
1. Career Connect services at Monash University

Meet with our friendly staff to discuss your career plan or have your job application checked

Applying for Clerkships or Graduate positions or feel you need some assistance with your career plan? Drop in to have your job application checked (no appointment needed) or book a 30 minute appointment with a Careers Education Consultant through Career Gateway to discuss your career plan.

Find out available times at your campus.

Upcoming events

There are lots of career events, seminars and workshops scheduled for semester 2.  To view a complete listing of upcoming events, please log in to Career Gateway, or check out the Career Connectwebsite.
Work rights consultations

Career Connect offers Monash students work rights consultations by appointment at both Clayton and Caulfield campuses. If you have concerns about your employment conditions, please make an appointment for a private discussion with our employment consultant.

To book an appointment, please log in to Career Gateway and select Work Rights Consultations in the Appointments menu. You can also read more about your work rights on the Career Connect website.

2. Student Futures – online tool to help prepare for your career

Careers Connect have launched a website for student careers, called Student Futures.

Student Futures is an online tool to help you prepare for your career.

It helps students find opportunities, track progress toward career-oriented goals, hones in on basic job preparation (CV, interviews, etc) and contains units on employability skills.

Give it a go today.

End of Gazette 16/11/2016

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