Postgraduate Notices


Postgraduate law students who have any queries regarding FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP should now be going to

For specific queries on your HELP account, including how much your HELP debt is, should call the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 13 28 61. You will have to advise the ATO of your tax file number (TFN) before they will disclose any personal information to you.

2. Postgraduate Consultative Committee

The recent inaugural meeting of the Postgraduate Consultative Committee was held in late March, and proved to be a very useful and productive sharing of ideas between academic and professional faculty staff and a range of student representatives. The minutes have now been published on the Law Current Students website (authcate required).

Its next meeting will be on July 17th.

3. UNSW Public Law Workshop

Please seeĀ 2012 PG Workshop Flyer for details and a call for abstracts for a postgraduate research workshop dedicated to the field of public law, being hosted by the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law at the Faculty of Law, UNSW on 12-13 July.

Registration for this event is free, but spaces are limited. The call for abstracts is open until 25 May.

.: End of Student Gazette 7.5.2012 :.

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