Disability on Television: Access, representation and reception Stage 1: Survey

We would like to request your participation in a study being conducted by Curtin University.

The purpose of this research is to help us understand potential benefits and challenges of the digital television switchover for Australians with disabilities. This will involve a number of separate phases over approximately 3 years:

1) survey a number of people with disabilities/ disability advocates regarding their views on television and its representation of people with disabilities and their issues and the alternative ways this group may access television due to the effects of disability

2) The construction of an online forum where participants can meet and discuss their experiences with the switch over to digital television and find and post information that they might find useful to share. We will also conduct focus group interviews with participants in this forum

3) Participant observation visits to see how people with disabilities watch television in their own homes.

A member of our research team will invite you to participate in an online survey hosted on Survey Monkey. The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete. Participation in this project is completely voluntary. You can refuse to answer any question and you can stop participation at any time.

The survey is available in any format that would be most accessible to you, including  verbally. If you would like to be called, please contact Senior Researcher Katie Ellis at Katie.ellis@curtin.edu.au.

Your involvement is anonymous and all comments and responses will be treated confidentially. The names of individual persons are not required in any of the responses. It will not be possible to change or verify your comments after the survey because your involvement is anonymous. All data generated in the survey will be stored securely and onlythe research team will have access to the data. You will not be identified when the results of the research are published.

You can decide at any time to withdraw your consent to participate in this research. You may decide to withdraw at any time during the research. Withdrawing from the research will have no consequences for your current or future relationship with Curtin University.

By agreeing to participate, you are giving your consent for us to use the information you provide in academic research. Thank you very much for your participation.

Dr Katie Ellis
Ph: +61 (8) 9266 9130

We are happy to discuss with you any concerns you may have on how this study has been conducted. If you wish to talk to an independent person about your concerns you can contact Curtin University’s Human Research Ethics Committee on 9266 2784 or email: hrec@curtin.edu.au or in writing C/- Office of Research and Development, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6845

This phase of this study has been approved by the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval No. MCCA-14-13)

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