Doctors With Disabilities – Australia

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Doctors with Disabilities Australia (DWDA) is a national advocacy body advocating for greater acceptance, access and inclusion for aspiring doctors, medical students and doctors with disabilities.

You can now Like Us DWDA on Facebook to keep update with all our advocacy events and exciting opportunities:

Here’s the link to our Facebook page:

Also, you can get in touch with us via our contact form on our website if you’d like to be apart of who we are or had any ideas.

Or if you knew of a student with a disability of any sort who is either studying medicine, has studied medicine or aspiring to, please get them to contact us and we will help them in whatever way we can.

Here’s the link to our contact us form:

Contact Us

Please spread the message across to students, friends and colleagues.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


(Doctors with Disabilities – Team Member)”

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