Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – August 2014

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash. Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities.

For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the newsletter by emailing

In the August edition:

Wellbeing Events and News


Going smoke-free at Monash

Last week heralded the start of a smoke-free and healthier Monash.

Smoking is now only permitted in designated areas at Monash.  Maps showing these locations can be seen at the smoke-free website along with other information.

Transitioning to a smoke-free campus requires respect for others – both non-smokers and smokers. You are free to respectfully and politely remind smokers that they must only smoke at designated smoking points.

Getting Ready to Step OutFrontBlack

Registrations for the 2014 10,000 Steps Challenge will open shortly .

This year our virtual destination will be going global and covering beautiful Malaysia.

The challenge will commence on Monday October 20th and will launch with the Global Walk/Run to motivate walkers.

Keep an eye out to register your team soon!

daffodil day2Why not support Daffodil Day, Friday 22nd August

This Daffodil Day, why not get involved to support those who are affected by cancer.

  • You can order a merchandise box and place it in a prominent position,
  • Hold a ‘yellow’ event by organising your very own healthy Daffodil Day breakfast, guest speaker, auction, raffle, competition or other fundraiser.
  • Make it a ‘yellow’ day by asking staff to wear yellow for a donation.

For more information go to

Monash R U OK Day? Thursday 11th September, every conversation countsruok-day-speech-bubbles

Monash is proud to be a program partner of 2014 R U OK? Day.  R U OK? Day is a national day of action that reminds us that every person and every conversation counts.  Building a caring and suicide alert community is everybody’s business.

We can all have bad days but when bad days become months or years, some can lose hope.

This is why Monash has a university-wide mental health strategy for our staff and students. An important part of this strategy is education, mental health promotion and early intervention.

How your department can get involved:

  • Encourage staff to register for safeTALK, suicide awareness training (3.5 hour course)
  • Invite your mental health first aid ambassador to speak at your staff meeting
  • Organise an introductory Mental Health Awareness seminar for your staff
  • Put on an event eg. Yellow food morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, lunchtime walk
  • Promote the range of mental health services and resources available to staff
  • Organise team building activities (e.g. a sport or dance competition)
  • Include promotion in your newsletters, Facebook pages, webpages etc.
  • Incorporate yellow into your outfit
  • Share Monash mental health resources (see flyers and posters online)
  • Provide paper speech bubbles for people to write their tips for having an open and post on a communal wall
  • Allocate time for people to call a friend or family member during work hours

For more information and copies of flyers, and posters, visit the Monash R  U OK Day? website.

How healthy are your bones?

Healthy Bones Action Week is a national health week that, for 20 years has been empowering Australians to talk about the issue of bone health and osteoporosis.

For 2014, the theme is “Stronger Together” and we are calling on mothers, daughters, colleagues and friends to take three simple actions to protect their bones.

  • Take more milk, cheese, yoghurt for calcium
  • Do more weight bearing exercise
  • Get more ‘safe’ sunshine for vitamin D

Global Walk Right on Track

Over 500 Monash staff from all campuses took part in the biannual Monash Global walk/run to support Men’s Health and Andrology Australia._DSC0480smaller

Delivered in conjunction with Team Monash and Monash Sport and Wellbeing at Monash, the event provided staff with a great opportunity to come together with friends and colleagues and take a step toward better health.

After completing the walk/run, participants enjoyed a healthy lunch and mingled with others, whilst donating a gold coins to Andrology Australia.

Director of Team Monash, Martin Doulton emphasised the importance of an active lifestyle for good health as he opened the Clayton event.

Director of OHS & Environment, Paul Barton, went on to highlight the positive links between physical activity and a more productive work environment.  He encouraged participants to continue pursuing a more physically active lifestyle between now and the next event.

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

In Victoria we are currently seeing over 70 new cases of diabetes diagnosed every day and it is estimated that 1.2 million Victorians are currently in the high risk category for developing type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes usually develops in adults over the age of 45, but is increasingly developing at a younger age. Diabetes, if undiagnosed or not well managed, can reduce your life span by up to 15 years due to a raft of complications.

For a quick and easy questionnaire to determine your own risk of developing type 2 diabetes, click here. Those who score 12 or more will be eligible to participate in the FREE type 2 diabetes prevention program – Life. This program is a 5 session group education course funded by Diabetes Australia and offered at Monash BASE, a dietitian and endocrine private consulting clinic.  If you score more than 12 and would like to have access to the Life program, please contact the dietitian’s reception staff on: 9079 0477 or via email:

Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance

For staff:

Register to take part in a 3.5 hour Mindfulness Workshop through. The workshop will emental health relaxingxplore:

  1. the science, principles and practice of mindfulness
  2. its applications in areas including wellbeing, mental health, and resilience
  3. its role in leadership development
  4. the capacity of mindfulness to enhance information processing, decision making and performance.

Workshops are available in September and November. Register online.

For Supervisors:

Supervisors are encouraged to take part in this 3.5 hour program which in addition to the above 4 points, also looks at what you can do as supervisors, to assist in the embedding of the mindfulness practice.

The mindfulness program for supervisors is available online.

Nutrition advice at the right price!

The Monash Nutrition Clinic is now offering individual dietetic consultations at a reduced rate.  Just like a teaching hospital, where you are seen by trainee doctors, the Monash clinic is staffed by trainee dietitians, supervised by an experienced and qualified Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD). The recently opened clinic is located in the BASE (Be Active Sleep & Eat) Facility in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science adjacent to Clayton campus, Monash University and is available to staff, friends and family of Monash University and Monash Health, and the local community.

Currently appointments are available on Thursdays between 10am and 2pm.


  • $15 charge per appointment (new or review)
  • $5 charge per appointment (new or review) for students, pensioners and concession card holders

If you have an illness such as diabetes, obesity or high cholesterol, you may be eligible for free treatment under an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan.  Please discuss this with your GP prior to making a booking.

For more information, or to make a booking, telephone: +61 3 9902 4270, email: or visit:

Monash Sport news and offers

Caulfield Change Room Refurbishment Project

Monash Sport is please to share their new plans for updated Change Rooms at our Caulfield Campus!

From 29 September to the end of October, the Health and Fitness Centre Change Rooms on the ground floor of Building S will be undergoing an exciting refurbishment project.

It is expected that the new refurbished change rooms will be completed and ready to use at the start of November 2014.
Upon completion, the refurbishment project will:

* Provide an improved change and amenities environment for members and customers that meets current building code
* Respond to significant customer feedback regarding the current condition of the change rooms.
* Improve the provision of accessibility change facilities for people with a disability with a new accessible toilet, shower and changerooms.

Members and users will be required to use other existing change facilities on Caulfield campus during the refurbishment project.

Please see our blog for more information.

Monash Games – Wrap up!games

After breaking participation records set in 2013, Monash Games is over for another year.

Monash Sport’s 2014 annual Monash Games had a record 75 teams entered with over 400 Monash University student and 200 Monash University staff competing in the three days of social sport competitions.

Sports played included basketball, futsal, netball, dodgeball and volleyball.

Over $1,300 was raised for the Ronald McDonald Charity House, with mixed netball team Wii-not-fit raising over $420.

Ronald McDonald Charity House provides a “home away from home”, where families with seriously ill children can stay while their children receive treatment at Monash Children’s Hospital.

“We raised what we could,” said Wii-not-fit team captain, Michael Dower. “Recently one of my friend’s parents passed away.  His wife had trouble finding a place to stay… I can’t image how hard it would be for a sick child and their parent.”

The Charity Houses are particularly important for families from regional areas, who often have to travel hours for their sick child’s daily hospital appointments, and don’t have family or friends who they can stay with in the city.

“I’m from a regional area and so were most of the team,” said Michael. “We can understand how hard (finding a place to stay) is.”

The winners in the staff challenge included:

Volleyball: Pink Panthers

Basketball: eSolutions Abusement Park

Netball: Psyched 8

Futsal: CSC FC

For all the details, pictures and more please see our blog.

Nutrition tip of the month – Variationpush up

It doesn’t matter if you are training to lose weight, training to gain weight or training for a sporting pursuit, it is vital that you have variation in your training.

If you continue doing the same type of training for too long your body will get used to it and plateau. To ensure you continue on the forward path towards your goal mix up your training. You do not have to change your whole regime, you can simply change your rep range, change an exercise from machine to free weights, treadmill to bike, or try a group fitness class; anything to let the body know you are in control.

If you are wondering how to do this simply talk to one of our friendly staff who can give you a quick tip or for a more detailed approach, book in for a personalised Health and Fitness Program to be tailored for you. Health and Fitness Program are free for all Monash Sport Health and Fitness Members.

TeamMONASH news

Participate in the annual Chancellor’s Cup Golf Daygolf

The Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day is an ideal opportunity for Monash University alumni and supporters to connect with each other in a relaxed and informal setting. The goal of the day is to raise funds for the Talented Student Support Program (TSSP), and Monash University affiliated sporting clubs.
Date: Friday 14 November 2014
Venue: Sandhurst Golf Club, Sandhurst Boulevard, Sandhurst
Times: Registration from 12pm | Shot Gun tee off at 1.30pm | BBQ from 5pm. Formalities concluding at 6.30pm.
Format: Ambrose, 18 Holes
Novelty Holes and Competitions: to be held at every 2nd hole.

For more information, please see our website.

Support a Good Cause and Go Around the Baycycle

“Around the Bay” (ATB) is one of the world’s biggest and most popular cycling participation events. With a choice of five ride distances (250km, 210km, 135km, 100km or 50km), once again this year’s event offers a challenge for riders of all abilities. The start/finish area will return to the Alexandra Gardens, the most popular and successful location to date for this event.

This year’s ride options include:
The Scenic Bay ride 50km
The Classic 100km
135km Geelong to Melbourne (via Sorrento)
ATB Challenge 210km (4 route options)
The Legend 250km

TeamMONASH™ will be supporting entrants in each these five ride distances, with particular emphasis on assisting 50km Bay ride and 100km entrants.

Take up the opportunity to train for the upcoming 2014 Around the Bay event. We are currently running free social training rides leaving from the front of Monash Sport carpark at 10am on the following dates:

Sunday, 6 July
Sunday, 3 August
Sunday, 7 September
Sunday, 5 October

These rides will be approx 50km (with stops along the way if required) from Monash Sport to Melbourne University boathouse and return. The bike path will all be off road and people will be there to assist you should you have any bicycle repairs along the way. Get involved, meet new people and enjoy a leisurely ride.

Please see our website for more information.

Melbourne Marathon – participate with TeamMONASH!running

The Melbourne Marathon is an exciting event for participants of all ages and fitness levels. There are running and walking opportunities ranging from 3km up to 42.195km. All events will start from Batman Avenue (150m north of Rod Laver Arena entrance); Melways Ref 2G A7 and finish outside the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG).

Event date: Sunday 12 October, 2014

Before and after the event you can ‘hang out’ with other TeamMONASH™ participants in our marquee which also offers face painting and a free massage service provided by Recover Sports Medicine. TeamMONASH™ has entered a team in the Melbourne Marathon every year since 2006.

To register or for more information, please see our website.

Employee benefits and discounts

Monash staff have access to a great range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire and plenty more. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts

BUPA health insurance staff discount

Bupa provides staff access to the Monash Corporate Health Insurance Plan, with:

  • A suite of health cover options not available to the general public
  • Competitive premiums
  • No GAP optical packages
    • No GAP physio and dental for kids
    • Switching from another fund is easy
  • A single room or your money back # conditions apply
  • Your premiums paid through direct debit/credit card*

For pricing and detailed information:

Visit the BUPA Corporate webpage:

  • Username: monashuni
  • Password: healthplan

Or see Cover for Corporate (pdf 3Mb), for more information about benefits see the Corporate Benefits Guide (pdf 388kb).

Special offer 2014: Get BUPA and get a gift on us this month.

Medibank health insurance


Monash University has partnered with Medibank to create a special corporate arrangement on health cover for you. Here are some of the benefits you can look forward to when you join Medibank Corporate hospital and extras:

  • An ongoing 8.3% discount – that’s like getting one month of cover free each year*
  • Tailored packages for every stage of life
  • No hospital excess for kids on family memberships+
  • 100% back on optical items at optical retailers, up to your annual limits#
  • Medibank hospital cover includes access to a range of health support services, including a 24/7 health advice line.
  • If you have a flybuys account, link your Medibank and flybuys accounts to start earning rewards. See for details.

Call 131 680, ask in store or click here to visit your friendly URL

Note: Waiting periods apply including 12 months for pre-existing conditions.  Conditions apply

Join the Travel club

Introducing Travel Club, the newest addition to travelclublogoMonash University Employee Benefit’s Program.

Travel Club is a private leisure club which gives you access to amazing holiday deals and discounts to destinations all over the world. Backed by the global Flight Centre Travel Group, Travel Club offers Monash University staff access to the best deals together with a dedicated, highly experienced consultant.

As a member of Travel Club you will have access to specially negotiated holidays, products and services tailor-made for you.

And, as a bonus, all Monash University staff who register will receive a $50 gift voucher upfront, and one every year after that, to put toward their next holiday*. With Travel Club’s “Price Promise” you can be sure you’re getting the very best price, Travel club will beat any available quote you find*, that’s how committed they are to ensuring you have the best value experience every time you travel.

So register today and start planning your next trip. *Terms and Conditions apply.

Virgin Airlines Discount

Virgin Airlines is offering all Monash staff a 10% discount on domestic travel booked before the 30th June 2014 for travel to December 2014. For more information go to Corporate Leisure Offer

Up to 50% off Peppers and Mantra ResortsAmphora

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.

Download the Specials here . See the flyer for travel dates and specials.

To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

Bank Benefits

As a Monash employee you can now access a range of banking and financial benefits including competitive rates on home lending and other NAB financial products, discounted movie tickets, computers, travel, shopping and much more from a range of top brands.

Benefits include:

  • Preferential rate of 0.7% p.a. less than the standard variable home loan rate for both owner-occupied and residential investment home loans. For higher loan amounts, additional benefits may be negotiated.
  • First year annual fee waiver for NAB Choice Package under NAB@work (saving $395).
  • Home lending: 50% discount on the standard application fee for home loans (saving of $300).
  • Term deposits: Receive a 0.25% p.a. bonus on the standard rates or 0.10% p.a. bonus on the blackboard special rate. This offer is available for deposit amounts of $5,000 – $250,000 for terms of 6-24 months, for online applications through NAB@work.
  • Dining: Special offers on a wide range of restaurants around Australia including local eateries and premium restaurants.
  • Shopping: Special offers on an extensive array of quality brands, products and services through telephone based and online service providers.

For more information about the NAB@work program visit the Monash employee benefits and discounts webpage

10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts

Enter the Monash Corporate ID at 40 Rydges, Art Series and QQT_Pool_ShotT Hotels & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK and receive:

  • 10% off all your accommodation bookings
  • Best rates online guaranteed

To start saving:

  1. Visit any of the hotel websites and select your preferred location and stay dates
  2. Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates

Travelling soon? Discounted Virgin and Qantas lounge access

Sign up for a discounted airport lounge membership for Qantas and Virgin and enjoy the benefits!

Qantas Club memberships offer heavily discounted rates that can be salary sacrificed; pricing: $316 (one year) or $560.89 (two years) plus $230.00 joining fee.

Virgin Australia lounge corporate memberships offer a special price of $200 per year with a $100 joining fee.

Visit Airport Lounge discounts for more information.

Other discounts available to staff

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
  • Blink Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, corporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Dell – up to 15% discount
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Magazine subscriptions – 10% off
  • Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki
  • Parkville Carlton Football Club Cafe
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit employee benefits and discounts for staff for more information