Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing at Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – January 2013

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.

Contact us at

In the January edition:

Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff


Wellbeing events & news

Begin the new year journey to good health! group-exercise-image-f

Get out of the office in the new year and energise your body using the Staff Wellbeing and Activity Program (SWAP) which includes in office pilates, boxing, yoga and zumba programs.

With 30, 45 or 60 minute classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you!

Download the new SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.


New Be Well online program

The new Monash University ‘Be Well’ online Program provides staff with12 - POSTER - Monash access to a great range of online health and wellbeing resources including:

– Special Offers – including Blink Optical, BUPA health insurance and Harvest Box

– My Magazine – read the latest articles on health and wellbeing

– My Health – questionnaires and online programs to monitor, track and improve your health

My Tools – recipe book, food database, exercise video coach, health calculators and eHealth talk

Visit the Be Well online portal

Special offer: Bupa offers Monash staff  corporate health insurance cover with exclusive benefits including competitive premiums, excess waivers, a range of deals and discounts – and much more! Read more information about the BUPA Corporate health plan


Febfast – 28 days alcohol free!FebFast

Looking to kick start your New Year? febfast is a challenge and a tonic for all drinkers, to see if they can take a break from alcohol for the 28 days of February.

This short break is both a timely health kick and a vital community fundraiser: money raised helps programs for vulnerable families and young adults tackling serious alcohol and drug issues. Read more information and register at feb fast


Mindfulness for wellbeing, resilience and performance

Register to take part in a 3 hour Mindfulness Workshop through. The workshop will emental health relaxingxplore:

  1. the science, principles and practice of mindfulness
  2. its applications in areas including wellbeing, mental health, and resilience
  3. its role in leadership development
  4. the capacity of mindfulness to enhance information processing, decision making and performance.

Workshops are available in February, April and June. Register online.

Begin the new year helping others – Mental Health First Aid short course

This two day program for Monash staff covers helping people in mental health crisis situations and/or in themental health first aid early stages of mental health problems.

Crisis situations covered are suicidal behaviours, acute stress reaction, panic attacks and acute psychotic behaviour. Other mental health problems covered are depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Participants will learn the signs and symptoms of these mental health problems, where and how to get help and what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective.

Interested? Two-day courses commence in March. View course information and dates.

Gippsland Campus Walking Group

It’s back! The Gippsland Campus Walking Group returns for 2013, taking place every Monday and Thursday from 12:30pm – 1:00pm. Take some time out and join feetyour colleagues for a stroll around our beautiful campus. All fitness levels are welcome to take part in this short, social 30-minute session.

Meet upstairs at the Knuckle outside the eSolutions area (1N-209). Email Vonnie for more information.


‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and win a $20 Myer voucher

facebook likeFind out all the latest news about health and wellbeing at Monash by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.

Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook before 31st January and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher.


Get app happy and learn more about your food!app for 8700

Everyone has an ideal daily kilojoule figure they should consume to maintain a healthy weight. Do you know what yours is? This simple to use app will help you find out. It also provides information on how to balance and burn the kJ you consume with physical activity.

The 8700 app helps you:
– find how many kilojoules you should consume each day to maintain a healthy weight range
– calculate how much energy you burn through everyday activities, exercise and sports
– search over 3,000 fast foods from larger Australian fast food and snack chains
– convert calories to kJ (and vice versa)

Voted Best Nutrition App – 2012 Australian Mobile Awards, download the free app or read more at


Step into summer! Tips for keeping active at work at home

Here are some simple ideas of making choices to be more active:walking_walking_group



New SDU courses:

The Working Parent Resilience Program

Provides working women with strategies (and time) to create greater control over their day to day lifestyle and align their personal and professional lives after having children and/or who have other carer responsibilities. A program supporting men is also available. For further information and to book visit the SDU website.

Manager training for flexible workforcesWorkplace-Flexibility-Its-The-Law

As a manager/supervisor do any of the following sound familiar?

  • Unable to retain parental-leave returnees in your team?
  • Having trouble embracing part-time employees in your team?
  • Unsure how to be a more communicative manager and retain team talent?
  • Want to create a dedicated team around flexible working conditions but there’s a lot of friction from other parties?
  • Striving to provide team continuity and lead by example but having trouble managing everyone’s expectations?

View more information: Manager training for Flexible Workforces.

Employee counselling and Manager Assist Program

EAP is a professional, external, confidential counselling service available free-of-charge to all UnEAP3iversity employees and their immediate family members.

The service can be of assistance when staff are experiencing work-related, personal and/or health problems. Manager Assist is a phone consulting service available to University Supervisors and Managers, providing practical advice and support.

The service is tailored to meet individual needs when step by step advice or a sounding board is needed.

Further information can be found on the University’s EAP website or phone 1800 350 359. On campus counselling is also available read more at Counselling and Mental Health

Delicious summer fruit delivered to the office

FruitBanner3Wellbeing at Monash has secured discounted pricing for fruit boxes delivered direct to your Monash office.

Office Fruit is the Melbourne campuses supplier. Pricing:
Small box – containing 35 fruit pieces $23.45 (RRP $30.00)
Large box – containing 55 fruit pieces $36.85 (RRP $44.00)

How to order: E-mail or phone 1300 735 848 –quote Monash University, your campus and your department. Payment can be made via credit card or weekly invoicing.


Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program

Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss andWeightWatchers2 lifestyle goals

 About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks.

$18.90 per session for 13 week program (payment must be made upfront by cash or card at the first meeting). Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.

How to register: Send your interest to join a program to with WW and your campus in the subject line.


Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes of Fame

Superstardom, lust, devotion, sin and assassination, who am I?  I am Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol’s Fifteen Minutes of Fame charts the 60’s pop icon’s struggle for success. 

Written and directed by Noel Anderson

When: January 30 – February 10: Wednesday, Sunday 6.30pm | Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7.30pm

Where: La Mama Courthouse. More info online or


Competition winners and your chance to win

For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email

Monash Sport news and offers

Health and Fitness options for staff

Now that we are all well and truly back to work for the New Year, it’s time to make sure all those resolutions come to fruition! At Monash Sport, we would love to see each and every staff member have a happy and healthy 2013 and because of this, Monash Sport has introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff.

So that you remain motivated with your fitness goals, Monash Sport has designed a special membership so that  staff can access all facilities of the centre, at a discounted rate. The membership includes full access to the gymnasium, all group fitness classes as well as the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool.

Find out more information including pricing options. So it’s time to dust off those runners and head down to Monash Sport to get the year off to a running start!

New Group Fitness Timetable for 2013

The new year is here and this means the launch of our new Group Fitness timetable!

Featuring more classes and more times, this will provide you with more options to add a motivating and energising group fitness class to your fitness routine.

Group Fitness is also an easy way to get back into fitness, or simply try something different. Some classes that can make the transition into a healthy lifestyle easier include Zumba (and now Aqua Zumba at Clayton), Pilates, and Cycle, all great options suitable for all fitness levels to get started and build your fitness into summer!

For more information please see our Group Fitness website

12 Hour Pass Sale

Over at Monash Sport we have gotten excited about all the tennis stars at Rod Laver Arena and want to celebrate the Australian Open. We are selling 12 hour passes for the price of a ten pass!

Tennis, squash, table tennis and badminton 12 hour passes will be sold at Clayton, plus badminton 12 hour passes will be sold at Caulfield to help you get in the swing of things! So make sure you head down to Monash Sport during the time of the Australian Open so you don’t miss out on this great deal.

Swimming through Summer

Do your kids know how to swim? Do they know where and how to swim in the surf, and do you? With so much of the

Australian population living on the coast, surf safety should be first and foremost in our minds. However, of the 284 drowning deaths in Australia over the last year, 19% of them were at the beach. In fact beach drownings were second only to drowning deaths in inland waterways.

Many summer water safety messages emphasise small children and swimming pools, but everyone is potentially vulnerable.

It’s never too late to learn how to swim or improve your swimming ability. Our Adult Learn to Swim Program is dedicated to teaching people of every age the fundamentals of swimming and water safety. Monash Sport offers a variety of swimming programs specifically designed for adults. Our experienced and patient swimming instructors take care in planning lessons that are fun and challenging for all participants.


Monash Open Golf Day

All Monash students and staff are invited to experience golf at Churchill Park Golf Club, located in Endeavour Hills, adjacent to Churchill National Park. This free event for Monash University students and staff, is your chance to experience golf, and Australia’s beautiful flora and fauna (yes kangaroos regularly frequent the course).

This event will be held on Friday the 15th of March and all participants will be provided with a BBQ lunch free of charge.

Please visit our website for further information and registration.

New Group Fitness Timetable for Semester 2
Semester 2 is back, and this means the launch of our new Group Fitness timetable!
Featuring more classes and more times, this will provide you with more options to add a motivating and energising group fitness class to your fitness routine.
Group Fitness is also an esasy way to get back into fitness, or simply try something different. Some classes that can make the transition into a healthy lifestyle easier include Zumba (and now Aqua Zumba at Clayton), Pilates, and Cycle, all great options suitable for all fitness levels to get started and build your fitness into summer!
For more information please see our Group Fitness website

Fit Camp

Fit Camp is a six week fun, social, challenging and rewarding way of training. For those about to embark on their first fitness program or looking for a new challenge Fit Camp is for you. Our flexible program structures are suitable for those who are just starting or those that are looking to take their fitness to the next level! The most important thing we include however is a positive team atmosphere that will leave a smile on your face at the end of each session!

Caulfield campus has already begun their Fit Camp on the 10th of January, but don’t worry there is still time for you to join. For those looking to join in a Fit Camp at Clayton, the first sessions for the year will begin in February. Information about Fit Camp can be found on our website.


Australia Day Operating Hours

Please note that our opening hours will be reduced on Monday 28 January as part of the Australia Day public holiday. Services will be available for different periods of time at individual campuses as follows:

Caulfield campus

  • All facilities open between 1pm – 6pm
  • No Group Fitness Classes

Clayton campus

  • All facilities open between 1pm – 6pm
  • No Group Fitness Classes

Peninsula campus

  • Closed

Visit the website for information about Public Holiday Operating Hours.

Fitness Connect

Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.

Discounts for staff

20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parkingandrews airport

Staff can receive a 20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parking, Melbourne Airport (Tullamarine). The discount applies whether for business and leisure purposes.

A 15% discount is available to family and friends of Monash employees. Read more information online.


adiCentre exclusive invitation, 40% off storewide*adidas

adidas has opened a new and improved retail store and outlet. Monash staff are invited to receive 40% off storewide. *Excluding watches, sunglasses, miCoach & TMaG clubs

When: Tuesday 29 January to Saturday 2 February
Where: 21/35 Dunlop Rd, Mulgrave
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-5pm, Tuesday to 9am-8pm, Thursday 9am-6pm, Saturday 2 February 9am-1pm
Where: 21/35 Dunlop Road, Mulgrave, 3170
Register: You must register to attend, phone 92635276



Avis car hire

Avis offers special discount leisure rates to staff;

1. Discounted daily rates plus reduced accident excess from $3020 to $1500avis
2. Avis Holiday Pass offering free days or discounts including:

  • 3rd day of a weekend rental FREE
  • 6th day of any rental FREE
  • $10 off a 2-day weekend rental

For more information visit the Avis leisure rate information online

Travel insurance

Monash has negotiated heavily discounted travel insurance rates with ACE Insurance Limited (ACE) for employees, Alumni and their families when travelling domestically or internationally on holidays.

ACE offers ‘Ina-Suitcase’ – an online insurance product you can access anytime at your convenience; be it months before your holiday or a few hours before your flight takes off!

For more information visit the Leisure and Travel discounts webpage or get a free online quote now


BUPA corporate health insurance

If it’s time you reviewed your health insurer consider the Monash BUPA Corporate Health Plan. Receive access to a specially designed corporate suite of Health Insurance products that are not available to the general public.

Corporate health plan benefits includebupa corp:

  • 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on extras.
  • Pay your premiums from your Monash pay, there’s no need for direct debit or credit card
  • BUPA will waive 1 excess for singles and 2 excesses for families for same day or overnight admissions into hospital.^
  • Claim more back – members on corporate extras covers can increase the amount they can claim each year by a set amount for most services for the first six years.
  • A range of discounts and deals from specially selected partners, so whether it’s fitness and sports you’re interested in or rest, relaxation and travel—you can choose what suits your needs.‡

For more information visit a BUPA Retail Centre or call 1800 649 406 and quote the Monash University corporate group number – 122265. For detailed pricing information see health insurance discounts.


Summer accommodation sale at Peppers and Mantra Resorts

Already itching to book your next holiday escape?  Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discountedpeppers-salt-resort-spa-pool rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia and New Zealand. Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

Book in January and save!
– Mantra Sierra Broadbeach: 2 bedroom apartment $140 per night
– Peppers Beach Club Palm Cove, lagoon spa room $174 per night

More information:
Download Summer Australia wide specials (for travel February to March)
Download Mantra Port Douglas and Mooloolaba specials (for travel February to March)

To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff

BLINK Optical

Staff can access discounts at Blink optical, including:BlinkOptical_logo

20% off all sunglasses
20% off all non-standard lenses
$50 off all frames up to $350
$100 off all frames over $350
Free digital retinal camera test

Read more information and download the voucher online.

BLINK has 25 stores located nationally offering: Eye Tests, Frame Fittings, 1 Hour Lens Lab, Contact Lens Fittings, Visual Field Testing, Digital Retinal Imaging, Men’s, Women’s & Kid’s Glasses, Sunglasses

BMW & Mini Corporate Program

Staff have access to a BMW and Mini Corporate Program, entitling you to the following benefits when purchasing a new BMW or Mini:


  • Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
  • Complimentary use of a BMW during scheduled servicing (selected models only)
  • Door-to-door pick-up during scheduled servicing
  • Corporate pricing (selected models only)
  • Reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Corporate finance rates to approved customers
  • Reduced rate on a BMW Driver Training course


  • Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
  • Programme benefits extended to your spouse
  • Reduced National Dealer Delivery Fee
  • Complimentary valet service during scheduled servicing
  • Corporate finance rates to approved customers
  • A dedicated Corporate Sales Manager at your local MINI Garage

Your spouse is also entitled to purchase a new BMW or Mini and enjoy all the benefits of the Corporate Programme.

For more information visit the Wellbeing at Monash discounts

Magazine subscriptions for christmas gifts, 10% discountmagshop

Just in time for christmas, staff can purchase a range of magazine subscriptions for yourself or gifts. Available title include APC, Australian PC User, Australian Geographic, Cleo, Cosmo, Money, Motor, Wheels and more.

To purchase visit Wellbeing at Monash discounts.


Salary packaging option for staff at the Book & Merchandise Shops

salarypackMonash staff can now salary package items at the Book and Merchandise Shops.


Staff benefit by receiving a reimbursement of GST paid and can reduce gross taxable income through salary packaging.


Items available for salary packaging include (but are not limited to) all books, stationary, general gifts, cosmetics, Kodak products, Monash apparel, Oxfam and Fair Trade products. Salary packaging does not apply to services including dry-cleaning and special items such as discount movie tickets and gift vouchers.


For more information, and to collect your free salary packaging booklet and receipt holder, visit the Monash Retail website.



The Convenient Kitchen – food delivery serviceconv kitch

The Convenient Kitchen is a healthy food delivery service. Home Cooking Made Easy!

  • We create tasty easy recipes,
  • We shop for your matching fresh, quality ingredients required
  • We deliver to your door!
  • You enjoy cooking again
  • We take the stress out of planning and shopping for your home cooked meals

Special offer;

The Convenient Kitchen offers Monash staff a 10% discount on your first order

Just call 98222877 and mention Monash to our service team, or register online and add
“Monash” in the COUPON section. This offer is available to all new customers only.


Complimentary Comedy Club tickets

The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff acomedy club great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.

View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp).

Where: The Athenaeum Theatre, Upstairs @ 188 Collins Street, Melbourne
Availability: Bookings are essential and subject to availability. To check availability phone 9650 1977 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 10am–5pm and advise you are from Monash University.

Other discounts available to Monash staff

  • Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
  • Feel neck pain, free initial visit
  • Lite n’ Easy 7 day meal pack discount
  • Aussie Farmers Direct first order discount
  • Dell – up to 15% discount

Visit discounts for staff for more information