Postgraduate Notices

1. Allocate+ for Trimester 1 2014 (Current students)

Allocate+ for Trimester 1 2014 JD core units will be opened at 12pm on 9 December 2013. Due to the set size of each class, once a stream is full there are no more places available.

Students are required to complete the self-allocation by 31 December 2013. Students who require changing stream must apply in writing to the Faculty by submitting the Changing seminar streams or tutorial group application form along with the supporting documentation by Friday 3 January 2014. The form can be downloaded from Faculty website.

2. Allocate+ for Trimester 1 2014 (New students)

Allocate+ for Trimester 1 2014 new students commencing 20/1/2014 who are going to take LAW7470 & LAW7264 will be opened at 12pm on 6 January 2013. Due to the set size of each class, once a stream is full there are no more places available.

Students are required to complete the self-allocation by 17 January 2014. Students who require changing stream must apply in writing to the Faculty by submitting the Changing seminar streams or tutorial group application form along with the supporting documentation by Friday 17 January 2014. The form can be downloaded from Faculty website.

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