Review of WWW Advisory Note

Call for Submissions: Review of WWW Advisory Note

The Australian Human Rights Commission is updating its Disability Discrimination Act Web Advisory Note.

The existing version, released in 2014 and is being updated to reflect changes in technology, its role within society, as well as national and international standards and policies that define how technology provides equitable or equal access for people with disability.

The purpose of the document is to guide people and organisations to make their websites and other web resources accessible to as many people as possible, including people with disability.

The review will bring the document in line with contemporary digital environment and practices. As such, it will extend the advice to encompass digital accessibility across a wide range of platforms beyond websites and web-based content.

An updated draft of the WWW Advisory Note is currently available for comment and input from individuals and organisations with relevant background and expertise in digital accessibility and lived experience of disability.

  • Submissions close on 27 April 2024.

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