Graduate Equity Supplement

Monash Graduate Research Equity Supplement

This is a top-up scholarship supplement intended to assist with extra expenses a Graduate Research student with a disability or long-term medical condition incurs during the pursuit of their degree.

This is a one-off award intended for use by the recipient to support these extra expenses directly related to their research undertaking.

  • Expenses unrelated to the pursuit of research will not be covered (such as vehicle, medical costs, etc.) Applicants must clearly state how their research will benefit from the supplement if awarded.

Extra expenses May Include:

  • travel by taxi or modified vehicle
  • attendant care on campus
  • purchase of specialised adaptive technology
  • library assistance (i.e. searching, scanning, photocopying and carrying materials)
  • research material in a format other than ordinary print (i.e. large print, audio-type)
  • communication in other than oral mode (i.e. written, interpreter, computer with voice synthesizer)

Click here for more information about the Graduate Research Equity Supplement

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