Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash & Monash Sport newsletter, June 2013

Friday, May 31st, 2013

Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.

Contact us at

In the June edition:

Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff

Lunchtime GLOBAL 3km walk / 5km run event – 12 June

All Monash staff are invited to take a break from the office for better health and participate in the lunchtime 3km walk or 5km run

Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport and Andrology Australia, the seventh bi-annual GLOBAL walk/run coincides with Men’s Health Week – aiming to increase the awareness and knowledge of men’s health.

Date: Wednesday 12th June, 12.15pm-1pm

Alfred, Bendigo, Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Parkville, Peninsula
Cost: Gold coin donation to Andrology Australia. Light lunch provided.
Register online

‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook

facebook likeGet information about the latest events, special offers, discounts and news by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook. Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook

Free health checks for your department staff

Wellbeing at Monash is offering all staff an opportunity to learn more about their vitaworkhealth3l health risks through a free, confidential health checks.

Participants will receive immediate, confidential results and advice on blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart and stroke risk and more.

If you would like to offer free health checks for your department staff (minimum 10) please contact with your preferred dates and campus.

Start a yoga, pilates or boxing lunchtime program in your office6031208-group-of-gym-people-in-a-pilates-class

The Staff Wellbeing and Activity Program (SWAP) provides tailored pilates, boxing, yoga and zumba, Fit Camp and many more programs direct to your office!

With 30 minute classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you  -before work, lunchtime or after work!

Download the new SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.

Join the Monash Life! Workplace Program

Staff are invited to register their interest in joining a Diabetes Victoria Life! Workplace Program.

The Life! Workplace Program will give you the support to achieve and maintain lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

About the Life! Program

The Life! Program offers you the skills, support and expert advice needed to make lifestyle choices to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and program

Expert health coaching: The Life! program is run by trained facilitators who are health professionals including dietitians and exercise professionals.

Individual plan tailored to your needs: Your Life! facilitator or coach will work with you to create a customised plan to change your lifestyle.

Support and help: Each participant is provided with a workbook; consisting of activities and materials relating to nutrition and physical activity, sleep, stress and lapses.

Cost: 5 session program is free
Register your interest: Email with ‘Life! Workplace program’ and you campus in the subject line.

Get active on campus – new on campus staff bike share scheme

Following the great success of the student bike share scheme, a staff bike sharbike_share_1e scheme will be launched and trialled in Semester 2. Departments and faculties will be able to register to use the fleet of 30 brand new blue bikes to get around the Clayton campus.

The bikes will be fitted with a locking system and departments and faculties that register for the scheme will be provided with keys.

Staff from registered departments and faculties will be able to unlock any of the blue bikes, ride to their destination, and simply lock the bike up – then it’s ready for use by other participants in the scheme.

The bikes will not belong to a particular registered user – they will be part of a shared scheme.

Staff wishing to participate in the scheme should urge their departments or faculties to register their interest at Bike Share Scheme page by Monday 24 June.

Do you cycle to work or run/walk regularly at lunchtime?

The University Wellbeing KPI aims to achieve 30% participation in wellbeing events and programs.

Staff who regularly participate wellbeing related activity during their work day can now log their participation in a database to help contribute to their Faculty/Division Wellbeing KPI.

Regularly is defined as at least once per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes during your work day (Monday to Friday).

Log your participation in the Wellbeing KPI form.

How often do you stand at work?


How often do you assess what you do during your work day. Are there any opportunities to move or stand?  Try to:

  • Swap a seated one-on-one meeting for a “walk and talk” meeting.
  • Walk over to a colleague instead of sending an email.
  • File items throughout the day instead of all at once.
  • Be aware of how long you have been sitting.
  • Break up your day with sitting, movement and standing.
  • Go for a walk at lunch time.
  • Turn up the radio and instigate a dance time-out.

On campus counselling

The Monash counselling team can work with you to help you find:

  • The cause of a problem counselling-help2
  • Solutions and ways to cope
  • Resources or other services if you need them.

No issue is too big or too small. Monash counsellors can help with:

  • Stress, anxiety and depression
  • Loneliness
  • Substance abuse and addictions
  • Negative feelings and suicidal thoughts
  • Relationship or family issues

Make an on campus counselling appointment or for off campus, confidential external counselling call 1800 350 359.

Free Laughter Club – Laugh to maximise health and minimise stress

Laughter is powerfully healing and provides the benefits of improved physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social health of individuals, workplaces and society.
laughter club
The practice that follows a systematic activity approach guaranteeing fun and success for all. It is a form of exercise where participants choose to laugh because they can, expect no jokes or comedy!
View locations around Melbourne for current free Laughter Clubs including Mt Waverley, Brunswick and Ferntree Gully and more.
Monash Laughter club? Register your interest to join a Monash Laughter Club by emailing with ‘laugher’ in the subject line.

Take some time out at lunchtime – free meditation classes

Meditation calms the mind and can improve performance. It will help you to relax, reduce stress and improve your health and wellbeing.

Science has proven the benefits of meditation. It is part of the corefree-meditation-music curriculum in medicine at Monash and our counsellors use meditation methods with clients.

Monash meditation classes offer a range of techniques such as mindfulness, visualisation or progressive relaxation. There is no religious content and no need to book. Beginners are welcome.

Berwick: Tuesdays, 12:30 – 1pm, Building 930

Caulfield: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays, 12:30 – 1pm, Spiritual Centre, Building B, Room 1.56

Clayton: Wednesdays & Fridays, 1:15 – 1:45pm, Religious Centre, Building 9, Narthex Room

Gippsland: Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 12 – 12:30pm, Spiritual Centre, Building 1N, Level 1

Parkville: Wednesdays, 1.15 – 1.45pm, Scott Building, Pharmaceutics Meeting Room 232

Find a healthy balance – and win a $50 Rebel Sport voucher

Uncover some helpful strategies for managing work-life balance and help restore a sense of harmony abupa life skillsnd satisfaction with 2 new online programs including:

Introduction to Stress and Resilience: Be better equipped to prevent, manage or reduce stress in your life – at work or at home. Build your awareness around stress, its causes and impacts, while providing practical strategies to build resilience and the ability to get through stressful situations

Introduction to Work-Life Balance: Restore balance in your life by applying some healthy, effective ways to manage your day-to-day activities. Learn the key concepts of work-life balance, evaluate your own need for balance, understand where your health comes into play and explore some practical strategies for promoting a feeling of balance and satisfaction at work and in your personal life.

First time users, click on the above link then click ‘login’, ‘register now’ and then create your personalised login/password.

Preventative health information brochures

Baker IDI has a range of preventative health brochures available for download including:

Cardiovascular disease PDF

  • The facts
  • What is cardiovascular disease?
  • Am I at risk of cardiovascular disease?
  • Heart attack
Blood pressure and your health PDF

  • The facts
  • What is blood pressure?
  • Monitoring your blood pressure
  • What causes high blood pressure?
  • Tips to control your blood pressure
Cholesterol and your health PDF

  • The facts
  • What is cholesterol?
  • The negative effects of high cholesterol
  • Cholesterol and your diet
  • How is high cholesterol treated?
Diabetes and your health PDF

  • The facts
  • What is diabetes?
  • How is diabetes treated?
  • Monitoring your glucose levels
  • Those most at risk of type 2 diabetes
  • Complications of diabetes.
Read more about the brochure at the Baker IDI website

Are you new to Monash or do you provide new staff inductions?employ benef

Wellbeing at Monash together with Monash Sport and the Campus Community Division Mental Health team have developed a new Discover the Benefits at Monash brochure to showcase the great range of benefits available to new and existing Monash staff.

Include the Discover the Benefits at Monash brochure in your staff induction pack.

Need suggestions for ordering healthier catering?F2L recipe food

Wellbeing @ Monash staff member, Natalie Jones is an associate nutritoinist and available to work with you and provide advice and guidance to improve the range of healthier foods provided at meetings and events.

Download the new Healthy catering guide for suggestions on the best items to order for morning/afternoon teas and lunches or email

Do you wear glasses? Monash eye glasses collectionrotary eye glasses

Do you have old eye glasses sitting in your desk draw? Wellbeing @ Monash is now collecting used eye glasses for the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.

For children, clear vision means a better education, healthier development and a better quality of life. For adults, it means greater employment opportunity and economic strength. For seniors it means less dependence on others.

Send your unwanted eye glasses via internal mail to Wellbeing @ Monash – OHS, Building 10, Clayton

Faculty of IT – supporting Bowel Cancer research

Faculty of IT are selling the new 2013 | 2014 Greater Melbourne Entertainment™ Books as entertainment_book_2012_2013a fund-raiser with 20% from every book sold going to bowel cancer research. Books are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best restaurants, cafes, hotel accommodation, attractions and activities.

Cost: $65 per Entertainment Book

Purchase your book online or contact Margaret Croxford, Faculty of IT, Phone: x32039 or 0418223008 or

Lunchtime Clayton Weight Watchers Program

Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goalsWeightWatchers2

About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks. A Clayton program is due to commence 12th June.

$19.50 per session for 13 week program.  Payment can be in cash, credit card or pay $50 upfront then 3 monthly instalments. Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.How to register: Send your interest to join the next program to with WW  in the subject line.

Monash pre-retirement planning seminar

Not yet ready to retire but keen to consider options available to boost your super prior to exiting the workforce? From maximizing your retirement savings in the latter years of working life to a potential draw down of your super before full retirement, this presentation covers a range of pre-retirement issues including:unisuper-logo

  • Retirement income adequacy
  • Contributions overview
  • Salary sacrificing
  • Transition to Retirement (TTR)
  • Superannuation and estate planning

Date: Thursday 20 June, 4-5pm
Venue: Building 25 (Science), Lecture Theatre S3, Clayton Campus
Register online. For further information, contact Chandra Yellapragada on extension 29585 or email

Get active at Gippsland, Parkville and Berwick

Get active at Gippsland

Gippsland campus walking group takes place every Monday and Thursday from 12:30pm – 1:00pm.  Meet upstairs at the Knuckle outside the eSolutions area (1N-209). Email Vonnie for more information.

Get active at Parkville

Free Get Active classes including: iStock_000008314116XXLarge

Boxing: Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm at Cossar Hall
Yoga: Tuesday 12pm at Cossar Hall
Boot Camp: Wednesdays 7.30am meet at the Flagpole
Mindfulness meditation: Wednesdays 1.15pm, Pharmaceutics meeting room
Dynamic yoga: Thursday 5pm at Cossar Hall

Enquiries: Marcia Larose, Monash Sport x58815

Get active at Berwick

Free Get ACtive classes are available to staff at Berwick campus, including:

Yoga: Monday’s 1.30pm – 2.15pm
Zumba: Wednesday’s 1.30pm – 2.15pm
Venue:  Nossal High School in the Gymnasium building

For detailed class information visit Berwick Sport webpage.

The campus gym offers Berwick students and staff a complete work-out with all the latest fitness equipment. There is no better time to work on your fitness than now with gym membership currently free! Visit Berwick Sport webpage for more information

Competition winners and your chance to win

For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email

Monash Sport news and offers

Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff

At Monash Sport, we want all Monash University staff members to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Because of this, we have introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff. The variety of options available has been tailored so that each and every staff member is able to join the centre and able to achieve their fitness goals whether it is individually or as a group.

The Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff includes Centre memberships, participation in the SWAP Group Exercise and casual visits.

For any further enquiries please contact our friendly staff or come down and visit us with your voucher for a 7 Day Trial

Fit Camp

Fit Camp is the bridge between personal training and group fitness. The sessions are run in small groups in a fun and social manner. This keeps group small and flexible enough to ensure that each participant gets the attention that they deserve. The twice weekly sessions are lead by a qualified health and fitness instructor who will motivate participants to energise their current fitness levels whilst still being able to tailor the program to suit all individuals’ needs. Contact one of our friendly staff about the best option for your training needs.

The next Fit Camp


Afternoon Sessions

Commencing: Monday 17 June
Finishing: Thursday 25 July
Sessions run Mondays and Thursdays 12.15pm – 1.00pm.

All registrations and payments must be received no later than Thursday 13 June

Tennis $2 Happy Hour

Step away from your desk and onto the court! Monash Sport is making this easier for you by introducing a $2 Happy Hour during your lunch break!

All Monash staff and students are able to play up to two hours of tennis at the Clayton courts for only $2 per hour between 12-2pm Monday – Friday. This works out to be over an 85% saving off the standard Non-Student Off-Peak rate! Bookings can be made up to one week in advance and you are able to find all court booking information on our website.

24 Hour Mega Swim

Sat 6 to Sun 7 July, 2013

The 24 Hour Mega Swim is a fun team event comprising of no more than 15 swimmers per team. Each team must have one swimmer in the water for the entire 24 hours. It is up to the team how they swim it. Some teams have been known to have their swimmers swim in blocks of 15 minutes right up to 4 hours. There is no set formula.

Swimmers are then asked to raise money through sponsorship. This can be a one off donation or by sponsoring the swimmers based on the number of laps they do. That is entirely up to the participants. It has been found to be easier with a one off donation.

The 24 Hour Mega Swim has been designed as a competition with points awarded to each team. Each team will receive 1 point for every $10 raised and 1 point for every 500m swum. The winning team’s name will be displayed on the perpetual plaque at the venue. The team will also receive trophies and an award to be displayed at the winning team’s place of business.

Registrations will be opening shortly, see our website for more details

Monash Games – 16 to 19 July, 2013

Faculty vs Faculty, Department vs Department, Campus vs Campus, Students vs Staff.

Held at the Clayton campus, Monash Games are an opportunity for staff and students across all Victorian campuses of the university to play modified sports in a fun and friendly environment over three days. Head to our website to register your team!

Keep Warm and Keep Moving!

Throughout winter Monash Sport wants you to continue those fantastic health and fitness habits you formed during the warmer months. To add that extra bit of motivation, all Monash Sport members that visit the centre 10 times throughout June will go into the draw for their chance to win a great prize! See our website for more information.

In the centres we will be displaying Weekly Winter Warmer tips to keep you moving the whole way through June, here’s one to get you started!

Instead of looking at the onset of winter negatively,  consider this winter period as a time to be creative with a new workout and to find different ways of challenging yourself. Try using a piece of equipment you have never used before. Book in with one of our instructors for a new (FREE) program design.

This way you can continue working towards your fitness goals, regardless of how cold it is, and you can reap the benefits prior to the summer period.

Be Safer By Summer… Learn to Swim in Winter

It is often a misconception that it is not important to maintain learn to swim lessons during the winter months of the year.  Here are some great reasons to keep swimming over winter:
Don’t waste time & money
Swimming and Water Safety skills learnt in swimming lessons need to be practiced to be maintained or improved. When children have a break from lessons over winter, it is likely that they will forget or lose some of the skills they have already learnt and will have to relearn these skills when they resume lessons. Don’t let the time and money already spent on lessons go to waste.
Be Safer by Summer
Summer is the season where most people participate in aquatic activity and water sports such as beach, pool and boating activities. Therefore, water safety and swimming skills need be taught and practiced prior to summer to reduce the potential risk of drowning.  Learning swimming and water safety over winter will better ensure that your child will have confidence and skills to be safer around water in summer…and could potentially save their life.
Love your instructor and lesson time
Re-enrolling into lessons all year round will better enable your child to stay with the instructor they prefer and the time and day suitable for you. It is sometimes difficult to enrol with your favourite instructor or most convenient time when resuming lessons after a break.
Maintain a strong immune system
Swimming builds fitness and in turn assists in maintaining stronger immune system, making it less likely for colds and flus to be caught. The heated pools and air temperature of our facilities maintained to ensure that even though it’s cold outside, you’ll stay warm at the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool.
Enrolments for Term 3 Learn to Swim lessons will be opening soon, click here for more information.

Fitness Connect

Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.

Discounts for staff

Going on a holiday? Great staff discounts available

Monash staff have access to a range of discounts including accommodation, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire. Read more information in the staff discounts

Winter getaway – up to 60% off Peppers and Mantra Resorts

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected PeAmphorappers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.

Book in June for travel in July and August:

Peppers Palm Cove: save up to 39%
Mantra on Hay, Perth: save up to 30%
Mantra Noosa: save up to 60%
Breakfree Caloundra: save up to 44%

To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff     Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts

Enter the Monash Corporate ID at 40 Rydges, Art Series and QT HotelsQT_Pool_Shot & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK and receive:

  • 10% off all your accommodation bookings
  • Best rates online guaranteed

To start saving:

  1. Visit any of the hotel websites and select your preferred location and stay dates
  2. Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates

King Kong ticket offerking kong

Exclusive staff, family and friends ticket offer: Be one of the first people in the world to see KING KONG! Prepare to be amazed as this dazzling new music theatre event brings a legend to life on stage.

Book for selected performances at Melbourne’s Regent Theatre for just $35.60* on Thursday 6th June 2pm

Email for the Ticketmaster order form.

Staff offer to save on health insurance

Bupa (formerly HBA) provides staff access to a Monash Corporate Health Insurancec Plan, with:

  • Your premiums paid through payroll deductions (post tax)
  • Savings on corporate products including Top, Intermediate and Saver Hospital cover, bupa corp
  • Access to Corporate Advantage, Classic and Essentials extras (with a minimum of 70% back on most services),
  • No gap dental for children
  • A single room or your money back.

For pricing and detailed information see health insurance discounts.

Free Comedy Club ticketscomedy club

The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff a great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.

View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp). For detailed information see staff discounts.

Gift ideas:

edible blooms

Edible Blooms are a fresh alternative to traditional flowers and gift baskets, product range contains great gift ideas and includes gourmet chocolate bouquets and chocolate flowers, edible arrangements of fresh fruit bouquets, cake pop bouquets, cookie bouquets, gift hampers, corporate gifts.

Order online and enter ‘monash’ as your coupon code to receive 10% discount.

Green Thumb Giftsgreen thumb

At Green Thumb Gifts, their mantra is ˜Giving Today, Growing Tomorrow”. A great range of flowering plants, herbs and trees are not only perfect for marking special occasions and celebrating the moment, but once planted they provide a lasting memory of these important life events.

Order online and enter ‘monash’ as your coupon code to receive 10% discount.

Breadtop Clayton

Receive 10% discount at Breadtop Clayton on all cakes and breads. Present your staff id card to receive the discount. Valid April-August 2013. 316A Clayton Road, Clayton. Ph 9544 3738. Opening hours Monday to Sunday 7.30am to 7.30pm

More discounts available to Monash staff

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
  • Blink Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, xorporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Dell – up to 15% discount
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Magazine subscriptions – 10% off
  • Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki
  • Parkville Carlton Football Club Cafe
  • Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit discounts for staff for more information