Over the back fence


Dr Anton Neville Isaacs is a lecturer at MUDRIH (Monash University Department of Rural and Indigenous Health)

Describe your job/role

I mostly do research into mental health services for Aboriginal people. I also teach medical and nursing students as part of their Indigenous health and wellbeing program

Why is it important?

Mental disorders are the leading cause of disease burden among Aboriginal people after cardiovascular disease. Reasons can be broadly classified into adverse consequences of colonisation that include ongoing poor socio-economic determinants as well as poor access to services. Population-based approaches to improve socio-economic indicators require huge amounts of resources. However, improving access to services can be achieved by providing an environment where Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal mental health professionals can work together in a culturally sensitive way. This is not only very rewarding but also result oriented.

Most students have either an incomplete understanding of Aboriginal people or no understanding at all. Their opinions are mostly informed by the media and hearsay. Negative stereotypes of and attitudes towards Aboriginal people need to be challenged if we are to make any progress towards closing the gap.

What is the best aspect of your work with the School of Rural Health?

I cherish the autonomy and freedom I have in choosing the research I do and planning for it.

When you are not at work, what do you enjoy doing?

Spending time at home with my children.

What was your most recent holiday destination and why did you choose it?

Phillip Island. It’s a nice place for a family holiday

If you were emperor for a day, what is one thing you would implement?

A thousand dollar fine for poor road etiquette (Abuse, tail gating, road rage, etc).

Surprise us! What is something about you that most of your peers would not know?

I used to be a Sea Cadet in School and was selected to march in the Republic Day parade at New Delhi. Unfortunately, the group that marched before us was a mounted regiment. Avoiding horse dung and keeping step and formation at the same time was challenging. But as a treat for having been selected to represent the Corps on the national stage, we were allowed to sail on Naval frigates and fly in helicopters.

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