1. Castan Centre fundraising film night: ‘Chasing Asylum’
The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law invites you to this powerful fundraising event; the film the Australian government doesn’t want you to see.
Chasing Asylum exposes the real impact of Australia’s offshore detention policies and explores how ‘The Lucky Country’ became one where leaders choose detention over compassion and governments deprive the desperate of their basic human rights.
The film features never-before-seen footage from inside Australia’s offshore detention camps, revealing the personal impact of sending those in search of a safe home to languish in limbo.
Chasing Asylum explores the mental, physical and fiscal consequences of Australia’s decision to lock away families in unsanitary conditions away from media scrutiny, destroying their lives under the pretext of saving them.
Join us for this special screening and fundraising event.
Date: Wednesday 1 June 2016
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Venue: Classic Cinema, 9 Gordon Street, Elsternwick, VIC 3185
Cost: $24.08 per ticket
Buy tickets here.
Watch the trailer. (MA15+ Strong Coarse Language)
2. Castan Centre Annual Human Rights Conference 2016
Join over 300 attendees from the law, civil society, academia and business at Australia’s only annual human rights conference. Limited student rate tickets are limited.
Speaker line up so far includes:
- Mr Stan Grant, Indigenous Affairs Editor of the Guardian Australia, on the way forward for Indigenous reconciliation
- The Hon Martin Pakula MP, Victorian Attorney-General, on Developments in Human Rights in Victoria
- Professor Anne Aly, Professor at Edith Cowan University and Founding Chair of People Against Violent Extremism, on Radicalisation, Terrorism and Human Rights
- Professor Mary Crock, Professor of Public Law at The University of Sydney, on Making Every Life Count: International Law and The Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Displacement
- Mariam Veiszadah, Ambassador of Welcome to Australia and President of Islamophobia Register Australia, on Islamophobia in Australia
- Julian McMahon, lawyer for Van Tuong Nguyen and members of the Bali Nine, on the executions of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan and what has followed in the region
Date: Friday 22 July 2016
Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Venue: The Edge, Federation Square, Corner Swanston and Flinders Street, Melbourne
Full details on the Castan Centre website. Check it out for up-to-date speaker line up.
3. Cognitive Biases in Decision Making
During a mediation, decisions have to be made by the parties in order to settle their dispute and process decisions also need to be made by the mediator.
As people form judgments and make decisions they fall prey to predictable and consistent errors which can impact on the quality of decisions and escalate conflict.
Professor Jill Klein from the Melbourne Business School will speak on the topic ‘Cognitive Biases in Decision Making’.
The presentation will provide a discussion of cognitive biases and how we can manage them in order to make optimal decisions.
Date: Tuesday 14 June 2016
Time: 5.45pm (socialising) for 6.15pm to 7.15pm presentation
Venue: Heritage Room, Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition St & Little Lonsdale St
Cost: Free to VADR members (non-members $20)
RSVP: please email Alison at
Finger food will be provided and drinks are available at bar prices.
4. Conciliating Sexual Harassment Disputes – Not Just a Personal Matter
The way we view and conciliate disputes of sexual harassment is changing.
We have seen through the Federal report into the Department of Defence and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission’s own independent review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment in Victoria Police that the impact of such harassment in the workplace runs deep.
The case law around sexual harassment is also changing and damages are increasing to reflect community expectations that sexual harassment can no longer lightly be dismissed. In this current climate, it is timely we reflect on these changes and discuss how they can impact on the way disputes of this nature can be resolved through conciliation.
At this Victorian Association for Dispute Resolution (VADR) event Sophie Georgalis and Katie Bates from the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission will speak on the topic ‘Conciliating Sexual Harassment Disputes – Not Just a Personal Matter’.
Date: Thursday 2 June 2016
Time: 5.45pm (socialising) for 6.15pm to 7.15pm presentation
Venue: Heritage Room, Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition & Little Lonsdale Sts
Cost: Free to VADR members (non-members $20)
RSVP: please email Alison at
Finger food will be provided and drinks are available at bar prices.
5. Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation Lecture Series
Registrations are now open for the Monash Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation lecture series.
Interested undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff are all welcome to attend the lectures.
Further information on topics, speakers and registration can be found here.