Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing at Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – February 2013

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.

Contact us at

In the February edition:

Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff

SWAP to better health with your Monash colleagues!Outdoor fitness class

Get out of the office in the new year, energise your body and SWAP to better health with the Staff Wellbeing and Activity Program (SWAP).

SWAP provides pilates, boxing, yoga and zumba, Fit Camp and many more programs direct to your office!

With 30, 45 or 60 minute classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you!

Download the new SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.

Staff participation in a SWAP program will contribute to the University Wellbeing KPI aiming for 30% participation in wellbeing events and programs.

‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and win a $20 Myer voucher

facebook likeGet information about the latest events, special offers, discounts and news by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.  Read about the new Boost Juice Clayton offer.

Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook by 28th February and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher. Congratulations to the January winner, Cathy Meredith from Faculty of Law.

Be Well online program for you and your family

The new Be Well online program provides staff and their families with a range of health and wellbeing resources and tools including:

  • My Magazine – read the latest articles on health and wellbeing
  • My Health – questionnaires and online programs to monitor, track and improve your health
  • My Tools – recipe book, food database, exercise video coach, health calculators and eHealth talk.
  • Special Offers – and discounts
  • A range of self-assessment tools are also available including:
    (login: monash, password: wellbeing)

    portal self assess

    The portal also offers a monthly br well portal2magazine with helpful health information for you and your family

    Visit the Be Well online portal (login: monash, password: wellbeing)

    Stay healthy, be happy! Weekly healthy tips subscription

    Join the portal weekly mailing list and receive quick, useful tips on how you can live a healthy lifestyle. It’s free, informative, and easy to join.

    Simply submit your email address and you will receive a “Be Well” tip straight into your inbox every Monday morning. Subscribe here ( login: monash, password: wellbeing)

    Feeling sluggish at work events? Try ordering healthier catering

    nutritious2 brochureHelp make a change in your department by ordering healthier catering at meetings and events. Try these simple suggestions to help make a change

    final logos smaller size– Look for the HealthSmart/EarthSmart logo when ordering on campus catering

    – Order vegetarian and limit fried foods where possible

    – Provide water and juice in lieu of soft drink

    – Replace biscuits with whole fruit

    – Request wholemeal bread in lieu of white

    Download the new Healthy catering guide for suggestions on the best items to order for morning/afternoon teas and lunches.

    Do you cycle to work or walk regularly at lunchtime?walking_walking_group

    The University Wellbeing KPI aims to achieve 30% participation in wellbeing events and programs.

    Staff who regularly participate wellbeing related activity during their work day can now log their participation in a database to help contribute to their Faculty/Division Wellbeing KPI.

    Regularly is defined as at least once per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes during your work day (Monday to Friday).

    Log your participation in the Wellbeing KPI form here before 8th March 2013 and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher

    Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance

    Register to take part in a 3 hour Mindfulness Workshop through. The workshop will emental health relaxingxplore:

    1. the science, principles and practice of mindfulness
    2. its applications in areas including wellbeing, mental health, and resilience
    3. its role in leadership development
    4. the capacity of mindfulness to enhance information processing, decision making and performance.

    Workshops are available in February, April and June. Register online.

    SafeTALK: Suicide awareness & first response training

    Myth: “Asking young people about suicidal thoughts or behaviours will only put idesafeTALKlogo_2012as in their heads”
    The new Monash workshop ‘SafeTALK’ stresses safety while challenging beliefs that inhibit open talk about suicide.
    Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help, either directly or indirectly and this half-day program helps you identify and work with these opportunities and help you become active in preventing suicide.
    Register for an upcoming workshop on the SDU webpage.

    Do you provide new staff induction packs?benefits image

    Wellbeing at Monash together with Monash Sport and the Campus Community Division Mental Health team have developed a new Employee Benefits Brochure to showcase to new employees the great range of benefits available.

    To receive a hardcopy or pdfs to include in your department induction packs, contact

    Gippsland Campus Walking Group

    It’s back! The Gippsland Campus Walking Group returns for 2013, taking place every Monday and Thursday from 12:30pm – 1:00pm. Take some time out and join feetyour colleagues for a stroll around our beautiful campus. All fitness levels are welcome to take part in this short, social 30-minute session.

    Meet upstairs at the Knuckle outside the eSolutions area (1N-209). Email Vonnie for more information.

    Get Active at Parkville! Free classes

    All Parkville staff are invited to participate in free Get Active classes, includingiStock_000008314116XXLarge

    Boxing: Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm at Cossar Hall
    Yoga: Tuesday 12pm at Cossar Hall
    Boot Camp: Wednesdays 7.30am meet at the Flagpole
    Mindfulness meditation: Wednesdays 12pm, pharmaceutics meeting room
    Dynamic yoga: Thursday 5pm at Cossar Hall

    Enquiries: Marcia Larose, Monash Sport x58815

    Free lunchtime concertsconcert

    The Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music free lunchtime concert series is on again.

    When: Weekly, commencing Thursday 7 March, 1.10-1.50pm

    Venue: Building 68, Clayton campus

    For more information please visit the School of Music webpage

    Red Cross Blood Service – Clayton campus

    The Blood Service will be visiting the Clayton campus in Marchblood save-lives-together-s

    When: Bookings are available at the following times: Wednesday 6, Thursday 7 and Friday 8 March 9:30am – 3:30pm

    Where: Engineering Building – EH 4/60, Union Loop Road.

    Register: To secure your appointment to donate please phone 13 14 95, or email

    New stress, anxiety and depression mobile phone self-help program

    myCompass is the Black Dog Institute’s new internet and mobile phone self-help program.blackdog_logo Accessible 24/7, myCompass provides people with real-time support in the real world.

    Using myCompass regularly for 8-weeks will help you to reduce stress, anxiety and depression symptoms and improve your overall wellbeing.

    The self-monitoring tool enables you to see patterns in your moods, feelings and behaviours and understand what might be triggering them. You will learn tried and tested strategies to better manage life’s ups and downs.

    Read more about myCompass

    Upcoming Monash Short Courses

    Indian Vegetarian Cooking: The eagerly awaited Indian vegetarian cooking class is back to spice up your lchefife! This is a two day course covering simple, delicious and nutritious dishes, The first day focuses on the milder North Indian cuisine whilst the second day covers traditional South Indian techniques and tastes. Participate in, and ssist with, dish preparation and tasting. A step by step recipe book is included.

    Dates: 10am-3.30pm on 13 and 20 April  or 11 and 18 May
    Staff price:  $143

    Shiatsu Massage: Shiatsu is a therapeutic Japanese massage for health and vitality. It reduces fatigue and the effects of stress and is also an excellent treatment for muscular pain. Works on the whole body, covering the major pressure points.

    Dates: 10am-3.30pm on 16 March
    Staff price: $86

    For more information visit the Monash Short courses

    Improve your wellbeing through professional development:

    • Working Parent Resilience Programprofessional devt network-marketing-tips-personal-development
    • Manager training for flexible workforces
    • Developing Mental Toughness
    • Handling difficult interactions
    • Time Management – Managing your work, yourself and your time training program
    • Managing Conflict
    • Managing self through change
    • Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance
    • Can we talk? – giving, receiving and seeking effective feedback

    For further information and to book visit the SDU website.

    Employee counselling and Manager Assist Program

    EAP is a professional, external, confidential counselling service available free-of-charge to all UnEAP3iversity employees and their immediate family members.

    The service can be of assistance when staff are experiencing work-related, personal and/or health problems. Manager Assist is a phone consulting service available to University Supervisors and Managers, providing practical advice and support.

    The service is tailored to meet individual needs when step by step advice or a sounding board is needed.

    Further information can be found on the University’s EAP website or phone 1800 350 359. On campus counselling is also available read more at Counselling and Mental Health

    Got a staff event coming up? Order a box of fresh fruit

    FruitBanner3Wellbeing at Monash has secured discounted pricing for fruit boxes delivered direct to your Monash office.

    Office Fruit is the Melbourne campuses supplier. Pricing:
    Small box – containing 35 fruit pieces $23.45 (RRP $30.00)
    Large box – containing 55 fruit pieces $36.85 (RRP $44.00)

    How to order: E-mail or phone 1300 735 848 –quote Monash University, your campus and your department. Payment can be made via credit card or weekly invoicing.

    Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program

    Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss andWeightWatchers2 lifestyle goals

    About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks. A Clayton program will be commencing Wednesday 6th March.

    $19.50 per session for 13 week program (payment must be made upfront by cash or card at the first meeting). Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.

    How to register: Send your interest to join a program to with WW and your campus in the subject line.

    Competition winners and your chance to win

    For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email

    Monash Sport news and offers

    Health and Fitness options for staff

    Now that we are all well and truly back to work for the New Year, it’s time to make sure all those resolutions come to fruition! At Monash Sport, we would love to see each and every staff member have a happy and healthy 2013 and because of this, Monash Sport has introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff.

    So that you remain motivated with your fitness goals, Monash Sport has designed a special membership so that staff can access all facilities of the centre, at a discounted rate. The membership includes full access to the gymnasium, all group fitness classes as well as the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool.

    Click to find out more information including pricing options. So it’s time to dust off those runners and head down to Monash Sport to get the year off to a running start!

    New Group Fitness Timetable for 2013

    The new year is here and this means the launch of our new Group Fitness timetable on Monday 25 February!

    Featuring more classes and more times, this will provide you with more options to add a motivating and energising group fitness class to your fitness routine.

    Group Fitness is also an easy way to get back into fitness, or simply try something different. Some classes that can make the transition into a healthy lifestyle easier include Zumba, Pilates, and Cycle, all great options suitable for all fitness levels to get started and build your fitness into summer!

    For more information please see our Group Fitness website, the new timetable can be seen by scrolling through the embedded google calendar on the right of the page.

    Tennis $2 Happy Hour

    Step away from your desk and onto the court! Monash Sport is making this easier for you by introducing a $2 Happy Hour during your lunch break!

    From Monday 25 February, all Monash staff and students are able to play up to two hours of tennis at the Clayton courts for only $2 per hour between 12-2pm Monday – Friday.  This works out to be over an 85% saving off the standard Non-Student Off-Peak rate! Bookings can be made up to one week in advance and you are able to find all court booking information on our website.

    Monash Open Golf Day

    All Monash students and staff are invited to experience golf at Churchill Park Golf Club, located in Endeavour Hills, adjacent to Churchill National Park. This free event for Monash University students and staff, is your chance to experience golf, and Australia’s beautiful flora and fauna (yes kangaroos regularly frequent the course).

    This event will be held on Friday the 15th of March and all participants will be provided with a BBQ lunch free of charge.

    Please visit our website for further information and registration.

    New Group Fitness Timetable for Semester 2
    Semester 2 is back, and this means the launch of our new Group Fitness timetable!
    Featuring more classes and more times, this will provide you with more options to add a motivating and energising group fitness class to your fitness routine.
    Group Fitness is also an esasy way to get back into fitness, or simply try something different. Some classes that can make the transition into a healthy lifestyle easier include Zumba (and now Aqua Zumba at Clayton), Pilates, and Cycle, all great options suitable for all fitness levels to get started and build your fitness into summer!
    For more information please see our Group Fitness website

    Fit Camp

    Fit Camp is the bridge between personal training and group fitness. The sessions are run in small groups in a fun and social manner. This keeps group small and flexible enough to ensure that each participant gets the attention that they deserve. The twice weekly sessions are lead by a qualified health and fitness instructor who will motivate participants to energise their current fitness levels whilst still being able to tailor the program to suit all individuals’ needs. Talk to one of our friendly staff about the best option for your training needs.

    For those looking to join in a Fit Camp at Clayton, the first sessions for the year began on Monday 18 February at lunchtime but registrations are still open. Please note that we are currently taking expressions of interest for those wishing to take part in a morning Fit Camp program at Clayton. Information about Fit Camp can be found on our website.

    Social Sport

    With the beginning of a new semester brings with it the beginning of a new social sport competition! Our Social Sport competitions are a great way to keep active and have fun while studying at Monash. The sports played vary from campus to campus, but can include indoor soccer, netball and basketball. Our competitions foster a social environment with grades suited to beginners and more competitive teams alike. Get your friends together and make up a team today!

    Join our Facebook group to get up to date news, pictures and find more players for your teams!

    Registrations for Semester 1 competitions will open shortly. So keep an eye on our Social Sport website for more information.

    Fitness Connect

    Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.

    Discounts for staff

    Boost Juice has launched its first 100% whole fruit smoothie! The new “Pleasure & Pine” smoothie is a healthy and delicious mix of pineapple, blueberries and banana. It is an excellent source of vitamins and is low in fat, has a low GI and high fibre conteBoost Logo (Store Banner)nt and is dairy-free.

    New staff offer: ‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and show the new Clayton campus Boost Juice store staff to receive an original size Pleasure and Pine smoothie for just $5

    Offer valid until Friday 22nd February (must show valid Monash staff id).

    Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki

    Monash is now offering all staff (including sessionals and casuals) the opportunity to partiMykicipate in the Monash Commuter Club scheme.

    By joining the myki Commuter Club, not only are you doing your bit for the environment, but you can also:

    • receive a 10% discount on your 365 day Myki pass
    • use your myki on metropolitan trains, trams or buses all year round
    • avoid fare increases and the need to top up your myki for 12 months.

    For more information visit the Monash Commuter Club

    20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parkingandrews airport

    Staff can receive a 20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parking, Melbourne Airport (Tullamarine). The discount applies whether for business and leisure purposes.

    A 15% discount is available to family and friends of Monash employees. Read more information online.

    Avis car hire

    Avis offers special discount leisure rates to staff;

    1. Discounted daily rates plus reduced accident excess from $3020 to $1500avis
    2. Avis Holiday Pass offering free days or discounts including:

    • 3rd day of a weekend rental FREE
    • 6th day of any rental FREE
    • $10 off a 2-day weekend rental

    For more information visit the Avis leisure rate information online

    Travel insurance

    Monash has negotiated heavily discounted travel insurance rates with ACE Insurance Limited (ACE) for employees, Alumni and their families when travelling domestically or internationally on holidays.

    ACE offers ‘Ina-Suitcase’ – an online insurance product you can access anytime at your convenience; be it months before your holiday or a few hours before your flight takes off!

    For more information visit the Leisure and Travel discounts webpage or get a free online quote now

    BUPA corporate health insurance

    If it’s time you reviewed your health insurer consider the Monash BUPA Corporate Health Plan. Receive access to a specially designed corporate suite of Health Insurance products that are not available to the general public.

    Corporate health plan benefits includebupa corp:

    • 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on extras.
    • Pay your premiums from your Monash pay, there’s no need for direct debit or credit card
    • BUPA will waive 1 excess for singles and 2 excesses for families for same day or overnight admissions into hospital.^
    • Claim more back – members on corporate extras covers can increase the amount they can claim each year by a set amount for most services for the first six years.
    • A range of discounts and deals from specially selected partners, so whether it’s fitness and sports you’re interested in or rest, relaxation and travel—you can choose what suits your needs.‡

    For more information visit a BUPA Retail Centre or call 1800 649 406 and quote the Monash University corporate group number – 122265. For detailed pricing information see health insurance discounts.

    March and April accommodation sale at Peppers and Mantra Resorts

    Already itching to book your next holiday escape? Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia and New Zealand. Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.Peppers-Clearwater-Resort-Christchurch1

    Book in February and save!
    – Peppers Beach Club Palm Cove, lagoon spa room $179 per night

    -Peppers Beacon Queenstown, hotel room $116 per night

    More specials and information:
    Download Up to 50% off Peppers and Mantra Australia wide (for travel March-Apri)
    Download Peppers Christchuch and Queenstown specials (for travel March to April)

    To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff

    Parkville Carlton Football Club cafe

    Monash staff can now receive the following offers at the Carlton Football Club Cafe

    • home made low fat cookie with coffee $5.50
    • eggs on toast with either spinach, tomato or mushroom and a bottle of juice $12.50
    • lasagne with salad and water $11.50
    • sizzling salad and water $11.50

    Home delivered healthy meals and catering at Parkville

    Dineamic is offering staff the following new discounts:dineamic logo_banner_large

    • 10% discount on home delivered healthy meals from the online store
    • Order catering for the Parkville campus and receive a complimentary 2 litre Orange or Apple Juice with every sandwich or morning tea platter for 10 people ordered.

    Enter the discount code ‘MONASH’ to receive the 10% discount when placing an order online at Dineamic. For catering menus phone: 9389 6202 or email

    BLINK Optical

    Staff can access discounts at Blink optical, including:BlinkOptical_logo

    20% off all sunglasses
    20% off all non-standard lenses
    $50 off all frames up to $350
    $100 off all frames over $350
    Free digital retinal camera test

    Read more information and download the voucher online.

    BLINK has 25 stores located nationally offering: Eye Tests, Frame Fittings, 1 Hour Lens Lab, Contact Lens Fittings, Visual Field Testing, Digital Retinal Imaging, Men’s, Women’s & Kid’s Glasses, Sunglasses

    BMW & Mini Corporate Program

    Staff have access to a BMW and Mini Corporate Program, entitling you to the following benefits when purchasing a new BMW or Mini:


    • Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
    • Complimentary use of a BMW during scheduled servicing (selected models only)
    • Door-to-door pick-up during scheduled servicing
    • Corporate pricing (selected models only)
    • Reduced dealer delivery charges
    • Corporate finance rates to approved customers
    • Reduced rate on a BMW Driver Training course


    • Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
    • Programme benefits extended to your spouse
    • Reduced National Dealer Delivery Fee
    • Complimentary valet service during scheduled servicing
    • Corporate finance rates to approved customers
    • A dedicated Corporate Sales Manager at your local MINI Garage

    Your spouse is also entitled to purchase a new BMW or Mini and enjoy all the benefits of the Corporate Programme.

    For more information visit the Wellbeing at Monash discounts

    Tennis $2 Happy Hour

    Step away from your desk and onto the court! Monash Sport is making this easier for you by introducing a $2 Happy Hour during your lunch break!

    From Monday 25 February, all Monash staff and students are able to play up to two hours of tennis at the Clayton courts for only $2 per hour between 12-2pm Monday – Friday.  This works out to be over an 85% saving off the standard Non-Student Off-Peak rate! Bookings can be made up to one week in advance and you are able to find all court booking information on our website.

    Magazine subscriptions for christmas gifts, 10% discountmagshop

    Just in time for christmas, staff can purchase a range of magazine subscriptions for yourself or gifts. Available title include APC, Australian PC User, Australian Geographic, Cleo, Cosmo, Money, Motor, Wheels and more.

    To purchase visit Wellbeing at Monash discounts.

    The Convenient Kitchen – food delivery serviceconv kitch

    The Convenient Kitchen is a healthy food delivery service. Home Cooking Made Easy!

    • We create tasty easy recipes,
    • We shop for your matching fresh, quality ingredients required
    • We deliver to your door!
    • You enjoy cooking again
    • We take the stress out of planning and shopping for your home cooked meals

    Special offer;

    The Convenient Kitchen offers Monash staff a 10% discount on your first order

    Just call 98222877 and mention Monash to our service team, or register online and add
    “Monash” in the COUPON section. This offer is available to all new customers only.

    Complimentary Comedy Club tickets

    The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff acomedy club great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.

    View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp).

    Where: The Athenaeum Theatre, Upstairs @ 188 Collins Street, Melbourne
    Availability: Bookings are essential and subject to availability. To check availability phone 9650 1977 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 10am–5pm and advise you are from Monash University.

    Other discounts available to Monash staff

    • Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
    • Feel neck pain, free initial visit
    • Lite n’ Easy 7 day meal pack discount
    • Aussie Farmers Direct first order discount
    • Dell – up to 15% discount

    Visit discounts for staff for more information