Over the back fence

Tina Whitney

Tina Whitney

Your name and Position
Tina Whitney, Gippsland Regional Clinical School Receptionist

Describe your job/ role.
My job is to meet and greet people direct them to the appropriate people, I answer the phones, manage teaching space and accommodation bookings. I provide administrative support to all GRCS staff members.

Why is it important?
I think it is important to provide a positive and friendly service to the public, as well staff members.

What is the best aspect of your work with the school of rural health?
To have the privilege of working with the most amazing people, including the students.

When not at work, what do you enjoy doing?
Spending time with family and friends and gardening.

What was your most recent holiday destination and why did you choose it?
My last holiday was to Queensland 12 months ago; it was a girls’ week. I chose it for the theme parks, as they are always fun and relaxing.

If you were Emperor for a day, what is one thing you would implement?
I would make every single person do one special deed for another without wanting anything in return.

Surprise us. What is something about you that most of your peers wouldn’t know?
I am rather a shy person.

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