New staff member joins MUDRIH

Dr Susan Waller has joined the team at Monash University Department of Rural and Indigenous Health in Moe as a Senior Lecturer in Interprofessional Education.

Susan is responsible for interprofessional collaboration leadership through coordinating the development, delivery and evaluation of interprofessional education and practice programs across the School of Rural Health and Gippsland health services.

As a paediatric physiotherapist, Susan has practised for many years in various allied health services across the hospital and community sectors, both in Australia and in the Middle East. She experienced firsthand the importance of interprofessional education and collaborative practice to meet service user goals.

Susan studied the impact of an interprofessional student placement in community rehabilitation teams and was awarded a PhD in Interprofessional Education from the University of Queensland in 2010.

She was part of a team that developed an interprofessional curriculum in the first clinical school located in a large private hospital in Brisbane and has run training workshops in practising interprofessionally.

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