Elaine’s farewell

Elaine was part of the beginning of the School of Rural Health

Elaine was part of the beginning of the School of Rural Health


Dear everyone

I would like to take this opportunity to farewell to all my colleagues  at the School of Rural Health and a big thank you for the morning tea, dinner, gifts and good wishes.

The School has been a major part of my life for the last nearly 21 years (good English). I have seen so many changes. I have met some fantastic people, whether they were staff, students, international visitors or stakeholders.  The passion and commitment of staff to the cause of Rural Health never ceases to amaze me. Times have not always been easy, lots of belt tightening, uncertainty about continued funding and other external factors but this still hasn’t deterred people from their continued support of the School.

I think it will take a little while to realise that I am not just on holidays but will keep in touch as I have made many friends during my tenure. Thank you to everyone who has supported me, mentored me, guided me, laughed and cried with me and enjoyed me sharing my stories of my family (or at least been polite enough to pretend they have enjoyed them).  I honestly never thought that I would still be here all this time later, let alone in the position of a School Manager.

I wish the everyone at the School of Rural Health, no matter which site you are on,  every success in the future. You all are truly exceptional people.


Elaine Evans

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