Archive for the ‘Newsletter’ Category

Wellbeing at Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – September

Monday, August 27th, 2012

Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.

Contact us at

In the September edition:

Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
Discounts for staff


Wellbeing events & news

Step out for better health, the 10,000 Steps Challenge is coming!

10000 steps logoThe 10,000 Steps Challenge is coming to your office in October! Registrations open from 24th September, keep an eye out for more details.

Step out for better health today, take the stairs instead of the lift, download campus walking maps or schedule a walking meeting today.

RU OK? Day, a conversation could change a life – 13 September

RUOK? Day is being held on Thursday, 13 September 2012 and is a national day of action dedicated to inspiring all Australians to ask family, friends and colleagues, ‘Are you ok?’RUOK-Day-Banner[1]

Monash is a Program Partner for RUOK? Day and joins a list of high profile supporters including Hugh Jackman, Naomi Watts, Libby Trickett and rugby league star Wendell Sailor.

The RUOK? Day initiative encourages people to reach out to one another to have open and honest conversations to try to build a more connected community and reduce Australia’s high suicide rate.

RUOK? Day organisers say that by taking the time to have a chat, it can stop little problems turning into bigger ones.

r u okStaff are encouraged  to organise events to create as much awareness as possible, across all campuses. BBQ, morning tea, wearing yellow, cupcake decorating, creating a group art piece, coffee foam designs – it’s your choice.  Be as creative as you can

More information about RUOK? Day is available from these websites:

Our participation in RUOK? Day is a small part of the work that’s already being done to focus on psychological health, both preventative and in the event of a crisis, within Monash University.

For more information about the University’s involvement in RUOK? , how your department or faculty can become involved or for information on the many mind health programs at Monash visit the Monash RUOK? webpage or contact Clare Swanson,

Monash Mental Health Week, 8-12 Octoberplasma final 2

With one in five Australians experiencing some form of mental illness, Monash Mental Health Week, from 8 to 12 October, aims to raise awareness of the importance of mental health at Monash through a great variety of events across each campus.

Staff and students are invited to participate in a range of free on campus events including:

  • ESSENCE of mental health presentation
  • GLOBAL walk/run
  • Healthy minds, healthy lives seminar
  • Mindfulness meditation classes
  • safe TALK: Building a suicide-alert community
  • School of Psychology and Psychiatry, Dean’s Lecture Series: Trauma and Recovery
  • Staff walking group
  • Sleep education seminar
  • Monash Sport classes and more

Read about what’s happening at your campus.

Mental health week is a joint initiative delivered by Health & wellbeing, Wellbeing at Monash and Monash Sport.

Register for the GLOBAL Monash walk/run and support mental health

global-mymonash-oct2012All Monash staff  are  invited to take a step toward better health and participate in the Monash GLOBAL walk/run at their campus.

Delivered in conjunction with Wellbeing at Monash, Monash Sport and Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre.

Join your colleagues for a on campus 3km walk or 5km run during Mental Health Week – aiming to increase the awareness and knowledge of mental  health.

Date: Wednesday 10 October, 12.15pm-1pm

Register: Get your colleagues together and register online

All participants will receive a Health Smart lunch at the end of the event and go in the draw to win great prizes.  Participants are encouraged to make a gold coin donation at the lunch to MAPrc which will be used to continue the program’s mental health research and education initiatives.

Ready to make a change? Join the Monash 8 week Get Well Challenge

If you are you ready to make a change to your health and wellbeing, now is the timdemo-outdoor-exercise-2e to join the Get Well challenge!

Suitable for beginners and those returning to exercise, the 8 week program will help you to increase your health and fitness by participating in two Get Active sessions per week at lunchtime.

Dates: Commences at Clayton the week of 17 September. 45minute Get Active sessions will be held twice a week (Monday and Thursday,12.15-1pm).
Cost: $10 per session ($160 payment for 8 week program)

Register your interest: Email with Get Well in the subject line, you will then receive more information. Staff from other campuses may register interest for a campus program.

Make a change for better healthhealth-rev-plasma

Staff are invited to join the Monash Health Revolution and commit to making a healthy lifestyle change.

The Health Revolution campaign launched by Wellbeing at Monash-OHS and Monash Sport asks staff and students to commit to making a change in one of four key areas:

  1. physical activity
  2. mental health
  3. nutrition/food
  4. general health

The Health Revolution campaign further supports the University’s commitment to providing a healthy workplace and study environment for all staff and students.

For further information and to make your commitment visit the Health Revolution.

‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook and win a $20 Myer voucher

facebook likeFind out all the latest news about health and wellbeing at Monash by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.

Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook before 14 September and go in the draw to win a $20 Myer voucher. Congratulations to Nicole Jennings, Faculty of Education, Peninsula on winning the August voucher

Lunchtime pilates, boxing, zumba and yoga classes

BoxingEResearch, HR, Facilities & Services, Education, eSolutions, OHS, the Alfred, Engineering and Medicine have all registered for the Staff Wellbeing & Activity Program.

SWAP has been designed to bring on campus activity to your office!

With 30, 45 or 60 minute yoga, zumba, boxing and pilates classes from just $8 per person, get your colleagues together and organise a class at a time that suits you!

Download the SWAP brochure for all pricing and program information.

Monash finalist at Australian HR AwardsHRAwards_FINALISTMEDAL_BestHealth&WellbeingStrategy

 The Wellbeing at Monash program has been recognised as a leader in its field by being selected as a finalist in the Australian HR Awards’ ‘Best Health and Wellbeing Strategy’ category. The award acknowledges excellence in the area of corporate health and wellbeing. Monash won this award category in 2011.

The six other finalists competing for the award include; BUPA, Citi Australia, ConnectEast, Johnson & Johnson and Ramsay Health.  A panel of esteemed industry judges will be chosen from the human resource industry to select the winners.

The winners will be announced in Sydney on Friday 26 October. For more information visit the HR Awards website.


Reducing prolonged sitting in the workplacesitting-work

When you think about living dangerously – smoking, drinking and other risk taking behaviours may be the first things that come to mind. But one of your deadliest habits is one you indulge in most of your waking hours. It’s sitting. Yes, sitting.
Take a break, stand for 2 minute and watch and listen to Associate Professor David Dunstan from BakerIDI discuss how minimising periods of prolonged sitting at work can reduce the risk of adverse health conditions. Stand up from your chair and watch online

Register for the Monash OHS Conference, 24 October

low res OHS conference plasma[1] newsletter imageAll staff are invited to attend the biennial OHS Conference on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 at the Clayton campus.

The conference, through a program of innovative and inspiring speakers, will explore the following topics:

  • Workplace Injury Prevention
  • Employee health and wellbeing
  • Mental health and resilience
  • Emerging technology.

Beaconsfield Mine Survivor Todd Russell will feature as a keynote speaker.

For further information and to register visit the Occupational Health and Safety Conference website.

Vice-Chancellor’s Occupational Health and Safety Award

The OHS conference will also feature the inaugural Vice-Chancellor’s Occupational Health and Safety Award for contributions to OHS by individuals, workgroups, or both.

The award recognises the contributions of staff who have implemented innovative and exciting ideas to create, improve or maintain a safe and healthy workplace consistent with the University’s OHS Management System and Wellbeing programs.

For further information visit the Occupational Health and Safety Conference website.


Get rid of the biscuits in the tea room, try a healthier snack option

Wellbeing at Monash has secured discounted pricing for fruit boxes delivered direct to your Monash office.

Office Fruit is the office fruit1Melbourne campuses supplier. Pricing:
Small box – containing 35 fruit pieces $23.45 (RRP $30.00)
Large box – containing 55 fruit pieces $36.85 (RRP $44.00)

How to order: E-mail or phone 1300 735 848 –quote Monash University, your campus and your department. Payment can be made via credit card or weekly invoicing.

Gippsland campus supplier is Manny’s Market.
Pricing: Fruit box – containing 35 fruit pieces $25.00 (RRP $30.00)

How to order Phone 5133 6067 –quote Monash University, Gippsland campus and your department. Payments can be made via monthly invoicing.


Build resilience and thrive on life’s challenges –new online mental health programs

mental health 15The online wellbeing portal has 3 new programs to assist Monash employees with managing depression, anxiety or prolonged stress.

Monash Green News


Staff Art Adventures  – Peninsula art class

Get creative in a relaxed and friendly environment and enjoy a fun hour of art for wellbeing. Mediums include mosaic, ceramics, printing, dying, drawing, painting, & textiles.

 Everything supplied (including aprons), all skill levels welcome


When: Every Friday 12 – 1pm
Where: Art Room – A2.02
Contact for more information.



Grown your own food – when to plan vegies

betterhealth4Want a great way to get fit and help with your household’s food supply? Here’s how to turn your garden into an edible delight.

Get a kickstart with this handy calendar so you know what fruits and vegies to plant now. Your body and mind will reap the benefits!

Read more at Better Health online


Debunking vitamin myths

betterhealth5Are you or someone you know taking vitamins to supplement your diet? There are many misconceptions about vitamins and the health benefits they offer

Debunk some common myths at Better Health online




UniSuper Seminar: Understanding Contributions & Caps- Clayton Campus

The rules around contributing to super can be complex and confusing. This seminar aims to take away the confusion and explain the different types of contributions to super.unisuper-logo

Date: Wednesday 12 September, 1pm-2pm
Venue: Humanities Building 11, Lecture Theatre H1, Clayton Campus
Book online, select Victoria and Under Monash University seminars select the name of the seminar.

Registration closes on Tuesday 11th September. For further information, contact Chandra Yellapragada on extension 29585 or email



Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program

Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss andWeightWatchers2 lifestyle goals.

Special offer:
–  Introduce a friend to Weight Watchers® At Work meetings and you both receive a free Cook Hearty Cookbook.
–  Join now and receive 15 weeks of at work meetings for the price of 13!
 About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks

$18.90 per session for 13 week program (payment must be made upfront by cash or card at the first meeting). Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.

How to register: Send your interest to join a program to with WW and your campus in the subject line. 12 participants are required for the program to proceed.

Free 4 week ‘Swim for life’ ProgramSwimming

Doncaster Masters Swimming Club is offering a free 4 week “Swim for Life”Program for adults over 18. In a friendly atmosphere, experienced coaches will provide practical tips and a personalised video to improve your stroke technique and confidence in the water. Course styled for participants who can swim a minimum of 100 metres continuous.

Where: Doncaster Aquarena (50m pool) When: Sundays 9-10am 7th,14th, 21th and 28th Oct 2012

For more information contact Doncaster Dolphins Masters Swimming Club, or 0400 585 084.

Recipe of the monthHuon-smoked-salmon-frittata

Vegetable Frittata, is a great food for when you are on the go. It has protein and vegies in a neat and tasty pack.

Read more about the recipes at Wellbeing at Monash online portal.

Also try the portal health programs Fitness Express, Back Care, Healthy Ageing, Vegetarian Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Building Resilience, Diabetes Health, Heart Health, Smoking cessation, Interactive Meal Planner



Competition winners and your chance to win

For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email

Monash Sport news and offers

Step into Spring and SAVE!

Promo image

During the month of September Monash Sport is offering new members 28 DAYS FREE!

Looking for more VALUE? Monash Sport also offers:

  • FREE health assessments
  • FREE fitness program design and unlimited reviews
  • FREE fitness testing sessions
  • FREE Monash Sport member towel
  • Access to 3 on campus health and fitness centres
  • Genuine one on one personalised service
  • No joining fees
  • No long term contract
  • Salary packaging

You’re already on campus so take that extra step and do something good for your body! Join today!

Find out how to become a member today! Free 28 day offer expires 30 September 2012, for terms and conditions see

Mega Swim

Mega Swim winners

Want to raise some much needed money for people living with Multiple Sclerosis?

The 24 hour Mega Swim is a fun way to get a group of friends together and raise some much needed funds for Multiple Sclerosis. Held over the weekend of 6 and 7 October at the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool at Clayton campus, this event is a great experience for any team of people.

The Mega Swim has also been designed as a competition with points awarded to each team.

To be eligible for prizes, each team must have at least one swimmer in the water for the entire 24 hours. It is then up to the team how they want to swim it. In the past teams have their swimmers swim in blocks of 15 or 20 minutes and rotated through the full 24 hours. Each team is allowed a maximum of 15 swimmers.

Each team will receive 1 point for every $10 raised and 1 point for every 500m swum. The team will also receive trophies and an award to be displayed at Monash Sport!

For more details, or to register online, please visit our website

Melbourne Marathon

Celebrating its 35th year, Melbourne Marathon is back and better than ever! There are many different event categories to suit all different ages and fitness levels. All participants will have the opportunity to cross the finish line on the grass of the famous MCG.

Held on Sunday 14 October, this is the perfect time to commit to running in the better weather!

Before and after the event you can ‘hang out’ with other TeamMONASH™ participants in our marquee which also offers face painting and a free massage service provided by Recover Sports Medicine.

A free TeamMONASH™ singlet will be provided to all first time TeamMONASH™ participants that are Monash University students, staff or alumni.

For more details, or to register online, please visit our website

New Group Fitness Timetable for Semester 2
Semester 2 is back, and this means the launch of our new Group Fitness timetable!
Featuring more classes and more times, this will provide you with more options to add a motivating and energising group fitness class to your fitness routine.
Group Fitness is also an esasy way to get back into fitness, or simply try something different. Some classes that can make the transition into a healthy lifestyle easier include Zumba (and now Aqua Zumba at Clayton), Pilates, and Cycle, all great options suitable for all fitness levels to get started and build your fitness into summer!
For more information please see our Group Fitness website

Help Aussie Kids in need – ride Around the Bay!

Around the bay is one of the world’s biggest and most popular cycling participation events!

Held on Sunday 21 October, this great event is great way to enjoy some of Melbourne’s most scenic and popular riding routes around Port Phillip Bay and includes the West Gate Bridge, Beach Road and the Bellarine Peninsula. You will also be raising money for a really important charity. The Smith Family Charity helps over 2,500 disadvantaged kids get the long-term support they need to fully participate in their education.

Around the bay is suited for all ages and fitness levels, below is a list of riding categories to choose from

Ride options:

-The Scenic Bay ride 50km

-The Classic 100km

-135km Geelong to Melbourne (via Sorrento)

-ATB Challenge 210km (4 route options)

-The Legend 250km

A free TeamMONASH™ singlet will be provided to all first time TeamMONASH™ participants that are Monash University students, staff or alumni.

For more details, or to register online, please visit our website

And for anyone wanting to kick start their way to cycling fitness – come and try our upcoming ‘Cycleathons’ at Caulfield and Clayton campuses. An extended cycle class, this is your opportunity to kick start some bike fitness in the lead up to Around the Bay in a Day. For more information please speak to a Customers Service Officer at Monash Sport.

Caulfield – Saturday 22 September – 9.30-11am

Clayton – Saturday 15 September – 9.30-11.30am

Nutrition seminars now available at Caulfield and Clayton!

Take charge of your health one bite at a time! Our new Nutrition service has been expanded to include a seminar series to be conducted at Caulfield and Clayton! This is specifically designed for anyone with an interest in nutrition and a desire to learn more about healthy eating. Whether you are about to commence or have tried a long list of diets, the knowledge available at these seminars is a great simple way to kick start your path to a healthier lifestyle. Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) Rebecca Hall will help you achieve your nutrition goals by covering the following topics:

  • Basics of healthy eating
  • Portion control
  • Fats: the good and the bad
  • Weight management
  • Reading food labels
  • Choosing healthy takeaway options

Cost: Full program is $40 or $15 per session,

Dates: Starting the week of Monday 10 September, places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment!

Call Monash Sport at Caulfield for bookings and further information on 9903 2358 or email:

Sport at Monash Calendar

Calender Don’t know when key events are? There are no more excuses with the Sport at Monash calendar exclusive to Monash staff.


Conveniently feeding times, dates, locations and web links to everything ‘sport at Monash’ directly into your Google calendar, the Sport at Monash calendar is perfect for fitting in a planned or spontaneous sport and activity into even the busiest schedule!

To access the Sport at Monash calendar, login into the portal, select the Sport at Monash tick box and update your subscription. The Sport at Monash calendar will now appear overlaid on your personal Google calendar.


Fitness Connect

Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.


Discounts for staff

20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parkingandrews airport

Staff can receive a 20% discount at Andrew’s Airport Parking, Melbourne Airport (Tullamarine). The discount applies whether for business and leisure purposes.

A 15% discount is available to family and friends of Monash employees. Read more information online.


Discounted Avis car hire rates

Avis is pleased to offer special discount leisure rates to Monash University staff;

1.      Discounted daily rates plus reduced accident excess from $3020 to $1500avis
2.      Avis Holiday Pass offering free days or discounts

For extra discounts, visit Avis Holiday Pass for vouchers giving you:

  • 3rd day of a weekend rental FREE
  • 6th day of any rental FREE
  • $10 off a 2-day weekend rental

For more information visit the Avis leisure rate information online

Discounted travel insurance rates

Monash has negotiated heavily discounted travel insurance rates with ACE Insurance Limited (ACE) for employees, Alumni and their families when travelling domestically or internationally on holidays.

ACE Insurance Limited (Australia) is a member of the ACE Group of Companiace traveles®, a global leader in insurance and reinsurance. The ACE Group has been operating in Australia for over 50 years and is distinguished by its underwriting expertise, superior claims handling and global franchise, which includes offices in more than 50 countries and clients in more than 170 countries.

ACE offers ‘Ina-Suitcase’ – an online insurance product available to you around the clock. You can access it anytime at your convenience; be it months before your holiday or a few hours before your flight takes off!

For more information visit the Leisure and Travel discounts webpage or Get a free online quote now



New salary packaging option for staff at the Book & Merchandise Shops

From Monday 9 July Monash staff can now salary package items at the Book and Merchandise Shops.salarypack


Staff benefit by receiving a reimbursement of GST paid and can reduce gross taxable income through salary packaging.


Items available for salary packaging include (but are not limited to) all books, stationary, general gifts, cosmetics, Kodak products, Monash apparel, Oxfam and Fair Trade products. Salary packaging does not apply to services including dry-cleaning and special items such as discount movie tickets and gift vouchers.


For more information, and to collect your free salary packaging booklet and receipt holder, visit the Monash Retail website.



BUPA (HBA) health insurance staff discount

Monash staff who sign up as a new member with BUPA on the Monash University Corporate Health Plan receive access to a specially designed corporate suite of Health Insurance products that are not available to the general public.

September offer:

  • 1 month free and all 2 & 6 month waiting periods waived on extras.

    Other corporate benefits include:

  • BUPA_3_COL_TEMP_AWYour monthly premium is paid from your Monash pay so there’s no need for direct debit or credit card
  • BUPA will waive 1 excess for singles and 2 excesses for families for same day or overnight admissions into hospital.^
  • Claim more back – members on corporate extras covers can increase the amount they can claim each year by a set amount for most services for the first six years. As part of Monash University corporate health plan you can start claiming at year 3 Loyalty maximums and will increase each year for the next 3 years.
  • A range of discounts and deals from specially selected partners, so whether it’s fitness and sports you’re interested in or rest, relaxation and travel—you can choose what suits your needs.‡

More info: Visit a BUPA Retail Centre or call 1800 649 406 and quote the Monash University corporate group number – 122265. For detailed pricing information see health insurance discounts.



Save up to 50% at Peppers and Mantra Resortspeppers-salt-resort-spa-pool

Ready to escape the cold Melbourne winter? Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia and New Zealand. Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.

Special offers:

To book: View the above flyers then visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff

New women’s Fitness magazine, save 44% off RRP

Women’s Fitness is designed to inspire smart, intelligent, busy women to take control of their fitness and wellbeing, it offers news, information and advice to support, motivate, educate and encourage.mag womens fitness

Covering subjects from exercise and sports, to delicious-but-nutritious diet ideas, functional beauty and fitness, health travel and ways to achieve a relaxing body balance, it inspires women to look and feel their absolute best, subscribe now and find the fitness that fits your life!

Special launch price for Monash staff: $39.95 (only available until 31 October)
From 1 November 2012, the subscription price will increase as follows:
Monash Uni staff price after launch: $58.45 (from 1 November).
General public price: $64.95

To purchase visit Wellbeing at Monash discounts A 10% discount is also available on titles such as APC, Australian PC User, Australian Geographic, Cleo, Cosmo, Money, Motor, Wheels and more.

Complimentary Comedy Club tickets

The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff acomedy club great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.

View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp).

Where: The Athenaeum Theatre, Upstairs @ 188 Collins Street, Melbourne
Availability: Bookings are essential and subject to availability. To check availability phone 9650 1977 9.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and Saturday 10am–5pm and advise you are from Monash University.

Other discounts available to Monash staff

  • Doncaster MINI & BMW Corporate Program
  • Qantas Club and Virgin Australia lounge membership
  • Feel neck pain, free initial visit
  • Lite n’ Easy 7 day meal pack discount
  • Aussie Farmers Direct first order discount
  • Dell – up to 15% discount
  • Magazines – 10% subscriptions
  • The Convenient Kitchen – 10% discount

Visit discounts for staff for more information