Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – August 2018
Friday, August 31st, 2018Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing, Monash Sport and Team Monash events, services and activities. For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing wellbeing@monash.edu
In the August edition:
- Wellbeing events and news
- Monash Sport news and offers
- TeamMONASH news
- Employee benefits and discounts
Women’s Health Week
Next week is Women’s health Week which this year has a strong focus on the two biggest barriers for women not maintaining a healthy lifestyle – a lack of time and health not being a priority. Women’s Health Week is the time for women to put themselves first, for just one week, and start making positive changes that can last a lifetime.
Women’s Mental Health – Not a National Priority – Not good Enough!
This year, Monash Wellbeing has invited Professor Jayashri Kulkarni to run a short seminar on Monday the 3rd of September. The topic this year is “Women’s Mental Health – Not a National Priority – Not good Enough!” to explore some of the issues surrounding the current national stance on Women’s Mental Health. To register for this event at Clayton or to attend via webinar, register here
Women and Healthy Eating; Top 5 Hacks
Be Active Sleep Eat (BASE) will be delivering a talk on Women and Healthy eating. Women fill many roles in life, and often one of these will be nurturing or caring for others. But are we nurturing and caring for ourselves? Healthy eating can be challenging but it doesn’t have to be daunting. Come along and discover 5 simple hacks to improve your eating habits. After this session you should feel confident to change at least one habit, and this could be the first step in the journey to prioritising your health. To register for this event at Clayton or to attend via webinar, register here
Stay up to date next week with the stories of Women at Monash by following us on Workplace
Global Walk/Run is back and its bigger than EVER!
The bi-annual Monash Global Walk/Run will be held this year on September 20th. The event will form part of this year’s International Sports Day in collaboration with Monash in Motion. The annual event is delivered in conjunction with Monash Wellbeing, Monash Sport and Team Monash and takes place across all our campuses.
Participants can choose between a 3km walk and a 5km run, as well as donate a gold coin to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation’s (OCRF) research into the disease. Those taking part are also encouraged to wear white, in support of the OCRF’s ‘White Shirt’ campaign.
At Clayton campus, for the first time the 5km run will be timed, allowing participants to measure their current fitness levels, with awards for first placed male and female across both staff and student categories. There is also the opportunity to win prizes for all walk and run participants. Marshalls will be stationed at various checkpoints to ensure the safety of those taking part.
Further details on when and where the Global Walk/Run is taking place on your campus can be found here.
Grab you friends and travel the world- 10,000 steps challenge registrations is now OPEN!
The 10,000 Steps Challenge is returning in 2018!
This year’s challenge starts 1st October and runs for 7 weeks on a virtual tour of the globe. Starting in incredible India, you’ll span the vast mountains of the great Himalayas, journey across Asia, Europe, Africa and The Americas and end up chilling out in Chile!
Taking part is simple. Just gather your team of five, including a team captain and register yourself for the event. Then clock up 10,000 steps each a day. If you don’t have a team, no problem – we can find one for you!
Team members are encouraged to use pedometers provided from previous years’ events, or get digital by downloading the Stepathlon app on their phones to monitor daily activity. A limited number of pedometers are available if requested at the point of registration. If you have a spare pedometer you won’t be using, we would appreciate it being returned to wellbeing at 30 Research Way Clayton.
For more details and to register and step up to the challenge visit the Health and Wellbeing website! Registrations close 14th September 2018 so don’t miss out!
OHS Conference 2018
World record holder Jessica Watson headlines this year’s Monash University OHS Conference, along with a live mock OHS Court to be facilitated by Mock Court International.
A highlight of the Conference will be the presentation of the Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Exceptional Contribution to Occupational Health and Safety.
This year’s Conference will be held in Monash University’s flagship Learning and Teaching Building.
Monash OH&S invites you to attend a day of fascinating, engaging and inspiring addresses from a combination of highly regarded external and Monash University presenters.
The Conference program will provide:
- an overview of the risks and safety strategies Jessica Watson implemented in becoming the youngest person to sail solo around the world in 2009;
- a live mock OHS court experience simulating a prosecution for a breach of the safety legislation;
- an update of the latest safety initiatives at Monash University; and
- other thought-provoking health and safety presentations.
A healthy and delicious complimentary lunch will be provided for all who register for the Conference before 12 October 2018.
R U OK? Day – Make looking out for others a habit 
Thursday 13 September is R U OK? Day – a national day of action and a reminder to regularly check in with your family, friends and workmates. Staying connected and having meaningful conversations is something we can all do. If you feel like something’s up with someone you know, trust that gut instinct and take the time to ask them how they’re going.
We encourage staff and student groups to promote the day by
Getting a group together and host an activity
- This could be a morning tea, random acts of kindness, a team sport – anything that brings your group together to provide time to connect with each other.
Register your event
- Jump on the Monash R U OK? Day website and let us know what you are up to. We have a limited amount of merchandise which can only be given to events we know about. A small starter pack will be allocated to groups that register their event on our website.
Promote your event
- Posters, flyers and plasma screens available for download from the Monash R U OK? Day website. Use whatever forms of communication work for your group ie. Social media, newsletters etc
For Monash resources and information about our events see monash.edu/ruokday or contact Clare Swanson
Same benefits just a different name- New Employee Assistance Provider
- The “Best You Program” helps you develop positive strategies to work through your concerns. Staff and immediate family members are able to access up to six sessions free of charge.
- “MyCoach” for managers to assist with any team or individual staff issues or challenges.
- “Benehub” an online portal, provides you with wellbeing resources, including blogs, podcasts, and learning modules.
Monash Sport News, Events and Offers
MS 24 Hour Mega Swim
The Monash MS 24 Hour Mega Swim is now in its 7th year and is one of the fastest growing community fundraising efforts. The event will be held at Monash Aquatic & Recreation Centre.
Last year over 50 swimmers helped raise more than $20,000. This year the aim is make the event bigger and fill the pool.
It’s not too late to register or donate to the MS 24 Hour Mega Swim, visit our event page or call 1300 733 690.
Read more here.
Doug Ellis Main Pool Maintenance Project
To enhance your experience at Monash Sport, the Doug Ellis pool is undergoing an essential maintenance project. The Main Pool (including the Leisure Pool) will be closed over a period of approximately 5 months.
During this period, there will be some periods of revised access to the Variable Pool and the Sauna, Spa and Steam room.
For more information, revised hours, and to discuss your membership options, visit our website, or contact the Service Desk at 9905 4102.
Melbourne Marathon
Join Team MONASH at the 2018 Melbourne Marathon Festival!
Run or walk with your fellow students, staff and alumni, race past Melbourne’s famous landmarks, and experience the rare opportunity of finishing with a lap of the hallowed turf of the MCG!
As part of this wonderful event, the Monash community are coming together to support Asylum Seekers at Monash University. We have already raised $39,000 for Monash University’s Asylum Seeker Scholarships this year, and our goal is to reach $50,000 during the Melbourne Marathon festival. With your help, we can make this happen.
Monash University is proudly supporting this initiative by offering a $50 Coles-Myer gift card when participants raise over $150 for the cause.
For more information and to register, visit: https://www.monash.edu/teammonash/events/community/melbourne-marathon
Monash in Motion Officially Launched
For the 3rd year, Monash Council and Monash University will be the ‘City in Motion’ for Australia, jointly hosting a major community-sporting event from 16 August to 15 November 2018.
Employee benefits and discounts
Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts
At Medibank we’ll waive 2&6 month waits on extras* 
When you join Medibank Corporate Hospital and Flexi Extras Cover by September 30 2018. Quote CORPWAIVER
Plus, you’ll also have access to:
- 100% back on optical items, up to a $300 limit per person, per year2
- A separate, flexible annual extras limit of up to $1,500 per person3
- Get up to 80% back on included extras at any recognised provider in Australia3
- Get 100% back on an annual dental check up at any Members’ Choice dentist4
- No hospital excess for kids on family memberships5
Plus, enjoy a bonus 7% discount each month, just for being an employee of Monash University.
Call Medibank on 131 680, Visit a Store or head to corporate.medibank.com.au/monashuni
Want to travel this year, its important that you remain safe! 
Are you planning a last minute school holidays trip? Maybe Dreaming about Summer in Europe or America? Perhaps you just need some inspiration from one of our expert Travel Managers. We would love to offer you $50 off your next trip, for all bookings deposited in the month of September. Travel Club are also offering 10% Discount off Travel Insurance until 30 September.
Just mention this ad when enquiring about your exciting holiday! Call 03 52152100 or email travelclubsouth@ctravelclub.com.au
Dell Employee Purchase Program, we would like to extend an exclusive offer to your staff with a special offer of 5% off when you spend over $1,000. The offer of extra 5% off is on top of the discounted prices on Dell‘s website. This offer is valid only in September and October. Details can be found here and insert coupon code: MONASHAUG5off