
1. Australian College of Community Association Lawyers


Australian College of Community Association Lawyers (ACCAL) invites applications for the Australian College of Community Association Lawyers 2012 Scholarship to contribute to the costs of undertaking postgraduate study in Strata Law or a related field at an approved university of the successful applicant’s choice.

Closing Date – Monday 31 October 2011

Further Information:

For enquiries contact Nina Psaltis, General Manager, ACCAL by email – or by mail PO Box 182, Moorooka Qld 4105. Telephone: 0418 150 557 Facsimile: 07 32558056.


2. Prof Prac Information

Undertaking Professional Practice units are a fantastic way to develop practical legal skills alongside your academic studies at Monash.

The Law Faculty offers students the opportunity to participate its one of a kind clinical legal education program which is conducted at two centres – Monash-Oakleigh Legal Service (MOLS) and Springvale Monash Legal Service (SMLS).

MOLS and SMLS are community legal centres which offer members of the community with free legal assistance in a wide range of issues (neighbourhood disputes, fines & infringements and motor vehicle accidents, family law disputes and criminal law matters, just to name a few!) Clients are assisted through student-run clinics – that’s where you come in!

As professional practice students, you will work with real clients with real needs. You will have the opportunity to interview clients, draft legal documents, work under the supervision of leading practitioners, attend court and in some matters, appear on behalf of your clients!

MOLS runs two professional practice unit and volunteer programs. You can enrol in the general law program at MOLS or the specialist family law program at the Family Law Assistance Program (FLAP).

SMLS offers professional practice and also has a volunteer program.

There are two 12-point professional practice units to choose from:

1) Law 5218: Family Law Assistance Program

2) LAW 5216: Professional Practice (at MOLS or SMLS)

We encourage you to enrol in professional practice units as soon as you have completed prerequisite units (please refer to the unit guide). This will also give you the opportunity to enrol in Advanced Professional Practice units (LAW 5149) following completion of any of the subjects above.

As professional practice units are 12-point subjects, it runs on a trimester basis so students can get the most out of the program. Please refer to the university calendar for dates. For assessment details, please refer to the undergraduate handbook. Application forms are available at law faculty student services.

You can read more about MOLS, FLAP and SMLS on the law faculty website. You can also read more about MOLS and FLAP on the community law website –

So don’t miss out on prof prac and enrol by 1 October 2011 to begin on Monday 14 November 2011. We look forward to seeing you!

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