Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – February 2014

Friday, February 7th, 2014

Browse the Timeout newsletter for information on what’s new in Wellbeing at Monash.  Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities.

For information about latest events, special offers, discounts, and news, subscribe to the Wellbeing@Monash newsletter

In the February edition:

Wellbeing at Monash Events and News

2014, the year of good health! group-exercise-image-f

Make 2014 the year of good health!  Why not grab your colleagues and energise your body using the Staff Wellbeing and Activity Program (SWAP).  Join a boxing, pilates, or yoga program or choose from one of the many other types of programs available.

With 30, 45, or 60 minute classes priced from just $8.50, 9.50 or 10.50 per person, why not organise a class at a time and venue that suits you by emailing wellbeing@monash.eduRemember though, to check with your faculty first to see if they have already arranged a program for your area and your staff!

Alternatively, why not register for one of the upcoming programs.

  • Pilates    Mondays 3,10,17,24,31 March  from 12-12.45pm
  • Boxing    Tuesdays 4,11,18,25 March and 1 April from 12-12.45pm
  • Yoga        Wednesdays 5,12,19,26 March and 2 April from 12-12.45pm

Click here for further information.

Step into summer and keep in shape!


Its summer time and what a great time to ramp up your daily exercise regime.

Not only will you increase your fitness, but you might also stave off those unwanted
and unhealthy kilos

Here are some simple tips to help you along the way:

  • Set up a daily routine and enjoy a regular walk in your local park or around your neighbourhood
  • Form a walking group
  • Grab your family and friends, pack a picnic and the cricket set and pop down to one
    of the many picturesque parks and gardens around Melbourne and Victoria
  • Arrange family activities that involve exercise like going for a swim, or hike
  • Sign up to a fun activity like dancing or zumba

For a range of activities to keep you moving, click here.

Get Healthy during Healthy Weight Week 17-23 February

Why not opt for healthy takeaway during Healthy Weight Week.  While not all takeaway food is good, you can choose from plenty of healthier options. Check out the BUPA Takeaway Food Guide to help you make healthier selections when you can’t or don’t have time to cook.

Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program

Staff have the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program for 2014. With the convenience of weekly WeightWatchers2meetings on campus, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals

About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks.

Cost: $19.90 per session for 13 week program. Payment can be in cash or by credit card.  Alternatively, staff can use a direct debit payment plan by paying $50 upfront at week 1 and then paying  over 3 instalments at weeks 4, 8 and 12.  A $10 administration fee for this service is applicable.  (Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.)

Dates: Programs have been scheduled at both Clayton and Caulfield Campuses.  Dates for both events are:  4,11,18,25 March, 1,8,15,29 April, 6,13,20,27 May and 3 June 2014

(Programs can be run at other campuses but a minimum of 12 participants is required)

For further information about the programs and to register, click here.

Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance

For staff:

Register to take part in a 3.5 hour Mindfulness Workshop through. The workshop will emental health relaxingxplore:

  1. the science, principles and practice of mindfulness
  2. its applications in areas including wellbeing, mental health, and resilience
  3. its role in leadership development
  4. the capacity of mindfulness to enhance information processing, decision making and performance.

Workshops are available in April, July, September and November. Register online.

For Supervisors:

Supervisors are encouraged to take part in this 3.5 hour program which in addition to the above 4 points, also looks at what you can do as supervisors, to assist in the embedding of the mindfulness practice.

The mindfulness program for supervisors is available online.

Do you cycle to work or run/walk regularly at lunchtime?

The University Wellbeing KPI aims to achieve 30% participationWALKING22ripA.jpg in wellbeing events and programs.

Staff who regularly participate in a wellbeing related activity during their work day can now log their participation in a database to help contribute to their Faculty/Division Wellbeing KPI.

Regularly is defined as at least once per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes during your work day (Monday to Friday).

Log your participation in the Wellbeing KPI form.

‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook facebook like

Join the conversation, like our Wellbeing at Monash Facebook page to go in the draw to win one of two $50 vouchers.  Our facebook page provides information about the latest events, special offers, discounts and news.  (Competition closes 28th February 2014)

Lunchtime mindfulness meditation work lifeJuggling

Lunchtime mindfulness meditation sessions have resumed.

The sessions will include interesting information on mindfulness, a mindfulness meditation practice and an opportunity to ask questions or troubleshoot mindfulness practice with an expert!

When: Wednesdays and Fridays,
Time: 1.15-1.45pm
Where: Narthex Room, building 9, Clayton campus

There is no need to book – just come along and experience the benefits of mindfulness for yourself.

Are you a wellbeing champion?

Do you promote and support health and wellbeing initiatives in your department?wellness champion

Wellbeing at Monash is calling for staff who have an active interest in health and wellbeing and wish to help create a healthier Monash community through the role as a ‘Wellbeing Ambassador’.

Register your interest to receive further information by emailing

Order a delicious fruit box for your next staff meeting or event

At Monash we encourage staff to make the healthy choice when providing food for staff meetings and events. Why not try a delicious box of fruit at your next meeting and event?

FruitAddicts offers Monash departments an excellent freshFruitBanner3 box of fruit, with free delivery to Monash campuses and 10% discount off the following prices –

Box of 30 fruit pieces $24
Box of 45 fruit pieces $34
Box of 60 fruit pieces $44

To order contact Steve at FruitAddicts or phone 1300 438 378 and quote ‘Monash Wellbeing’. Payment can be made via cheque, credit card or monthly invoicing.

You can order these and find many more suggestions in our Health Smart Healthy Catering brochure or the Catering How To Buy Guide.

Do you wear glasses? Monash eye glasses collectionrotary eye glasses

Do you have old eye glasses sitting in your desk draw? Wellbeing @ Monash is now collecting used eye glasses for the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.

Send your unwanted eye glasses via internal mail to Wellbeing @ Monash – OHS, Building 40P, Clayton

Monash Sport news and offers

Health and Fitness Options for Monash Staff

At Monash Sport, we want all Monash University staff members to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Because of this, we have introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff. The variety of options available has been tailored so that each and every staff member is able to join the centre and able to achieve their fitness goals whether it is individually or as a group.

The Health and Fitness Options for Monash University

Staff includes Centre memberships, participation in the SWAP Group Exercise and casual visits.

For any further enquiries please contact our friendly staff or come down and visit us with your voucher for a 7 Day Trial.

“So… how much should I eat to lose weight?”

As fitness professionals we often get asked “How much should I eat to lose weight?” Unfortunately there is no simple answer as each person’s energy needs are different.

What we can tell you is to eat smaller meals more often, every 2-3 hours starting with breakfast.
A healthy breakfast will get your metabolism revving and eating every 2-3 hours will keep it revving throughout the day.

Each small meal should consist of:
* a serve of protein (eg. Nuts, lean red meat, chicken, fish)
* low GI carbs (eg. Fruits or vegetables, brown rice, oats)
* Fresh food rather than processed food

Aim for 5-6 small meals a day instead of 3 large meals, and give your metabolism a boost!


Accessibility at Monash Sport!

As a part of our ongoing commitment to provide for all our member’s and customer’s needs, Monash Sport is proud to continue to improve accessibility specifically for those with limited mobility or wheelchair access requirements.

As a part of this commitment, we have:
– Refurbished the Change Rooms at the Doug Ellis Swimming pool to feature two dedicated accessible change rooms.  The male and female change rooms also feature an ambulant toilet.
– The accessible ramp and adjacent stairs at the main entry to the Monash Sport building (Building 1) has been updated to include a compliant hand rail and tactile tiles.
– The accessible change room has been refurbished as part of the Stadium/Fitness Centre Change Room refurbishments.  This change room has been reconfigured so that the entry is located directly on the main corridor, rather than near the entry to the male change rooms.  The male and female change rooms also feature an ambulant toilet.
We are also currently constructing an accessible lift to enable access from the ground floor to the first floor of the Gymnasium.  These works have commenced and will be completed by February/ March 2014.

Stadium Change Room Update

As a part of our ongoing commitment to provide all our members and customers with the best experience while at Monash Sport, we are always endeavouring to ensure our facilities best cater for our wide variety of our user’s needs and are as up to date as possible.  Our Clayton Stadium Change Room refurbishment provides a much needed update to improve the change room experience for all.
With this in mind, we are delighted to announce that the refurbishments to our Female Stadium Change Rooms have been completed, and are currently being used and enjoyed by all.
Further to this, the Accessible Stadium Change Rooms have also opened and are currently in use.
We regret to inform that due to unexpected construction complications, the opening of the male change rooms has had to be delayed by approximately 3 weeks, with the change rooms to be opened in late February, the exact date is still to be confirmed.
We would like to thank our male members and customers for their continued patience as we deliver this essential refurbishment project.

Click here for more information.

The Green View Room

This newly refurbished space, previously known as the Monash Sport “Social Room”, has received a refurbishment and a name change!
Renamed the Green View Room, and opened on the 6th of January 2014, this room size has almost doubled and now provides an enhanced social and meeting/conference environment.
This newly enhanced environment includes:
– Large Bay windows overlooking the Monash Sports grounds providing a perfect outlook of the grounds across to the Dandenongs
– Integrated Audio/Visual System including a large wall mounted 70 inch TV – perfect for conference presentations.
– Inclusion of Male, Female and accessible toilets
– Inter-connecting doorway to the adjacent Martial Arts Hall to host larger scale events
– Fully carpeted for greater comfort
– Minor upgrades to the kitchenette area in fitting with the new environment
The room is available to hire to all Monash University Staff and the public.

Cool Motivation @ Swim Fit

How do you keep your exercise motivation high even though the thermostat is maxing out this summer?… Get along to Swim Fit at the Doug Ellis Pool!
Swim fit classes are a great way to improve cardio respiratory fitness and endurance. You’ll also find it’s a great all over body workout, increasing core strength and muscle tone in a non-impact environment. Our AUSTSWIM qualified instructors can also help you with your swimming stroke and technique.
Available to all Centre and Aquatic members, Swim Fit will add a new dimension to your health and fitness routine. Click here for more information.

TeamMONASH news

Participate in the annual Run for the Kids event!

The annual Run for the Kids event is on again this year, Sunday 13 April 2014! run for the kids logo
Since it began in 2005, Run for the kids has attracted more than 160,000 participants and raised more than $4.7 million for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal.
Participants can select to compete in either the 5.5km run (Short Course) or the 15km run (Long Course). This is the third year running that TeamMONASH has supported this event.
You can register by following the instructions here, or you can put your hand up to volunteer!
Be a part of a great day and a great cause and wear the TeamMONASH blue!

Employee benefits and discounts

Did you know Monash staff have access to a range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts

Up to 50% off Peppers and Mantra ResortsAmphora

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.

Download the February specials here . See the flyer for travel dates and specials.

To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

Bank Benefits

As a Monash employee you can now access a range of banking and financial benefits including competitive rates on home lending and other NAB financial products, discounted movie tickets, computers, travel, shopping and much more from a range of top brands.

Benefits include:

  • Preferential rate of 0.7% p.a. less than the standard variable home loan rate for both owner-occupied and residential investment home loans. For higher loan amounts, additional benefits may be negotiated.
  • First year annual fee waiver for NAB Choice Package under NAB@work (saving $395).
  • Home lending: 50% discount on the standard application fee for home loans (saving of $300).
  • Term deposits: Receive a 0.25% p.a. bonus on the standard rates or 0.10% p.a. bonus on the blackboard special rate. This offer is available for deposit amounts of $5,000 – $250,000 for terms of 6-24 months, for online applications through NAB@work.
  • Dining: Special offers on a wide range of restaurants around Australia including local eateries and premium restaurants.
  • Shopping: Special offers on an extensive array of quality brands, products and services through telephone based and online service providers.

For more information about the NAB@work program visit the Monash employee benefits and discounts webpage

10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts

Enter the Monash Corporate ID at 40 Rydges, Art Series and QQT_Pool_ShotT Hotels & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK and receive:

  • 10% off all your accommodation bookings
  • Best rates online guaranteed

To start saving:

  1. Visit any of the hotel websites and select your preferred location and stay dates
  2. Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates

BUPA health insurance staff discount

Bupa provides staff access to a Monash Corporate Health Insurance Plan, with:

  • Your premiums paid through direct debit/credit card
  • Savings on corporate products including Top, Intermedbupa corpiate and Saver Hospital cover,
  • Access to Corporate Advantage, Classic and Essentials extras (with a minimum of 70% back on most services),
  • No gap dental for children
  • A single room or your money back.

For pricing and detailed information see staff benefits and discounts.

Change to how your pay for your health insurance – New members who join BUPA from 1st August will only have the option of direct debit/credit card payment. There will be no changes for existing members who pay through payroll deductions.

Travelling soon? Discounted Virgin and Qantas lounge access

Sign up for a discounted airport lounge membership for Qantas and Virgin and enjoy the benefits!

Qantas Club memberships offer heavily discounted rates that can be salary sacrificed; pricing: $316 (one year) or $560.89 (two years) plus $230.00 joining fee.

Virgin Australia lounge corporate memberships offer a special price of $200 per year with a $100 joining fee.

Visit Airport Lounge discounts for more information.

Free Comedy Club tickets

The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Thcomedy clubeatre is offering Monash staff a great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.

View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp). For detailed information see staff discounts.

Other discounts available to staff

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
  • Blink Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, xorporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Dell – up to 15% discount
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Magazine subscriptions – 10% off
  • Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki
  • Parkville Carlton Football Club Cafe
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit employee benefits and discounts for staff for more information