Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing at Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – November 2012

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.

Contact us at

In the November edition:

Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff

Wellbeing events & news

Stepping out for better health at Monashgroup photo

More than 2500 staff, students, family and friends have stepped out for better health during the 10,000 Steps Challenge.

The 4 week Challenge has seen participants walk a virtual walk from Cape Otway, Victoria to Lake Macquarie, NSW.

Congratulations to the following category winners:

  • Best overall Monash Team – the team who completed the challenge first: Biodegradables  – Chemical Engineering, Clayton
  • Best campus participation – the campus with the highest percentage of participants: Gippsland with 48% participation
  • Best campus teams – the campus team who completed the challenge first:
    – Alfred:  KWK STEP QTs
    – Bendigo: Monash Maulers
    – Caulfield: eSols-Spartans Reign
    – Clayton: Biodegradables
    – Gippsland: Gippy Up
    – Malaysia: Green Group
    – Parkville: 10,000 Steps to Awesomeness
    – Peninsula: Bed 33 begone
    – South Africa: Lightening Division

The final day of counting steps is Friday 9th November. All steps must be logged by 10am, Monday 12th November to be eligible for the highest number of steps prize.  For more information and to register your team, visit the 10,000 steps website

New Be Well online program

The new Monash University ‘Be Well’ online Program provides Monash staff with12 - POSTER - Monash access to a great range of online health and wellbeing resources including:

– Special Offers – discounts available to Monash employees

– My Magazine – read the latest articles on health and wellbeing

– My Health – questionnaires and online programs to monitor, track and improve your health

My Tools – recipe book, food database, exercise video coach, health calculators and eHealth talk

Visit the Be Well online portal

Special offer: Bupa offers Monash staff a corporate health cover with exclusive and comprehensive benefits. You receive access to competitive premiums, excess waivers, a range of deals and discounts – and much more! Read more information about the BUPA Corporate health plan

White ribbon day breakfast

The White Ribbon campaign is the first male-led campaign to end violence against women in the world. It encourages men to take a stand and say that violence, in any form, is never acceptable.

As part of the Respectful Community Initiative, Monash is supporting the campaign by inviting all swhite ribbontaff (men and women) to attend a breakfast.

White Ribbon Ambassador, and Monash University Lecturer, Waleed Aly will MC the event with an expert panel also joining the day.

Date: Friday 23 November, 7.30-8.45am
Venue: Monash University Club, Building 50, Clayton
Cost: $10 per person
Register online

15 minutes that could save your life

Staff are invited to register for a free, convenient 15 minute health check.workhealth3

Participants will receive immediate, confidential results and advice on blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol, waist circumference and more.

Delivered by an accredited WorkHealth provider, your results will remain private and your employer will not receive any personal information about your health.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about your health.

Upcoming locations: Alfred, Berwick,  Bendigo, Caulfield, eSolutions, Faculty of IT, Facilities & Services, Gippsland,  HR, MMC, Parkville, Peninsula

Dates: During November
How to book: Register for an appointment online at your preferred location

Monash staff walk their way to positive mental health

500 Monash staff took a step toward better health by participating in the Monash GLOBAL walk/run on Wednesday 10 photo

Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport and Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre, the GLOBAL walk/run coincided with Mental Health Week – aiming to increase the awareness and knowledge of mental health.

Staff participated in the on campus GLOBAL 3km walk or 5km run. More than $500 was donated by participants to MAPrc.

‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and win a $20 Myer voucher

facebook likeFind out all the latest news about health and wellbeing at Monash by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.

Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook before 16 November and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher.

6 week mindfulness meditation challengemental health relaxing

Here’s a challenge – can you meditate? Over the next six weeks, in the lead-up to the frenetic festive season, are you able to set aside some time each day for mindfulness meditation?

The ABC’s Health and Wellbeing website is kicking off this challenge.  Perhaps meditation is a mystery to you, but you might be curious about it and what it actually involves.

Learn more:
-Download the 6 week challenge toolkit
– Listen to Dr Craig Hassed on ABC radio about mindfulness
– Download a free mindfulness meditation practical exercise podcast by Dr Craig Hassed

Wellbeing at Monash Australian HR Award Finalist

The Wellbeing at Monash program has been recognised as a leader in its field by being selected as a finalist in the Australian HR Awards’ ‘Best Health and Wellbeing Strategy’ category.HRAwards_FINALISTMEDAL_BestHealth&WellbeingStrategy

The awards, which acknowledge excellence in the area of corporate health and wellbeing, bring together industry leaders to celebrate excellence in the HR profession and to recognise both individuals and teams for their outstanding achievements in people management.

The 6 category finalists were: BUPA, Citi Bank Australia, ConnectEast, Johnson & Johnson, Monash University and Ramsay Health.

The Wellbeing at Monash program is delivered in collaboration with many supporters including Monash Sport, Campus Community, HR and Environmental Sustainability.

Monash is committed to providing a positive, healthy staff experience that complements the strategic direction of the University. Visit the Wellbeing at Monash site for more information on what the program offers to staff.

For more information about awards visit the HR Awards website.

It’s never too late to reduce your risk, Skin Cancer Action Week

This November’s Skin Cancer Action Week (Nov 18-24), tennis legends John Newcombe and Tony Roche will be joining Cancer Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists to urge all men aged 45 and over to skin cancerwatch their backs.

Men in this age group are almost twice as likely to develop melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer, than women the same age.

Although melanoma can develop anywhere on the body, around 1 in 3 cases in men occur on the back.

Iit’s never too late to reduce your risk and prevent further damage.

Look for new moles or any change in shape, colour or size of a mole or spot. Visit your doctor if you notice any change.”

For more information

Tips for keeping active at work at home

Here are some simple ideas of making choices to be more active:walking_walking_group

Step into summer! Lunchtime pilates, boxing, zumba and yoga classes

Make the most of the nice weather and step out with colleagues for a lunchtime SWAP activity!

BoxingEResearch, HR, Facilities & Services, Education, eSolutions, OHS, the Alfred, Engineering and Medicine have all registered for the Staff Wellbeing & Activity Program.

SWAP has been designed to bring on campus activity to your department!

With 30, 45 or 60 minute yoga, zumba, boxing and pilates classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you!

Download the SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.

Get active at the Alfred

Alfred staff are invited to experience the Healthstream Alfred Fitness centre. The facility is a spacious, modern and friendly and offers all the equipment you may need for a great workout, as well as a separate aerobics room for classes. Enjoy the convenience of 24hour, 7 day a week access and supply both shower and workout towels.

Classes offered include Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Les Mill Body Pump, Spin and more. Healthstream had shower facilities, lockers and is open to all members of the community.

November special offer for Monash staff:
Try out the facilities with a free 7 day trial pass
Special Upfront 6 month membership for $325 ($12.50 per week).

For more information please download the above flyers or phone 90768250. Visit us online or drop into the facility at Basement, Main Ward Block, Alfred Hospital.

If you live near Caulfield ,Clayton or Peninsula campus, Monash Sport offers a range of great salary sacrifice and membership options for you and your family. alfred

New SDU courses: The Working Parent Resilience Program working parent

Staff are invited to register for a new SDU course that provides working women with strategies ( and time) to create greater control over their day to day lifestyle and align their personal and professional lives after having children and/or who have other carer responsibiliites. A program supporting men is also available.

The Program’s core modules consist of

  • Handling Guilt,
  • Aligning Values,
  • Building Self Vision,
  • Creating a Lifestyle Recipe and
  • Better Time Management.

It is suited to a variety of people including those recently returned from parental leave to those with older children, conflicting goals and those with caring responsibilities.

For further information and to book visit the SDU website.

Manager training for flexible workforces

Monash University is at the forefront of supporting both their male and female employees to balance their professional and personal ambition. SDU are offering all supervisors the opportunity to attend Manager training for Flexible Workforces.

As a manager/supervisor do any of the following sound familiar?Workplace-Flexibility-Its-The-Law

  • Unable to retain parental-leave returnees in your team?
  • Having trouble embracing part-time employees in your team?
  • Unsure how to be a more communicative manager and retain team talent?
  • Want to create a dedicated team around flexible working conditions but there’s a lot of friction from other parties?
  • Striving to provide team continuity and lead by example but having trouble managing everyone’s expectations?
  • Team stability is affected when people return from extended leave

View more information: Manager training for Flexible Workforces.

Disability at work for managers and supervisorsequity

Equity and Diversity the “Disability at Work” is a new program for Managers. Course content includes:

– How to manage disclosure of a disability;
– What constitutes ‘reasonable’ adjustments in:
– the recruitment/employment phases;
– interviews;
– workplace modifications
– Are your position descriptions indirectly discriminatory?
– The Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) and how this can help.

Courses are in 2013 and workshop details and dates are available online

Celebrating all things sustainable transport at Monashenvt pledge

Staff and students were provided with the chance to celebrate all things sustainable transport. Staff and students were encouraged to pledge to leave the car at home and opt for a more sustainable transport option to uni. For each pledge received, Monash donated $2 to Oxfam.

Hundreds of dollars were raised and will now be donated on behalf of those Monash staff and students who registered to participat. Read more in the Green Newsletter

Oxfam christmas trees delivered

Help spread the Christmas cheer and support Oxfam at the same time by buying a real Christmas tree, delivered to your door for just $69!

oxfam christmas-treebannerOnce again our freshly cut, specially grown pine Christmas trees are on sale. Buying a tree will help Oxfam Australia provide long-term solutions to people living with poverty and social injustice.

Avoid the Christmas rush by placing your order online or Freecall 1800 034 034 between 9am-5pm AEST. Orders close 5pm Tuesday 4 December.

Oxfam Australia’s dedicated volunteer drivers at Four Wheel Drive Victoria will deliver your tree to your door free of charge* between Saturday 8 December and Tuesday 11 December.

And as always, your purchase will help Oxfam Australia’s work around the world, so be quick and remember to Get Your Order In!!

Confidential, external employee counselling and Manager Assist Program

EAP is a professional, external, confidential counselling service available free-of-charge to all UnEAP3iversity employees and their immediate family members.

The service can be of assistance when staff are experiencing work-related, personal and/or health problems. Manager Assist is a phone consulting service available to University Supervisors and Managers, providing practical advice and support.

The service is tailored to meet individual needs when step by step advice or a sounding board is needed.

Further information can be found on the University’s EAP website or phone 1800 350 359.

Monash a great range of mental health resources for staff. Services and programs include:

Get rid of the biscuits in the tea room and try a fresh fruit box

Wellbeing at Monash has secured discounted pricing for fruit boxes delivered direct to your Monash office.

Office Fruit is the office fruit1Melbourne campuses supplier. Pricing:
Small box – containing 35 fruit pieces $23.45 (RRP $30.00)
Large box – containing 55 fruit pieces $36.85 (RRP $44.00)

How to order: E-mail or phone 1300 735 848 –quote Monash University, your campus and your department. Payment can be made via credit card or weekly invoicing.

How to order Phone 5133 6067 –quote Monash University

UniSuper Seminar: Superannuation for women

This seminar is suitable for women of all ages who would like to develop a better understanding of financial matters and be more active in managing their retirement savings. The seminar will cover issues such as:

· how much do I need in retirement?

· government contribution incentives

· career breaks

· understanding your investment risk profile

· accessing benefits

· superannuation & your estate unisuper-logo

Date: Wednesday 14th November, 1-2pm
Venue: Science Building 25, Lecture Theatre S4, Clayton Campus
Book online. For further information, contact Chandra Yellapragada on extension 29585 or email

Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program

Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss andWeightWatchers2 lifestyle goals

About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks. Programs are currently available at Caulfield and Clayton.

$18.90 per session for 13 week program (payment must be made upfront by cash or card at the first meeting). Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.

How to register: Send your interest to join a program to with WW and your campus in the subject line.

Competition winners and your chance to win

For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email

Monash Sport news and offers

Put the MO back into Monash University!

Movember (the month formerly known as November) is seeing the return of the Mo at Monash University! Movember is a month long event held annually that aims to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer and depression.

All money raised will go towards supporting The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and Beyond Blue. Monash University staff, students, alumni and members of our broader community are invited to help this great cause by participating with TeamMONASH™.

Registrations are still open. Simply visit to join us in 2012! Click here for more info!

Monash Sport – University Closedown Period

Just a reminder that in line with the University policy for closure of other facilities and services on campus, all Monash Sport facilities and services will be closed from Saturday 22 December, 2012 to Wednesday 2 January, 2013 (inclusive), reopening Thursday 3 January, 2012. This is consistent with the University policies, and the Monash Sport membership terms and conditions.

This will result in the explicit closure of all gymnasium access, group fitness classes, court hire, outdoor oval hire and swimming pool access during this period. This time frame also represents the best window to undertake many essential maintenance and refurbishment works, whilst minimising disruption to students and staff on campus.

Swimming through Summer

Do your kids know how to swim? Do they know where and how to swim in the surf, and do you?

With so much of the Australian population living on the coast, surf safety should be first and foremost in our minds.However, of the 284 drowning deaths in Australia over the last year, 19% of them were at the beach. In fact beach drownings were second only to drowning deaths in inland waterways.

A lot of the summer water safety messages emphasise small children and swimming pools, but everyone is potentially vulnerable.

It’s never too late to learn how to swim or improve your swimming ability. Our Adult Learn to Swim Program is dedicated to teaching people of every age the fundamentals of swimming and water safety. We offer a variety of swimming programs specifically designed for adults. Our experienced and patient swimming instructors take care in planning lessons that are fun and challenging for all participants.

Summer exercise tips

Summer is the perfect time to go outside and have fun. There are so many outdoor activities, events and programs to choose from around Melbourne – especially at the beach! Everything is more fun outside, whether you’re swimming, running or cycling. But the summer heat can be a problem if you’re not careful, particularly in areas with extreme heat and humidity.

You may not be exercising in the desert, but we do live in Melbourne, where scorching heat isn’t too uncommon. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to exercising in the heat:

  • The time of day is important. Unless you are training for an event that takes place in the daytime heat, avoid exercising from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s the hottest part of day. Generally, the early morning is the best time to workout, especially if it’s going to be scorcher that day.
  • Wear loose, light-coloured clothing. The lighter color will help reflect heat, and cotton material will help the evaporation of sweat. You may also want to try specially designed, “hi-tech” running shirts and shorts. They are often made from material meant to keep you cool.
  • Sunscreen is a must. Aim for at least SPF 30+ just to be safe. It’s important to protect your skin. You can get burned and suffer sun damage to your skin even on cloudy days. This also dehydrates you.
  • Stay hydrated. Before you go out, drink a glass or two of water. Carry a bottle of water or even a hydration pack such as the CamelBak. Take a drink every 15 minutes, even when you’re not thirsty. When you’re done with your workout, have a few more glasses of water.

Looking to tee up a round of golf soon?

Great news for all Monash University staff members – our friends at Churchill Park Golf Club have set up some great offers to get you up and out on the course again!

Monash University staff are now eligible to receive your choice of:

Green Fee specials:

  • 18 Hole West Course* – $16
  • 9 Hole East Course* – $10


  • Beginner Golf Program* – $49 (4 one hour sessions)
  • Private Golf Lesson* – $59

*Bookings are essential, 18 Hole West Course offer only available Monday to Friday. To be eligible to receive these offers, and for more information – register online!

New Group Fitness Timetable for Semester 2
Semester 2 is back, and this means the launch of our new Group Fitness timetable!
Featuring more classes and more times, this will provide you with more options to add a motivating and energising group fitness class to your fitness routine.
Group Fitness is also an esasy way to get back into fitness, or simply try something different. Some classes that can make the transition into a healthy lifestyle easier include Zumba (and now Aqua Zumba at Clayton), Pilates, and Cycle, all great options suitable for all fitness levels to get started and build your fitness into summer!
For more information please see our Group Fitness website

Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day

The Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day is a fundraising opportunity for Monash University affiliated sporting clubs across all campuses. The four person Ambrose format will provide the basis for a great day of golf on one of Melbourne’s most prestigious courses at the Spring Valley Golf Club.

Throughout the day various competitions will be held including, longest drive and nearest the pin. And with the Baseball club winning the past two Chancellor’s Cup Golf Days, they will be sure to be going for a third, however there will be a few teams biting at their heels this year.

Although the competitive streak will come out throughout the course of the day, our fundraising efforts are the top priority. Last year over $8,500 was raised for Monash University sporting clubs, helping them stay financially viable and providing a great outlet for Monash University students and staff members.

A light lunch will be provided on arrival, with food and beverage snacks supplied to participants during the round from a mobile refreshment cart. The event will finish with an informal gourmet BBQ, presentations to the winners and a thank you to all participants for their support.

Held on Friday 16 November, at Spring Valley Golf Club (just 5 minutes from Clayton campus), the day promises to be great day out for all keen golfers at Monash.

Please visit our website for more information.

Sport at Monash Calendar

Calender Don’t know when key events are? There are no more excuses with the Sport at Monash calendar exclusive to Monash staff.

Conveniently feeding times, dates, locations and web links to everything ‘sport at Monash’ directly into your Google calendar, the Sport at Monash calendar is perfect for fitting in a planned or spontaneous sport and activity into even the busiest schedule!

To access the Sport at Monash calendar, login into the portal, select the Sport at Monash tick box and update your subscription. The Sport at Monash calendar will now appear overlaid on your personal Google calendar.

Fitness Connect

Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.

Discounts for staff

20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parkingandrews airport

Staff can receive a 20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parking, Melbourne Airport (Tullamarine). The discount applies whether for business and leisure purposes.

A 15% discount is available to family and friends of Monash employees. Read more information online.

Avis car hire

Avis is pleased to offer special discount leisure rates to Monash University staff;

1. Discounted daily rates plus reduced accident excess from $3020 to $1500avis
2. Avis Holiday Pass offering free days or discounts

For extra discounts, visit Avis Holiday Pass for vouchers giving you:

  • 3rd day of a weekend rental FREE
  • 6th day of any rental FREE
  • $10 off a 2-day weekend rental

For more information visit the Avis leisure rate information online

Travel insurance

Monash has negotiated heavily discounted travel insurance rates with ACE Insurance Limited (ACE) for employees, Alumni and their families when travelling domestically or internationally on holidays.

ACE Insurance Limited (Australia) is a member of the ACE Group of Companies®, a global leader in insurance and reinsurance. The ACE Group has been operating in Australia for over 50 years and is distinguished by its underwriting expertise, superior claims handling and global franchise, which includes offices in more than 50 countries and clients in more than 170 countries.

ACE offers ‘Ina-Suitcase’ – an online insurance product you can access anytime at your convenience; be it months before your holiday or a few hours before your flight takes off!

For more information visit the Leisure and Travel discounts webpage or get a free online quote now

Tired of paying too much for health insurance?

If it’s time you reviewed your health insurer consider the Monash BUPA Corporate Health Plan.  Receive access to a specially designed corporate suite of Health Insurance products that are not available to the general public.

Corporate health plan benefits includebupa corp:

  • 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on extras.
  • Pay your premiums from your Monash pay, there’s no need for direct debit or credit card
  • BUPA will waive 1 excess for singles and 2 excesses for families for same day or overnight admissions into hospital.^
  • Claim more back – members on corporate extras covers can increase the amount they can claim each year by a set amount for most services for the first six years.
  • A range of discounts and deals from specially selected partners, so whether it’s fitness and sports you’re interested in or rest, relaxation and travel—you can choose what suits your needs.‡

For more information visit a BUPA Retail Centre or call 1800 649 406 and quote the Monash University corporate group number – 122265. For detailed pricing information see health insurance discounts.

Event Makeup Artist – In-store Appearance


The Monash University Beauty Emporium (Clayton Campus) is hosting an exclusive demonstration by Napoleon Perdis Event Makeup Artist Lidia Dichiera in a Monash University staff only event, Wednesday 5 December, 5pm – 7pm.

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn from Lidia, who works closely with Napoleon Perdis himself at major prestigious runway shows for Australian fashion designers!

Our event will feature a comprehensive demonstration by our team to teach you the application and techniques to create the looks you love at home on a daily basis and for that special occasion.

Following the demonstration, individual assistance advice will be available across our entire range of natural, health and beauty products from Lidia and our team.

Just in time for Christmas, you can redeem the cost of attending on Napoleon products purchased on the night for yourself, friends and family as stocking fillers or the perfect gift!

Places are  limited, please visit the Monash Beauty Emporium webpage to book and for more information.

Save up to 50% at Peppers and Mantra Resortspeppers-salt-resort-spa-pool

Ready to escape the cold Melbourne winter? Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia and New Zealand. Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

Book in November and save!
Peppers Broadbeach: 1 bedroom suite $138 per night
Mantra Lorne: Hotel room $109 per night
Mantra Hervey Bay: Hotel room $85 per night

Download Summer Australia wide specials (for travel December to March)
Download Coast to Coast specials (for travel December to March)

To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff

BLINK Optical

Staff can access discounts at Blink optical, including:BlinkOptical_logo

20% off all sunglasses
20% off all non-standard lenses
$50 off all frames up to $350
$100 off all frames over $350
Free digital retinal camera test

Read more information and download the voucher online.

BLINK has 25 stores located nationally offering: Eye Tests, Frame Fittings, 1 Hour Lens Lab, Contact Lens Fittings, Visual Field Testing, Digital Retinal Imaging, Men’s, Women’s & Kid’s Glasses, Sunglasses

Monash Short Course: Relaxation Massagemassage

This popular massage course, based on Swedish techniques, gives you hands–on experience with practical methods to assist in the prevention and relief of common ailments such as headaches, tiredness, backaches and stress. Uses oils. Req: A pillow and 2 towels. Wear comfortable clothes. (10 hours).

Dates:Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 November, 10am-3:30pm.

Cost: $155 (Includes GST). More info online

BMW & Mini Corporate Program

Staff have access to a BMW and Mini Corporate Program, entitling you to the following benefits when purchasing a new BMW or Mini:


  • Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km
  • Complimentary use of a BMW during scheduled servicing (selected models only)
  • Door-to-door pick-up during scheduled servicing
  • Corporate pricing (selected models only)
  • Reduced dealer delivery charges
  • Corporate finance rates to approved customers
  • Reduced rate on a BMW Driver Training course


  • Complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000kmbmw2
  • Programme benefits extended to your spouse
  • Reduced National Dealer Delivery Fee
  • Complimentary valet service during scheduled servicing
  • Corporate finance rates to approved customers
  • A dedicated Corporate Sales Manager at your local MINI Garage

Your spouse is also entitled to purchase a new BMW or Mini and enjoy all the benefits of the Corporate Programme.

For more information visit the Wellbeing at Monash discounts

Magazine subscriptions for christmas gifts, 10% discountmagshop

Just in time for christmas, staff can purchase a range of magazine subscriptions for yourself or gifts. Available title include APC, Australian PC User, Australian Geographic, Cleo, Cosmo, Money, Motor, Wheels and more.

To purchase visit Wellbeing at Monash discounts.

New salary packaging option for staff at the Book & Merchandise Shops

salarypackMonash staff can now salary package items at the Book and Merchandise Shops.

Staff benefit by receiving a reimbursement of GST paid and can reduce gross taxable income through salary packaging.

Items available for salary packaging include (but are not limited to) all books, stationary, general gifts, cosmetics, Kodak products, Monash apparel, Oxfam and Fair Trade products. Salary packaging does not apply to services including dry-cleaning and special items such as discount movie tickets and gift vouchers.

For more information, and to collect your free salary packaging booklet and receipt holder, visit the Monash Retail website.

Free aromatherapy class essentialoils

Embrace the healing powers of aromatherapy for body, mind and spirit. with Andrew La Terra. In this 2 hour free class, explore the ways to use the healing benefits of essential oils. Learn practical & hands on ways to health and wellbeing.

When: Tuesday 13 November, 7pm
Venue: 3/11 Hallmark Rd, Mordialloc
Register: or online

The Convenient Kitchen – food delivery serviceconv kitch

The Convenient Kitchen is a healthy food delivery service. Home Cooking Made Easy!

  • We create tasty easy recipes,
  • We shop for your matching fresh, quality ingredients required
  • We deliver to your door!
  • You enjoy cooking again
  • We take the stress out of planning and shopping for your home cooked meals

Special offer;

The Convenient Kitchen offers Monash staff a 10% discount on your first order

Just call 98222877 and mention Monash to our service team, or register online and add
“Monash” in the COUPON section. This offer is available to all new customers only.

Complimentary Comedy Club tickets

The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff acomedy club great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.

View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp).

Where: The Athenaeum Theatre, Upstairs @ 188 Collins Street, Melbourne
Availability: Bookings are essential and subject to availability. To check availability phone 9650 1977 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 10am–5pm and advise you are from Monash University.

Other discounts available to Monash staff

  • Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
  • Feel neck pain, free initial visit
  • Lite n’ Easy 7 day meal pack discount
  • Aussie Farmers Direct first order discount
  • Dell – up to 15% discount
  • Magazines – 10% subscriptions
  • The Convenient Kitchen – 10% discount

Visit discounts for staff for more information