GradWISE and EY Webinar

FREE Graduate Recruitment Webinar

You are welcome to attend this webinar to learn about a high-level graduate recruitment program for students/graduates living with a disability.


  • In this one-hour webinar (plus an additional 15-min live Q&A), you will learn about the successful GradWISE program continuum, the support and advocacy available with regards to disclosure to employers
  • You will also hear from Ernst & Young (EY), a leading pro-disability confident employer discuss the importance of disclosure, how the information is used i.e. support during the application process and once employed. EY will also provide a sneak peek all-access pass into their application process and what makes an applicant successful.
  • You will also hear from a recent Monash University graduate linked to GradWISE employed as a graduate by the Victorian Public Sector Commission. She will be talking about her application journey, what made her competitive, her experience with disclosure and what has made her successful over the last 6 months.

Topics include:

  • Graduate application process, disclosure and available reasonable adjustments
  • Application and interview tips from EY
  • How to ensure you are competitive for graduate and entry-level opportunities.
  • GradWISE Continuum.

Date: Wednesday, 23 September

Time: 11:00 am-12:00 pm

Bookings: Registration Page for Students

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