
1. Australian College of Community Association Lawyers


Australian College of Community Association Lawyers (ACCAL) invites applications for the Australian College of Community Association Lawyers 2012 Scholarship to contribute to the costs of undertaking postgraduate study in Strata Law or a related field at an approved university of the successful applicant’s choice.

Closing Date – Monday 31 October 2011

Further Information:

For enquiries contact Nina Psaltis, General Manager, ACCAL by email – or by mail PO Box 182, Moorooka Qld 4105. Telephone: 0418 150 557 Facsimile: 07 32558056.

Also please see ACCAL 2012 SCHOLARSHIP and

2. Robinson Gill Lawyers – Articles Position Vacant

Supervised Workplace Training (Articles) position available in February 2012.

Please email your application marked “Supervised Workplace Training 2012 application” to

3. Volunteer Position – National Native Title Council Law

The National Native Title Council (NNTC) is the peak body representing the alliance of Native Title Representative Bodies and Native Title Service Providers (NTRBs/NTSPs) from around Australia. The NNTC is recruiting two volunteers to work 1 to 1.5 days per week to assist CEO Brian Wyatt and Senior Administrative Officer Carolyn Betts in the day to day management and running of the NNTC. Tasks will vary but are likely to include accompanying the CEO to meetings, conferences and events, legal and policy research and liaison with key stakeholders. The NNTC is located at 638 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne VIC 431.

The applications for this position open 9am 17 October and close 5pm 24 November 2011.

Applications are to include a resume, an academic transcript and a cover letter. The cover letter is to provide evidence of the essential and desirable skills required for this position. The essential skills required for this position include well-developed communication skills and academic achievement. Desirable skills for this position include an understanding of Indigenous culture (and an explanation as to how this understanding was derived) and experience or skills in information technology (including the ability to feed/maintain a website, twitter and facebook page).

Applications are to be addressed to Ms Nadia Stojanova and sent to <>. Similarly, all questions should be forwarded to this email address.

Interviews will be held on 29 November and 30 November 2011. Additional interview times may be available for special circumstances.

Successful applicants will be notified of their place in the program by 2 December 2011.

Applicants would be expected to begin on approximately 14 January 2012.

For more information about the NNTC visit the NNTC website at

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