Student Australian Masters Champion

Tracey Zakazakaarcher year 4C medical student has won 3 gold and 1 silver in the Australian Masters Championships 2013. This competition only runs every two years and involves athletes from 13 different countries in 50 different sports. Tracey was successful in the athletics competition taking first place in the pentathlon, shot-put and the hammer throw, as well as second place in the discus throw.

Tracey is a mother of eight children, is studying medicine, as well as coaching other children in both soccer and athletics.

Tracey was also chosen to represent the Masters Games competitors on the “Weekend Today Show”, Channel 9 national TV, as well as local radio stations in Geelong Victoria.

Tracey’s TV interview can be found online.

Tracey admits, “I enjoy my athletics – it keeps me fit, however, the most important thing right now is passing the exams!”

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