Kickstart your Career with WAM!
Students registered with Monash Disability Services can apply for a limited number of funded places for the Willing and Able Mentoring (WAM) Program, now run by Diversity Recruitment and Training. WAM matches mentors with students with disability within the professional area the student is interested in.
In the 13 years the WAM Program has been operating, mentees report that through their participation they have:
- gained confidence and clarity about their career direction
- valuable contacts in the professional area
- increased skills in developing their resume
- improved interview skills
- developed ideas about solving disability related challenges
Some mentees gained work-placements and others have even gained a job.
The WAM Program involves:
- Induction session (via phone or in person) detailing the program
- A series of mentoring meetings in the mentor’s workplace
- A program manual to guide the mentor and mentee through the program, plus full support from our staff
- Debriefing and certificate presentation event at the conclusion of the program.
How to apply for the half-year intake in 2014
If you are registered with Disability Services and wish to apply for a funded place in the WAM Program, please complete the Expression of Interest Form, which will be sent to: .
You may also post, fax, or drop off the form to the main Disability Services Office at Level 1, Building 55, Clayton Campus, Monash University VIC 3800; fax number: 9905 5517.
*NOTE: all applications for funding to Disability Services must be received by close of business, Wednesday 25 June, 2014. No WAM Mentorships for Monash students will be funded without prior approval by Disability Services.