Busy time as Medical School interviews 2013 intake

One of the MMI interviews last year.

One of the MMI interviews last year.

While some areas are looking forward to a quieter time during mid-semester break, staff at Gippsland Medical School are gearing up for two of the busiest days of the year, the Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) for applicants hoping for a place in the 2013 cohort.

Over two days, 130 applicants will be interviewed. There will be 56 interviewers including staff from SRH, Gippsland and Clayton campuses, current students and community volunteers.

A team of Year A students will be on hand to assist with coordination and to chat to applicants and calm their nerves. Staff will be assisting either as interviewers or with coordination on the days.

The MMIs are the culmination of a year of hard work for the GMS Admissions team, Judy and Lauren, led by Dr Marg Hay, Director of Admissions. The intention is to select the best possible students within the pool of applicants, while increasing the numbers of rural, particularly Gippsland-based, students offered places.

The year-long process for applicants begins in January when they register for the GAMSAT. After sitting in March, applicants apply through GEMSAS (Graduate Entry Medical Schools Admissions System) preferencing the Medical Schools they wish to attend. Judy and Lauren then work with QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) to manage the simulations and rank and select those lucky few who make it to interview. After interviews comes the nail-biting waiting period for applicants prior offers being released in October.

International interviews this year have already taken place in Singapore, Canada, Malaysia and Gippsland, with 78 international applicants interviewed before last week.

The MMI originated from McMaster University in 2001 and now plays a heavy role in the selection of medical students in Australia.

Gippsland Medical School would like to thank staff from School of Health sites for their assistance as interviewers.

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