Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport newsletter – April 2013

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.

Contact us at wellbeing@monash.edu1

In the April edition:

Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff


Join the GLOBAL Monash walk/run and support men’s health

All Monash staff are invited to take a step toward better health and participate in the lunchtime 3km walk or 5km run

Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport and Andrology Australia, the seventh bi-annual GLOBAL walk/run coincides with Men’s Health Week – aiming to increase the awareness and knowledge of men’s health.

Participation in this event will count towards your department Wellbeing KPI, aiming for 30% participation in wellbeing events.

The first 100 staff who register for the event will go in the draw to win a $50 Myer voucher.

Date: Wednesday 12th June, 12.15pm-1pm
Campuses: Alfred, Bendigo, Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Parkville, Peninsula
Cost: Gold coin donation to Andrology Australia. Light lunch provided.
Register online


‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and win a Myer voucher

facebook likeGet information about the latest events, special offers, discounts and news by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.

Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook by 30th April and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher.


15 minutes is all it takes! Free health checks improve-your-health

Wellbeing at Monash is offering all staff an opportunity to learn more about their vital health risks through a free, confidential health check during April and May.

Participants will receive immediate, confidential results and advice on blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart and stroke risk and more.

15 minutes is all it takes to learn more about your health. Make your booking online today!

If you would like to offer free health checks for your department staff (minimum 10) please contact with your preferred dates.



Lunchtime yoga, pilates and boxing programs for your teamgroup-exercise-image-f

Get out of the office and SWAP to better health with the Staff Wellbeing and Activity Program (SWAP).

SWAP provides tailored pilates, boxing, yoga and zumba, Fit Camp and many more programs direct to your office!

With classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you!

Download the new SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.



Diversity and Inclusion week – free eventsdiversity

Diversity and Inclusion Week from 15th-19th April aim is to celebrate Monash’s commitment to diversity through a range of activities relating to staff and student engagement, Indigenous engagement, disability, gender, and cultural awareness.

A range of free events are available across many campuses. View your campus events.


Are you a wellbeing champion?

Do you promote and support health and wellbeing initiatives in your department?wellness champion

Wellbeing at Monash is calling for staff who have an active interest in health and wellbeing and wish to help create a healthier Monash community through the role as a ‘Wellbeing Ambassador’.

Register your interest to receive further information by emailing


Join the Monash Life! Workplace Program

Staff are invited to register their interest in joining a Diabetes Victoria Life! Workplace program

The Life! Workplace Program will give you the support to achieve and maintain lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

About the Life! Program

The Life! Program offers you the skills, support and expert advice needed to make lifestyle choices to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

The Life! Program is not a lecture, trained health professionals give you individual attention and learn about you and your lifestyle. Together, you set an exercise routine and healthy eating plan that you can easily life diabetesdmaintain for a long healthy life. The small group provides support to help you stay motivated and on track. The program includes:

Expert health coaching: The Life! program is run by trained facilitators who are health professionals including dietitians and exercise professionals.

Individual plan tailored to your needs: Your Life! facilitator or coach will work with you to create a customised plan to change your lifestyle.

Support and help: Each participant is provided with a workbook; consisting of activities and materials relating to nutrition and physical activity, sleep, stress and lapses.

Cost: Free
Dates: 5 sessions, commencing in April, 2013
Register your interest: Participants must first attend an information session on Thursday 18th April, 12.30pm at Clayton. A phone conference is also available if you cannot attend. Please email with ‘Life! Workplace program’ and you campus in the subject line.


Find a healthy balance – and win a $50 Rebel Sport voucher

Uncover some helpful strategies for managing work-life balance and help restore a sense of harmony abupa life skillsnd satisfaction with 2 new online programs including:

Introduction to Stress and Resilience: Be better equipped to prevent, manage or reduce stress in your life – at work or at home. Build your awareness around stress, its causes and impacts, while providing practical strategies to build resilience and the ability to get through stressful situations

Introduction to Work-Life Balance: Restore balance in your life by applying some healthy, effective ways to manage your day-to-day activities. Learn the key concepts of work-life balance, evaluate your own need for balance, understand where your health comes into play and explore some practical strategies for promoting a feeling of balance and satisfaction at work and in your personal life.

First time users, click on the above link then click ‘login’, ‘register now’ and then create your personalised login/password.

Register before 30th April for your chance to win a $50 Rebel Sport voucher.


New online health and wellbeing portal

The new Be Well online program provides staff and their families with a range of hebody awarenessalth and wellbeing resources and tools including articles on:

Autism Spectrum Disordersautism
Going the distance – long distance training fatigue
Lunchbox ideas
The secret of inspirational and passionate people
Living well with Arthritisarthritis

How to access: Login: monash        password: wellbeing



5 week staff mindfulness programs

Staff are invited to register for a 5 week mindfulness program led by Dr Craig Hassed.

Mindfulness involves a series of simple meditative practices and cognitive strategies to help change unprmental health busy mindoductive thought and behaviour patterns. Mindfulness can also be described as an attitude to living and may enhance:

– stress management
– work and study performance
– contentment, peace of mind and balance
– relationships at home and work
– concentration and focus in the moment
– resilience
– physical and emotional health


April at Clayton: Friday 19th April, 2-3pm, Friday 26th April, 12.15-1.15pm, Friday 3rd May, 1.30-2.30pm, Friday 10th May, 1.30-2.30pm and Friday 31st May, 1.30-2.30pm.  Book online

July at Caulfield: Friday 26th July, 9am-10am for 5 weeks.  Book online

July at Parkville: Friday 26th July, 11am-12pm for 5 weeks.  Book online

If you cannot attend these dates other programs at many campuses are available online.


Lunchtime mindfulness meditation special eventwork lifeJuggling

Monash Mindfulness Consultant, Dr Craig Hassed will be hosting a lunchtime mindfulness meditation session.

The session will include interesting information on mindfulness, a mindfulness meditation practice and an opportunity to ask questions or troubleshoot mindfulness practice with an expert!

When: Friday 19th April, 1.15-1.45pm
Where: Narthex Room, building 9, Clayton campus
Register your attendance online


Scan the food barcode and learn the healthier alternatives: Foodsfoodswitchwitch app

Foodswitch is a great new free app developed by BUPA (HBA) with the George Institute for Global Health.

Using your phone camera, you scan a food item barcode and (using a traffic light red, yellow, green colour) it gives you a list of similar foods that are healthier choices, handy when in the supermarket!

Read more about the Foodswitch app or download the app on itunes




Do you order catering for meetings at events?

nutritious2 brochureHelp make a change in your department by ordering healthier catering at meetings and events. Download the new Healthy catering guide for suggestions on the best items to order for morning/afternoon teas and lunches.

Try these simple suggestions to help make a change

final logos smaller size– Look for the HealthSmart/EarthSmart logo when ordering on campus catering

– Order vegetarian and limit fried foods where possible

– Provide water and juice in lieu of soft drink

– Replace biscuits with whole fruit

– Request wholemeal bread in lieu of white


Do you wear glasses? Monash eye glasses collection

Do you have old eye glasses sitting in your desk draw? Wellbeing @ Monash is now collecting used eye glasses for the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.rotary eye glasses

For children, clear vision means a better education, healthier development and a better quality of life. For adults, it means greater employment opportunity and economic strength. For seniors it means less dependence on others.

During the past ten years, Lions Recycle for Sight Australia, Inc has collected  more than 4 million pair of spectacles and shipped them throughout the world, including Africa,  Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Philippines, American Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Vietnam, Laos and Afghanistan.

Send your unwanted eye glasses via internal mail to Wellbeing @ Monash – OHS, Building 10, Clayton


Faculty of IT – supporting Bowel Cancer research

Faculty of IT are selling the new 2013 | 2014 Greater Melbourne Entertainment™ Books as entertainment_book_2012_2013a fund-raiser with 20%  from every book sold going to bowel cancer research. Books are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best restaurants, cafes, hotel accommodation, attractions and activities.

Cost: $65 per Entertainment Book

Purchase your book online or contact Margaret Croxford, Faculty of IT, Phone: x32039 or 0418223008 or


Gippsland Campus Walking Group

It’s back! The Gippsland Campus Walking Group returns for 2013, taking place every Monday and Thursday from 12:30pm – 1:00pm. Take some time out and join feetyour colleagues for a stroll around our beautiful campus. All fitness levels are welcome to take part in this short, social 30-minute session.

Meet upstairs at the Knuckle outside the eSolutions area (1N-209). Email Vonnie for more information.


Monash Short Courses- massage and gluten free cooking
Relaxation Massagechef
This popular course is based on Swedish techniques to assist in the prevention and relief of common ailments such as headaches, tiredness, backaches and stress, and offers participants an opportunity to get hands-on experience including massage oils.
Req: A pillow and 2 towels. Wear comfortable clothes.
Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st April 10am-3:30pm, Monash staff: $155. Book online

Gluten-Free Cooking Course
Get a crash course in gluten-free cooking, perfect for coeliacs, wheat-intolerances and any other individuals choosing to remove gluten from their daily diet, with this information-packed one-day course. Learn a stack of new recipes and handy tips and tricks for modifying other recipes to make them gluten-free.
Req: Apron, notepad & pen, container to take home samples.
Saturday 27th April 10am-3:30pm, Monash staff rate: $95.  Book online
Free boxing, yoga, meditation classes at Parkville

All Parkville staff are invited to participate in free Get Active classes, includingiStock_000008314116XXLarge

Boxing: Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm at Cossar Hall
Yoga: Tuesday 12pm at Cossar Hall
Boot Camp: Wednesdays 7.30am meet at the Flagpole
Mindfulness meditation: Wednesdays 12pm, Pharmaceutics meeting room
Dynamic yoga: Thursday 5pm at Cossar Hall

Enquiries: Marcia Larose, Monash Sport x58815


Changes in your work environment and relationship issues?

EAP is a professional, external, confidential counselling service available free-of-charge to all Uneap1iversity employees and their immediate family members and can help with a range of issues and concerns, including:

– Interpersonal conflict and tension
– Work-related stress
– Changes in your work environment
– Harassment and grievances
-Relationship or family matters
– Personal and emotional stress
– Grief and bereavement
– Career issues
– Mental health concerns
– Personal crisis or trauma
– Mensline

Staff and their family members can access up to three sessions free of charge. More information can be found on the University’s EAP website or phone 1800 350 359 for an appointment. On campus counselling is also available read more at Counselling and Mental Health


Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program

Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss andWeightWatchers2 lifestyle goals

 About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks. A Clayton program is currently underway.

$19.50 per session for 13 week program (payment can be made by direct debit, cash or card). Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.

How to register: Send your interest to join the next program to with WW and your campus in the subject line.



Competition winners and your chance to win

For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email

Monash Sport news and offers

Live well and Learn well

Monash Sport is the centre of healthy and active lifestyles at Monash University. We want the students, staff and community members to not only learn well but also live well.

To help achieve your goals of living well, Monash Sport is offering 4 weeks free off your Staff Direct Debit membership!

This promotion is valid from Monday 25 March to Sunday 28 April and can be redeemed online by entering the promotional code LIVEWELL.

Visit to learn more and for all terms and conditions.

Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff

At Monash Sport, we want all Monash University staff members to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Because of this, we have introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff. The variety of options available has been tailored so that each and every staff member is able to join the centre and able to achieve their fitness goals whether it is individually or as a group.

The Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff includes Centre memberships, participation in the SWAP Group Exercise and casual visits.

For any further enquiries please contact our friendly staff or come down and visit us with your voucher for a 7 Day Trial

ANZAC Day Opening Hours

Thursday 25 April – ANZAC Day. Monash Sport will run with reduced operating hours and no group fitness classes.




Health and Fitness
Main Service Desk

ANZAC Day Thu 25 Apr 1pm-8pm* 1pm-8pm* 1pm-8pm 1pm-8pm** 4pm-9pm*

** No Learn to Swim lessons

* No Group Fitness classes

For more information please see our public holiday operating hours page on our website.

75% of our planet is water… Can you swim?

Monash Sport offers one of the largest and most successful Adult Learn to Swim Programs in Melbourne, aimed at teaching adults the fundamental swimming and water safety skills. Catering for a wide variety of individual needs, instructors are able to tailor each class to suit the students learning requirements and pace. Whether you are having lessons for the first time and would like to be safer around the many aquatic activities Australia has on offer, or looking to improve your strokes, learn new strokes or improve endurance levels, we have the classes for you!

Term 2 began Monday 15 April and is running until Sunday 30 June and we are more than happy to take new enrolments throughout the term. Contact the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool for more details.

Tennis $2 Happy Hour

Step away from your desk and onto the court! Monash Sport is making this easier for you by introducing a $2 Happy Hour during your lunch break!

From Monday 25 February, all Monash staff and students are able to play up to two hours of tennis at the Clayton courts for only $2 per hour between 12-2pm Monday – Friday. This works out to be over an 85% saving off the standard Non-Student Off-Peak rate! Bookings can be made up to one week in advance and you are able to find all court booking information on our website.

Fit Camp

Fit Camp is the bridge between personal training and group fitness. The sessions are run in small groups in a fun and social manner. This keeps group small and flexible enough to ensure that each participant gets the attention that they deserve. The twice weekly sessions are lead by a qualified health and fitness instructor who will motivate participants to energise their current fitness levels whilst still being able to tailor the program to suit all individuals’ needs. Contact one of our friendly staff about the best option for your training needs.

The next Fit Camps


  • Commencing: Tuesday 23 April
  • Finishing: Tuesday 4 June (*please note that no Fit Camp session will be held ANZAC day Thursday 25 April)
  • Sessions will run Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30pm-6:30pm.

This Fit Camp will utilise our brand new outdoor training area!


  • Commencing: Monday 29 April
  • Finishing: Thursday 6 June
  • Sessions run Mondays and Thursdays 12.15pm – 1.00pm.

All registrations and payments must be received no later than Thursday 25 April.

Fitness Testing Sessions – Free for Members

As part of our ongoing service commitment to our members, we are pleased to announce that Monash Sport will be again running specialised fitness testing sessions exclusive for Monash Sport members using state of the art light gate technology. The next session is on at:

  • Date: Saturday 16 May 2013
  • Registration: 1.45pm (all participants must complete the registration process)
  • Testing: 2.00pm – 3.00pm
  • Venue: Monash Sport – Building 1 (Clayton Campus)
  • Please note: The testing will take place in the main stadium  (the stadium near the Fitness Centre Entrance)
  • What to bring: Workout gear (including comfortable, supportive runners), towel, drink

This testing is available to all members who wish to test their fitness, speed, agility and power and is ideal for those wanting to get an indication of current fitness levels. Results can help focus and shape your training. Bookings are essential.  Please contact Steve Ludekens at to book your spot.

24 Hour Mega Swim

Sat 6 to Sun 7 July, 2013

The 24 Hour Mega Swim is a fun team event comprising of no more than 15 swimmers per team. Each team must have one swimmer in the water for the entire 24 hours. It is up to the team how they swim it. Some teams have been known to have their swimmers swim in blocks of 15 minutes right up to 4 hours. There is no set formula.

Swimmers are then asked to raise money through sponsorship. This can be a one off donation or by sponsoring the swimmers based on the number of laps they do. That is entirely up to the participants. It has been found to be easier with a one off donation.

The 24 Hour Mega Swim has been designed as a competition with points awarded to each team. Each team will receive 1 point for every $10 raised and 1 point for every 500m swum. The winning team’s name will be displayed on the perpetual plaque at the venue. The team will also receive trophies and an award to be displayed at the winning team’s place of business.

Registrations will be opening shortly, see our website for more details

Fitness Connect

Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.



Discounts for staff


Qantas 20% discount for Monash staff, family and friends

Wellbeing at Monash together with Strategic Procurement are pleaseed to present a special, limited time offer from Qantas  for domestic holiday travel.qantas_1

From 17 – 26 April, enjoy up to 20% off selected Qantas domestic Red e-Deal fares (discount does not apply to already discounted Red e-Deal fares, such as sale fares), for travel from 22 May to 18 September 2013 inclusive. This fantastic offer also extends to family and friends when they are travelling on the same booking with you.*

How to book: From Wednesday 17th April to Friday 26th April click the link below, enter the promo code and select your flights. Make sure you use your Monash email address in the booking to be eligible for these discounted fares.

Book online here and enter promo code “qantascorp20”.

*This offer must only be used for personal travel, not Monash business travel. Terms and conditions do apply. For a copy please email


Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki

Monash is now offering all staff (including sessionals and casuals) the opportunity to partiMykicipate in the Monash Commuter Club scheme.

By joining the myki Commuter Club, not only are you doing your bit for the environment, but you can also:

  • receive a 10% discount on your 365 day Myki pass
  • use your myki on metropolitan trains, trams or buses all year round
  • avoid fare increases and the need to top up your myki for 12 months.

For more information visit the Monash Commuter Club


Staff offer to save on health insurance

If it’s time you reviewed your health insurer consider the Monash BUPA Corporate Health Planbupa corp. Receive access to a specially designed corporate suite of health insurance products that are not available to the general public.

Corporate health plan benefits include 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on extras and pay your premiums from your Monash pay, there’s no need for direct debit or credit card

For pricing and detailed information see health insurance discounts.

Learn to play the guitar – 20% discountguitar

Monash staff and their families can learn to play the guitar at Mr Music Music School and receive 20% discount off the first three lessons.

Mention Wellbeing at Monash on booking to receive the discount. Valid at the Blackburn Rd and Knox stores. Visit Mr Music Lessons for more information.

Special offers at Queensland and Bali Peppers and Mantra Resorts

Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali andmantra ROOM-1-BED-TYPE-E-CAM-03_t2698 New Zealand. Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

Bali Nusa Dua special: Deluxe room $151 per night, save up to 35%.

Up to 50% off Queensland: Book in April for travel in May and June

To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff




More discounts available to Monash staff

  • Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
  • Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
  • Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
  • Blink Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
  • BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, xorporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
  • Dell – up to 15% discount
  • Free Comedy Club tickets
  • Feel neck pain, free initial visit
  • Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
  • Magazine subscriptions – 10% off
  • Parkville Carlton Football Club Cafe
  • Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
  • Travel insurance – special rates for staff

Visit discounts for staff for more information