staff, or you can arrange a program for your area at a time and location suitable to your work group.

Programs include boxing, pilates, yoga or zumba and cost from just $8.50 per session (minimum 8-10participants).

Learn more about the range of SWAP programs available.

Support for Smokers

CigarettesStaff who smoke are encouraged to take advantage of the free Quit Fresh Start program being offered at Caulfield campus.

Through Quit Victoria, the Fresh Start program runs twice a week over a four week period. The program helps to boost confidence, as well as providing resources, strategies and information to smokers about how to become, and remain, a non-smoker.

Details about the program are: Tuesday’s and Thursday’s: 16th June-9th July.  Click here to register.

Staff from other campuses, can also attend Free QUIT programs by simply registering their interest.

Mental health programs available

mental health awarenessWith one in five Australians experiencing a mental illness this year, it’s important we at Monash continue to encourage our friends, workmates and family to seek help when they need it, without fear or stigma.

Monash provides a range of programs to assist staff , students and their family members to improve their mental health. Upcoming programs available to staff and staff groups include:

  • Mental Health Awareness:
    3 hours, Free for staff groups, requires a minimum of 10 participants
    For information click here. Contact
  • Mental Health First Aid Training:
    Caulfield: Thursday 2 & Friday 3 July, 9am to 5pm
    Berwick: Tuesday 14 & Thursday 16 July, 9am to 5pm
    Register online
  • SafeTALK: Suicide awareness & first response training:
    Caulfield: Friday 10 July, 9:30am to 1pm 
    Register online
  • Stress Release Program:
    Peninsula: Tuesdays 28 July, Aug 4, 11, 18, 25, Sep 1, 10am-11am
    Register online
  • Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance – for Supervisors
    Clayton: Friday 24 July, 1:30pm to 5pm
    Register online
  • Lunchtime drop-in meditation sessions
    Half hour sessions held over lunchtime at all campuses.  Click here for more information.

Monash Short Courses: Relaxation Massage Course

massagecourse2Monash Short courses are offering a Relaxation Massage Course.

This popular relaxation massage course goes for 2 days, it’s based on Swedish techniques and gives you hands–on experience with practical methods to assist in the prevention and relief of common ailments such as headaches, tiredness, backaches and stress. Uses oils.


  • Saturday and Sunday 8th August & 9th August,  10am – 3.30pm
  • Saturday and Sunday 24th October & 25th October 10am-3.30pm

Staff and students are entitled to the Discount rate of $154


Monash Sport news and offers

Platinum Award for Doug Ellis Pool

Monash University’s Doug Ellis Pool has been rated one of the best pools in Victoria, achieving Platinum Pool accreditation from Life Saving Victoria for outstanding levels of safety at an aquatic facility.

In a similar fashion to the accreditation of a lifesaver, pools undergo a thorough assessment of their skills and performance and must maintain a consistently high standard to meet the criteria for Platinum Pool accreditation.

The award recognises facilities which have met the highest safety requirements in the aquatic industry giving Monash a 5-Star rating.

Not only has the Doug Ellis Pool received platinum accreditation but it has also been shortlisted for the Aquatics and Recreation Victoria (ARV) Facilities Management Award for 2015. The award recognises the significant improvements Monash has made in refurbishing the pool as well as the innovative programming on offer such as the Water Wise free learn to swim classes.

The ARV awards will be announced on June 12 and you can check out our video application here:


Monash Games – Register Now!

Staff vs staff, faculty vs faculty, departments vs departments

From Wednesday 22 – Friday 24 July Monash students and staff will have the opportunity to get teams together and compete for ultimate glory, recognition and most importantly bragging rights!

A staff only competition is available on the Friday – catering to staff who cannot commit to a full day of competition. Due to the significant growth in the competition this year sports will be divided into two timeslots. One from 11am to 1pm and another from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. There’s never been a better time to get your colleagues together, pick a sport and have a great time duking it out in the sports arena!

Registrations are now open so don’t miss out! For more information please click here.

Australian Sports for Let’s Chat Program

Monash Sport recently helped run Australian Sport sessions for the final semester session of the Conversational English Program – Let’s Chat on the Clayton and Caulfield campuses. photo 1

Participants spent 45 minutes going through AFL and cricket activities with students, teaching them rules, techniques and how to play the games. For the majority of these students it was their first time trying these sports. All students got involved and thoroughly enjoyed themselves with many excited that they could now share what they knew with their friends. The night concluded with participants getting to enjoy an Australian BBQ – catered by Sir John’s Bar. Most students had never experienced an Australian BBQ and there was some confusion over what certain foods were (and whether lamingtons were meant to top a salad). Fantastic feedback was received from students.

  • Two Iranian PhD engineering students said Let’s Chat was the only hour each week when they spoke English and met people
  • A Cantonese commerce student said that in the first year of being at Monash she learnt to speak Mandarin but hardly used her English but after having joined Let’s Chat finally feels she has made a step forward with her English
  • A female undergraduate student mentioned that she now feels confident that she can actually talk to her Australian classmates and choose the right words for most occassions.
  • A postgraduate Business student confessed that he’d been attending classes at both Clayton and Caulfield every week (despite it being against the rules) as he found the classes so invaluable.
  • A second year science student from Malaysia said that she had previously paid for private English lessons and also attended an external course but found the Let’s Chat program more valuable and that she learnt more.

Overall, the program received a lot of positive responses, all students were excited to come back in the second semester and to bring friends with them. Monash Sport is thrilled to have been a part of such a useful program.

Stress Less During Exams

Monash Sport have compiled a list of tips and tricks on how students can decrease stress levels when studying for exams. Feel free to share with your students.

The link can be found here.

We want your feedback!

In order to build the best team, we all need to work together. Please let us know your thoughts on any of our programs, SWAP, Group Fitness, etc via our online feedback system. Let’s kick some goals together!


Water Wise Program Launched

Last year alone 266 people drowned in Australia, with the highest risk group being 25-34 year olds. Monash recognised that whilst many students have been brought up learning how to swim, others may have come from remote areas without access to swimming facilities or programs preventing them from learning this life saving skill.At the beginning of this year the Water Wise program was launched as a fully funded learn to swim program. It is open to all current Monash University students, teaching them swimming skills to a beginner level. The initiative was designed to increase the water safety and swimming ability of Monash Students.

We believe that by increasing the number of students with the ability to swim we can help reduce the incidence of drowning. Funded by the Student Services and Amenities Fee, since it’s launch date in January more than 450 students have signed up to this valuable program, with numbers increasing every week.

To find out more click here.

TeamMONASH news

Vice Chancellor’s Elite Student Athlete Welcome Dinner

Student Athlete Welcome Dinner

From L to R: Redmond Matthews (AUC Sport Manager Rowing), Margaret Gardner AO (Vice Chancellor), Catherine Barnett (Director Academic Programs Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences)

The Vice Chancellor’s Elite Student Athlete Welcome Dinner was held to celebrate our university’s
sporting community and its student athletes, past and present. President and Vice Chancellor
Professor Margaret Gardner welcomed the 188 elite athletes registered in the involved in the2015
Elite Athlete Friendly University Program cohort at the inaugural dinner in May.
Monash University, as a foundation member of the Australian Institute of Sport’s ‘Elite Athlete
Friendly University’ program, continues to assist its students in balancing their sporting endeavours
and academic commitments with the full support of the Vice Chancellor.
“Supporting elite athletes is part of our commitment to excellence,” Ms Gardner said, “Few forces
are more powerful for building and strengthening communities than sport.”
The Vice Chancellor’s Elite Student Athlete Welcome Dinner was held to celebrate our university’s sporting community and its student athletes, past and present. President and Vice Chancellor Professor Margaret Gardner welcomed the 188 elite athletes registered in the 2015 Elite Athlete Friendly University Program cohort at the inaugural dinner in May.
Monash University, as a foundation member of the Australian Institute of Sport’s ‘Elite Athlete Friendly University’ program, continues to assist its students in balancing their sporting endeavours and academic commitments with the full support of the Vice Chancellor.
“Supporting elite athletes is part of our commitment to excellence,” Ms Gardner said, “Few forces are more powerful for building and strengthening communities than sport.”
TeamMONASH Director Martin Doulton also praised the huge contribution that the talented athletes make to the university and its community.  As part of Monash University’s commitment to assisting talented students, the EAFU program provides support to students in their academic studies while pursuing excellence in sport.
In attendance were also 7 members of the Monash University Sport Hall of Fame. Spread amongst the students, these Monash alumni and sports men and women provided insight and guidance from their own experiences.
“Tonight is a great opportunity for our current elite athlete students to chat with our Sport Hall of Famer’s and find out what it takes to become the best of the best and share some stories of how they graduated,” Mr Doulton said.
The evening also saw the induction of Sam Patten into the Monash University Sport Hall of Fame. The Sport Hall of Fame acknowledges graduates of Monash University whose endeavours in their chosen sports have taken them to the highest level. A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Sam is now an accomplished orthopaedic surgeon. As a rower, triple Olympian and World Champion, Sam’s sporting achievements are also outstanding. As the 23rd inductee into this illustrious group of elite athletes, Sam’s induction adds another distinguished name to the group.
Accepting the commemorative frame on behalf of Sam Patten were representatives from the Monash University rowing community, Redmond Matthews, and from the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Catherine Barnett.

Largest Tertiary Team for Mother’s Day Classic!

Congratulations to all of the participants who braved the elements to participate in the 2015 Mother’s Day Classic. It was great to see so many students, staff and alumni of Monash University walking, running or volunteering for this amazing cause.

We had a fantastic turn out and we’re proud to say that we once again won the trophy for the Largest Tertiary/University Team at the Mother’s Day Classic!

We hope everyone who participated had a fantastic day and that we see you all again next year!

Emer Casey Fun Run

TeamMONASH saw a great turnout of over 300 participants in the annual Emer Casey Fun Run last weekend. With all funds raised going directly to Ovarian Cancer research it was great to see so many passionate walkers and runners get inovlved on a cold morning for a good cause.

The new location at Jells Park ensured picturesque scenery and great running tracks for participants to enjoy.


Volunteering at Monash


Volunteering at Monash is a brand new online system that is set up to match students with thousands of Volunteering opportunities both internal and external to Monash.

Operated by the team at “Careers, Leadership and Volunteering”, opportunities range from getting involved in the TeamMONASH Support Crews, or becoming an Open Day Ambassador to joining your local Neighbourhood Watch. Launched in March this year the program already has over 400 students registered with numbers continually increasing.

The program offers you the opportunity to advertise your own volunteering opportunities via the website or you can send it around to your own students. To get involved click here.

Alternately, if you’re looking to volunteer, we also have a great opportunity for staff to volunteer with the St Kilda Football Club. Staff, students an alumni can get involved in the fun of an AFL match day. You can bring a friend of two, and each of you will get a free ticket to each game you volunteer at, some merchandise and the opportunity to get involved in the pre-game activities in and amongst the crowd. For more information or to register your interest, click here.

Volunteering is a rich and rewarding experience for Monash University Staff.

See our website for more information.

Employee benefits and discounts

Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more.

Read more information about the range of employee benefits and staff discounts

Peppers and Mantra Queensland hotel special offers

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers,


Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.

To read more about these and other June specials view the discounts flyer here.For pricing, availability and to book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff

Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays. If you have any reservations enquiries, email

Join BUPA and enjoy the benefits


Get Bupa hospital and extras cover by 30 June and choose one of three gifts as a thank you. See the current offer here.

Monash BUPA offer:

Bupa provides staff access to the Monash Corporate Health Insurance Plan, with:

  • A suite of health cover options not available to the general public
  • Competitive premiums
  • No GAP optical packages
    • No GAP physio and dental for kids
    • Switching from another fund is easy
  • A single room or your money back # conditions apply
  • Your premiums paid through direct debit/credit card*

For pricing and detailed information:

Visit the BUPA Corporate webpage:

  • Username: monashuni
  • Password: healthplan

Or see Cover for Corporate (pdf 3Mb), for more information about benefits see the Corporate Benefits Guide (pdf 388kb).

10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts

Get some great discounts on all Rydges, Art Series, QT Hotels & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. As a Monash staff member, you will receive:

  • 10% off all your accommodation bookings
  • Best rates online guaranteed

To start saving:

  1. Visit Rydges, Art Series, QT Hotels & Resorts and select your preferred location and stay dates
  2. Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates

Other discounts available to staff include:

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • BUPA Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, corporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit employee benefits and discounts for staff for more information