PACE Mentoring Update

PACE Mentoring Program Spring Applications 2019 are Now Open!

PACE Mentoring connects students with a disability, mental illness or ongoing medical conditions with mentors from leading Australian organisations. It gives the mentees an opportunity to develop their skills and confidence in a workplace setting.

Mentees meet their mentors 6-8 times at their mentors workplace, and work on activities designed to increase employability skills. You could be matched with mentors from ANZ Bank, Cummins, Arup, Bupa, IAG, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Hays and Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

Cummins Supports PACE Mentoring in Scoresby

The mentors from Cummins in Scoresby will be skilled in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering as well as HR, Supply Chain and Finance which means you will not need to travel into the city to meet your mentor.

For more information click here or APPLY HERE. Please email if you have any questions.

Below is a little paragraph about the Scoresby opportunity and here is a link to a Facebook post about the opportunity:

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