Families and mental illness – Prato conference

Dr Melinda Goodyear is project manager of the Mental Illness Research Fund (MIRF) project led by Associate Professor Darryl Maybery. Her work and the MIRF project focus on families with a parent with a mental illness. She presented at the COPMI/FaPMI [title: children of parents with a mental illness/families where a parent has a mental illness] International Conference and Research Meeting in Prato, Italy, in December 2013.

The top 30 international researchers in the field attended the meeting so Dr Goodyear was able to profile MUDRIH as a leader in this area of research. Her presentation resulted in the establishment of an international collaboration to write a conceptual paper on family resilience, and another to work on an ARC grant application on the transition to parenthood.

Dr Goodyear was also able to set up mentorships with Professor Joanne Nicholson (Professor of Psychiatry at the Darmouth Psychiatric Research Centre, USA) and Dr Brenda Gladstone (Center for Critial Qualitative Health Research, Canada).

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