Inclusive Data Visualization

Call for Participation: Inclusive Data Visualization Design Study at Monash University

  • Do you want to help make data visualisation (i.e., chart and graphs) more inclusive and easier to use?

Our study is all about creating data tools that are universally accessible, with a special focus on the autistic community.

Our aim is to find out what kinds of visuals and ways of showing data to help people understand and use information better in their everyday lives and jobs.

What is Involved in This Study?

  • We’re looking for Monash students who are 18 or older, and diagnosed with autism or if you’ve self-diagnosed, to join our study.
  • You’ll start by answering some questions about your demographic and how you use data visuals. It will take approximately 10 minutes.
  • Then, you’ll take part in two phases of the study, where you’ll look at different data visuals and complete web-based tasks.
  • After each phase, we’ll discuss your experiences with you. Both user-study and interview will take approximately 120-150 minutes.

We really want to make sure this study works for you, so please tell us if there’s anything we can do to make it better for you!

Participant Appreciation

As a big thank you for your time, you’ll get an AUD $50 voucher for groceries.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Must have a diagnosis of autism, or self- diagnosed.

Interested in Participating?


*This project has Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee approval – Project ID: 41238

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