ADHD Study – Participants Wanted

Study on ADHD and Mind States – Participants Wanted!

A team of researchers at Monash University are investigating the similarities and differences in the types of attentional lapses occurring in individuals with ADHD and without.

They’re currently recruiting individuals with ADHD between the ages of 18 and 35 and who have no history of head injury, psychosis, or epilepsy.

Participation in this study will take approximately 5 hours and participants will be reimbursed with a $100 Coles/Woolworths voucher at the completion of all parts of the study.

  • It should be noted that participants must complete all parts of the project in order to be reimbursed.

This Study Will Comprise of The Following

  1. An interview with a clinician to reconfirm the participant’s ADHD diagnosis (approx. 1.5-2 hours)
  2. An online questionnaire (approx. 30-45 min to complete – NOTE: this will be split into two parts; one will be completed online at the participant’s convenience and the other will be completed during the in-person EEG session)
  3. A computer task to be completed at Monash University, Clayton Campus whilst brain activity is being recorded via EEG (approx. 1.5-2 hours)

Here is a link to the first questionnaire.

Interested participants can contact Elaine at or James at for further information.

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