Over the back fence … with Warren Driscoll

Warren Driscoll

Warren Driscoll

Name and position

Warren Driscoll
Project Office, SRH – Bendigo


Warren will be working with Graham Allardice and Kerrie Thomsen on various projects for the school as a whole and SRH – Bendigo including policies and procedures for the new Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, and operational data preparation. He’ll also be an “expert” sim patient.

Warren worked as a Chief Financial Officer for many years, most recently at the Maryborough District Health Service. In his spare time he chaired the then Bendigo Regional Clinical School’s Community Advisory Committee, and had been chair of the Bendigo Bombers football team. His career was cut short when he fell while cleaning his roof. He spent 15 months in hospital, lost the use of his right arm and could not walk for nine months. Through a long rehab, he has learned to do everything left-handed and he’s now rightly proud that the wheelchair has been unused for over a year.

Interests outside work

Football is a long-time passion. In 1979, Warren signed up as a member of the MCG and he’s now looking forward to being able to go there and watch matches again. Last year he spent two months in Perth and went twice to the WACA, whetting his appetite for seeing the game live. He has also taken up lawn bowls – as a left-handed bowler with a mechanical bowling arm because he has trouble bending.

If emperor for a day, what is one thing he would implement?

Better knowledge on medical issues.

Surprise us! What is something about him that most of his peers would not know?

The accident had an unexpected outcome. Warren used to have to wear glasses all the time. Now he only needs them for reading.

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