Student visits Uganda with Monash team

Year 4 Bendigo-based medical student, Saada Malouf, has just returned from several weeks in Uganda, part of a team on a visit organised by Monash medical student global health group, TeaMMEd.

Before she went, Saada, who is originally from Gippsland, spoke to the Bendigo Advertiser and what she hoped to achieve on the trip. (Read the article).

The team originally had a choice between Tonga and Uganda, but Saada chose Uganda because it appealed to her more.

The group took numerous medical supplies to help out the local people and to leave supplies once the trip had ended. In a country where people live on $A1.25 a day and a box of band-aids costs about $4.00, the group decided the medical supplies would be valuable.

Saada approached several business and Rotary clubs in Bendigo as well as in her home area of Gippsland to support purchase of the supplies and was delighted with the response.

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