Wellbeing @ Monash & Monash Sport newsletter – October 2013
Read about the latest Wellbeing and Monash Sport events, services and activities. Monash aims to assist staff in achieving a healthy work/life balance using a holistic approach – mind, body, spirit and the community.
Contact us at wellbeing@monash.edu
In the October edition:
Wellbeing events and news
Monash Sport news and offers
TeamMONASH news
Employee benefits and discounts
Wellbeing at Monash Events and News
10,000 Steps Challenge, registrations close this week
More than 1500 staff have already registered to be part of the 10,000 Steps Challenge
The 4 week Challenge is open to all staff, students, friends and family and commences on Monday, 14 October and will see participants walk 1164km’s in a virtual walk around Tasmania.
Teams of up to 8 people will each aim to clock up at least 10,000 steps each day. There are great events happening at each campus including
Participants will not only measure the number of steps they take each day using pedometers, but also experience the many benefits that physical activity has on mental health.
Register now! For more information visit the 10,000 steps website
Departments wishing to sponsor staff members should contact wellbeing@monahs.edu
Monash Mental Health Week, 7-11 October
With one in five Australians experiencing a mental illness this year, it’s important we at Monash continue to encourage our friends, workmates and family to seek help when they need it, without fear or stigma.
Monash Mental Health Week, from 7 to 11 October, aims to provide opportunities to understand behaviour, learn from new research, discover our current resources, and focus on improving your own mental health right here on campus.
How you can participate
We invite all faculties, divisions and student group to create awareness across all campuses, including;
Mental Health Awareness Training
Understanding and addressing self-injury symposium
Coping with change seminar
Why young people act stupid (Professor Nick Allen)
Laughter Yoga
LGBTIQ youth, mental health and making a connection
Lunchtime mindfulness session
SafeTALK: Building a suicide alert community
Essence of health seminar (Dr Craig Hassed)
Free Dynamic Yoga and Pilates classes (Monash Sport)
Lunchtime GLOBAL 3km walk / 5km run event – 9th October
The Mental Health Week GLOBAL walk/run is a great opportunity to get out of the office with colleagues and enjoy a lunchtime 3km walk or 5km run around campus.
You can also experience the many benefits physical activity has on mental health. A light lunch is provided for all participants
Date: Wednesday 9th October, 12.15pm-1pm.
Campuses: Alfred, Bendigo, Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland, Parkville, Peninsula and Prato
Ride to Work Day – Clayton
As part of National Ride to Work Day on Wednesday 16th October, Monash is holding its own ‘Ride to Monash’ celebration!
Ride by the Lemon Scented Lawns between 8am and 10am at Clayton Campus, with your bike helmet, and grab a free treat including; fruit, muffins, puncture repair key and water bottle. Come by to say hello to other cyclists, discuss your likes and gripes of cycling to Monash or simply to boast about all the benefits of cycling to work or uni!
If you would like to see better riding facilities around Melbourne be sure to register your participation with Bicycle Network Victoria
Can’t ride to work that day but want to get involved? The Monash community Bicycle User Group is holding a cycling event on campus to encourage people see the campus on a bike, register for this event
Get your steps up at a lunchtime walk
Join a lunchtime walk on Monday 14th October to celebrate the first day of the 10,000 steps challenge.
Campuses: Alfred, Berwick, Caulfield, Clayton, Gippsland and Parkville
Just 15 minutes to get your health checked!
We often prioritise our daily duties at the expense of our own health and wellbeing. Spend just 15 minutes learning more about your vital health risks through a free, confidential health check in November.
Participants will receive immediate, confidential results and advice on blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart and stroke risk and more.
Make your booking online today!
Department bookings: If you would like to offer free health checks for your department staff (minimum 10) please contact wellbeing@monash.edu with your preferred dates and campus.
Interested in a lunchtime pilates or boxing program?
The Staff Wellbeing and Activity Program (SWAP) provides tailored pilates, boxing, yoga and zumba, Fit Camp for Monash staff.
Wellbeing @ Monash is recruiting participants interested in joining a 6 week yoga, pilates or boxing lunchtime program.
Dates: Anticipated to start early November
Price: $54 per person for the 6 week program (x1 45minute class per week)
How to register:
Register your interest for Boxing and list your campus
Register your interest for Yoga and list your campus
Register your interest for Pilates and list your campus
6 week lunchtime yoga program at Clayton
Join a 6 week yoga program at Clayton
Dates: 12.15-1pm on Friday 18th and 25thOctober, 1st, 8th, 15th and 22ndNovember
Venue: 18th and 25th October – Engineering Hall 3, Building 60, Clayton
1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd November – Monash Sport, Clayton
Price: $54 per person for the 6 week program (x1 45minute class per week)
Ready to get active?
Please download the Pre-exercise Health Screen form and return to melanie.elston@monash.edu then make payment online with a credit card no later than Friday 11th October
Any questions can be sent to wellbeing@monash.edu. Proudly presented by Wellbeing @ Monash and Monash Sport.
Healthy cooking demonstrations: Learn to create simple, healthy and delicious meals!

Venue: Clayfield room A1.34, Building A, Caulfield
Register online
Essence of health 5 week programs
The Essence of Health is a model for enhancing wellbeing and sustainable performance as well as the prevention and management of chronic illness.
Essence is an acronym standing for Education, Stress management, Spirituality, Exercise, Nutrition, Connectedness and Environment and is a comprehensive lifestyle program underpinned by enabling strategies such as mindfulness, enhancing motivation, goal setting and behaviour change.
This 5 week program will explore the Essence model and give evidence and examples illustrating the importance of each element and how to apply the model to personal and professional life.
The program has been delivered within the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences for a number of years in training doctors and allied health practitioners in stress and lifestyle management.
Caulfield 5 week program:
Session dates: 28 October, 11, 18, 25 November and 2 December.
Venue: Room 471, Level 4, Building B, Caulfield
Register online
Essence of health 1 hr introductory seminar – Caulfield
Date: Tuesday 8th October, 12.15-1pm
Venue: Building C, level 5, room 11, Caulfield
Register online
Coping with change seminar, 10th October
As part of Mental Health Week, the University EAP provider ResolutionsRTK will provide a presentation on coping with change.
The purpose is to help participants understand their individual responses to change within the context of the psychology of change; and how they can best personally manage and promote a more proactive and resilient response to change. Key topics will include:
· The nature of change
· The impact and psychology of change
· Understanding the obstacles and barriers to change
· The keys to building personal resilience
Date: Thursday 10th October, 12.30-1.30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre E3, Ground Level, Building 32, Clayton
Register online
Skin cancer prevention seminar; an investment in your health
Staff are invited to attend a new wellbeing seminar on skin cancer prevention.
Delivered by Sue Dixon, radiographer at Peninsula Skin Cancer Centre, the seminar will cover
– Causes and risk factors for skin cancers
– Different types of skin cancers (Melanoma vs Non-melanoma skin cancers)
– Detection of skin cancer – what to watch our for
– Prevention and the importance of self awareness of your skin
– Treatment of skin cancer
Date: Tuesday 12th November, 12.15pm-1.15pm
Venue: Building 8, Rotunda Theatre R3
Register online
Date: Tuesday 19th November, 2013, 12.15pm-1.15pm
Venue: Building H, Basement level, Lecture Theatre HB32
Register online
Staff from other campuses are invited to express their interest by emailing wellbeing@monash.edu, please state your campus and skin cancer seminar in the subject.
Diabetes prevention seminar – are you at risk?
Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease with nearly 1,000,000 Australians currently diagnosed and 280 Australians developing diabetes each day. The good news is that up to 60% of cases can be prevented.
You can learn how to reduce your chance of developing type 2 diabetes, as well as heart disease and stroke, by attending an seminar delivered by DiabetesVictoria, will cover topics such as:
- What is diabetes?
- Symptoms and complications of diabetes
- Risk factors linked to type 2 diabetes
- How to prevent type 2 diabetes
All who attend will also have the opportunity to complete the AUSDRISK tool to determine their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. All high risk, eligible employees will then be offered the opportunity to participate in a Divisional Life! program
Date: Tuesday 15th October, 1.15-2.15pm
Venue: Lecture theatre H7, Building 11
Register online
Cycling seminar and on campus event
Women & Cycling: Ladies, take your riding to the next level, get into new disciplines of riding and be inspired by some pretty awesome women. Oh, and did we mention there will be cupcakes and sparkling wine? Everyone gets a goody bag, and we’ve got some great door prizes.
All proceeds go to charity, supporting my fundraising ride from Melbourne to Sydney for the Future2 Foundation. Date: Tuesday 24th October, 6pm
Venue: Bicycle Network, Bourke Street, Melbourne
Cost: $15
For more details and tickets visit bike seminar
Clayton Campus Quest: Join the 1st annual Clayton Campus Quest! It will be a fun Bike/Walk/Run across, through, over and under 10km of the Clayton campus for a duration of one hour.
Date: Wednesday 16th October, 4-5pm
Venue: Monash Sport BBQ area, Monash University Clayton Campus
Cost: $20 per participant
Register online
‘Like’ Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook
Get information about the latest events, special offers, discounts and news by liking Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook. Like Wellbeing at Monash on Facebook.
Order a delicious fruit box for your next staff meeting or event
At Monash we encourage staff to make the healthy choice when providing food for staff meetings and events. Why not try a delicious box of fruit at your next meeting and event?
FruitAddicts offers Monash departments an excellent fresh box of fruit, with free delivery to Monash campuses and 10% discount off the following prices –
Box of 30 fruit pieces $24
Box of 45 fruit pieces $34
Box of 60 fruit pieces $44
To order contact Steve at FruitAddicts or phone 1300 438 378 and quote ‘Monash Wellbeing’. Payment can be made via cheque, credit card or monthly invoicing.
You can order these and find many more suggestions in our Health Smart Healthy Catering brochure or the Catering How To Buy Guide.
Do you cycle to work or run/walk regularly at lunchtime?
The University Wellbeing KPI aims to achieve 30% participation in wellbeing events and programs.
Staff who regularly participate wellbeing related activity during their work day can now log their participation in a database to help contribute to their Faculty/Division Wellbeing KPI.
Regularly is defined as at least once per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes during your work day (Monday to Friday).
Log your participation in the Wellbeing KPI form.
Save 3 lives in 30 minutes, mobile blood bank at Clayton campus, 23-25 October
Monash staff and students will have the opportunity to donate blood during October when the Red Cross mobile blood bank will be on site at the Clayton campus.
The blood bank will be located in the Engineering Building 4/60 on the Clayton campus from Wednesday 23 – Friday 26 October, 9.30am – 3.30pm.
To secure your appointment to donate, call 13 14 95 or www.donateblood.com.au
Superannuation for women seminar
Surveys consistently demonstrate that the level of retirement savings of women tend to be significantly lower than men due to different working patterns, family responsibilities and relationship breakdowns. This session is suitable for women of all ages who would like to develop a better understanding of financial matters and be more active in managing their retirement savings. The seminar will cover issues such as:
- how much do I need in retirement?
- government contribution incentives
- career breaks
- understanding your investment risk profile
- accessing benefits
- superannuation & your estate
Date: Wednesday 9th October, light refreshments 3.30-4, seminar 4-4-5pm
Venue: Science Building 25, Lecture Theatre S3, Clayton Campus
Register online by Tuesday 08 October.
Lunchtime Weight Watchers Program
Staff the opportunity to enrol in a new Weight Watchers Program. With the convenience of weekly meetings on campus*, you’ll get the guidance that you need to succeed and stay on track to achieve your weight loss and lifestyle goals
About the program: The program consists of one weekly lunchtime meeting for 13 weeks.
Cost: $19.50 per session for 13 week program. Payment can be in cash, credit card or pay $50 upfront then 3 monthly instalments. Some private health insurance providers provide a partial refund.
Do you wear glasses? Monash eye glasses collection
Do you have old eye glasses sitting in your desk draw? Wellbeing @ Monash is now collecting used eye glasses for the Lions Recycle For Sight Program.
Send your unwanted eye glasses via internal mail to Wellbeing @ Monash – OHS, Building 40P, Clayton
Get active at Gippsland, Parkville and Berwick
Get active at Gippsland
Gippsland campus walking group takes place every Monday and Thursday from 12:30pm – 1:00pm. Meet upstairs at the Knuckle outside the eSolutions area (1N-209). Email Vonnie vonnie.boreham@monash.edu for more information.
Get active at Parkville
Free Get Active classes including:
Boxing: Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm at Cossar Hall
Yoga: Tuesday 12pm at Cossar Hall
Boot Camp: Wednesdays 7.30am meet at the Flagpole
Mindfulness meditation: Wednesdays 1.15pm, Pharmaceutics meeting room
Dynamic yoga: Thursday 5pm at Cossar Hall
Get active at Berwick
Free Get ACtive classes are available to staff at Berwick campus, including:
Yoga: Monday’s 1.30pm – 2.15pm
Zumba: Wednesday’s 1.30pm – 2.15pm
Venue: Nossal High School in the Gymnasium building
For detailed class information visit Berwick Sport webpage.
Competition winners and your chance to win
For your chance to win a Village Cinemas movie ticket tell us what you think of the new layout of the newsletter or provide a suggestion for Wellbeing at Monash or Monash Sport (or any wellbeing service you would like to see) Provide feedback via email wellbeing@monash.edu
Monash Sport news and offers
The Doug Ellis Swimming Pool is reopening
Good news! The Doug Ellis Pool reopened this Monday 7 October.
Monash Sport thanks you for your patience during this closedown period, and reminds you that your membership will became active again from Monday 7 October when the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool reopened.
We are excited to report that the newly laid floor surface will provide an improved aquatic environment, and the upgrades to the spa and change room refurbishments are well underway, with temporary change room facilities currently in place.
Updates on the works can be found on our website.
Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff
At Monash Sport, we want all Monash University staff members to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. Because of this, we have introduced Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff. The variety of options available has been tailored so that each and every staff member is able to join the centre and able to achieve their fitness goals whether it is individually or as a group.
The Health and Fitness Options for Monash University Staff includes Centre memberships, participation in the SWAP Group Exercise and casual visits.
For any further enquiries please contact our friendly staff or come down and visit us with your voucher for a 7 Day Trial
Small Group Training
Fit Camp has a new look! ENERGISE is a six week fun, social, challenging and rewarding way of training. For those about to embark on their first fitness program or looking for a new challenge ENERGISE is for you.
All ENERGISE sessions are conducted by fully qualified health and fitness instructors who will motivate participants to challenge their current fitness levels whilst still being able to tailor the program to suit all individuals’ needs.
ENERGISE is run across Monash University Caulifield, Clayton and Peninsula campuses with programs starting throughout the year.
To register your interest or for further information, please contact:
Caulfield: 9903 2358 or fitness.caulfield@monash.edu
Clayton: 9905 4103 or clayton.fitness@monash.edu
Group Fitness
New Pilates Class at Clayton
Due to popular demand we have put on a NEW pilates Class at Clayton, Wednesday 7.30pm. Come along and get your pilates on!
New Cycle Bikes
At Clayton we are very excited to announce the arrival of new Spin bikes. The provider that was chosen wasBLUE FITNESS. They are a global leader in indoor cycling training, education and equipment and have developed a bike designed to fit all shapes, sizes and abilities. BLUE FITNESS currently house equipment in a range of high volume use facilities including Universities, private health clubs, community Leisure centres and defence force facilities. We hope you enjoy the bikes as much as we do.
Cycle Extra Performance
This 60 minute class will be running for a 5 week trial starting Thursday 17 October at 5:30pm.
Cycle Extra Performance is ideal for more experienced participants who seek a more challenging workout to build higher levels of strength, endurance and fitness in a full ‘hour of power’. Burn more calories than you thought possible!
New Cycle class at Caulfield
Caulfield has introduced a new cycle class on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm.
During the month of October this class will be free for all members.Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cyclist or class participant, the class is at a level whereby all can participate. Adrian our instructor will certainly put you through your paces.
Put your cycle training into action at this year’s Around the Bay in a Day!
Collect your Semester 2 timetable from Service Desks today!
See our website for full class descriptions.
Tennis $2 Happy Hour
Step away from your desk and onto the court! Monash Sport is making this easier for you by introducing a $2 Happy Hour during your lunch break!
All Monash staff and students are able to play up to two hours of tennis at the Clayton courts for only $2 per hour between 12-2pm Monday – Friday. This works out to be over an 85% saving off the standard Non-Student Off-Peak rate! Bookings can be made up to one week in advance and you are able to find all court booking information on our website.
Fitness Connect
Fitness Connect is a service which allows users to find and workout with someone of a similar fitness level and ability in exercise and/or sport. Exercising with a friend makes working out more enjoyable with many studies indicating the benefits regarding motivation, support and exercise longevity. The service can be found here.
TeamMONASH news
Australian University Games
After a week of hard work, perspiration and celebration, TeamMONASH has finished in second place overall.
The final results placed Melbourne University first, Monash second and University of Sydney in third place.
“The team performed with amazing spirit and great determination this year, it was a great effort,” says TeamMONASH Director Martin Dolton. “So close but yet so far, watch this space in 2014!”
The Monash’s final medal tally stood at 8 gold, 13 silver and 7 bronze.
Melbourne University beat Monash to the finish line with 10 gold, 9 silver and 3 bronze.
“Congratulations to everyone for all the hard work his week,” says TeamMONASH Captain, Elly Thorne. “It was a great time, a great effort and I’m looking forward to the 2014 AUG.”
Fellow TeamMONASH Captain Nick Cox also gave his congratulations to his fellow TeamMONASH athletes.
“We’re enormously proud of every individual involved and how we’ve banded together as a team,” Nick says. “Not only are we the biggest team, but we’re the proudest. Well done to everyone in TeamMONASH.”
Furthermore, 55 Monash students were recipients of Green and Gold team places, recognising them as the ‘best of the best’ in their chosen sport.
With a result to be proud of, TeamMONASH looks forward to next year and to take their performance up a notch, build off the results of 2013 and bring home the gold in 2014 Australian University Games.
Full results can be found on the Australian University Sport website.
Melbourne Marathon and Around the Bay in a Day
Now is your chance to get fit, get social and get involved by participating in the Melbourne Marathon or Around the Bay in a Day with TeamMONASH!
Get together a group of friends, pull on the Monash blue and on October 31 participate with TeamMONASH in either the Melbourne Marathon’s 3km walk, 5.7km or 10km run, or challenge yourself and your friends to the 21km half marathon… or run the full 42km!
If running is not your thing, get on the Monash gear and try the Around the Bay in a Day cycling challenge on October 20! You can take on the scenic 50km or 100km ride, or test yourself and your friends with the 135km, 210km or 250km cycling options!
When you and your friends participate with TeamMONASH™ you get to:
- Hang out with other TeamMONASH participants in our marquee before and after the events
- Access FREE massages and face painting on the day (Melbourne Marathon only)
- Support great charities with great causes
- Receive a FREE TeamMONASH singlet if you’re a first time participant from Monash University’s students, staff or alumni
- Be a part of Australia’s, and Monash’s, great sporting tradition
- Hang out with other TeamMONASH participants in our marquee before and after the events
- Access FREE massages and face painting on the day (Melbourne Marathon only)
- Support great charities with great causes
- Receive a FREE TeamMONASH singlet if you’re a first time participant from Monash University’s students, staff or alumni
- Be a part of Australia’s, and Monash’s, great sporting tradition
It doesn’t matter if you’re walking, running or cycling, this is a great chance to be active and raise money for a good cause, regardless of age or fitness level.
For more information or to register visit TeamMONASH’s Melbourne Marathon or Around the Bay in a Day information pages.
Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day – Friday 15 November
The Chancellor’s Cup Golf Day is a fundraising opportunity for Monash University affiliated sporting clubs across all campuses. Your involvement on the day will assist our clubs to raise much needed funds for their on going initiatives.
The handicap format will provide the basis for a great day of golf on one of Melbourne’s most prestigious courses at the Spring Valley Golf Club. Throughout the day various competitions will be held including, longest drive and nearest the pin.
See our website for registrations and more information.
Melbourne Zoo Trip
Come join Monash University for a fun day exploring Melbourne Zoo
Date: Friday 25 October, 2013
Time: 10am–3pm
Cost: $25 (Includes bus transfers, entry, lunch and fun activities)
Monash students and staff only.
Bookings: bit.ly/monashzootrip
Enquiries: karyn.howarth@monash.edu
Employee benefits and discounts
Did you know Monash staff have access to a range of employee benefits and discounts including accommodation, travel insurance, airport parking and car hire. Read more information in the range of employee benefits and staff discounts
Up to 50% off Peppers and Mantra Resorts
Staff have access to the exclusive Departure Lounge with discounted rates at selected Peppers, Mantra and BreakFree properties throughout Australia, Bali and New Zealand.
Download the October specials here . See the flyer for travel dates and specials.
To book visit Departure Lounge and enter the password: monashstaff Rates are best when searching for 3 night+ stays.
As a Monash employee you can now access a range of banking and financial benefits including competitive rates on home lending and other NAB financial products, discounted movie tickets, computers, travel, shopping and much more from a range of top brands.
Benefits include:
- Preferential rate of 0.7% p.a. less than the standard variable home loan rate for both owner-occupied and residential investment home loans. For higher loan amounts, additional benefits may be negotiated.
- First year annual fee waiver for NAB Choice Package under NAB@work (saving $395).
- Home lending: 50% discount on the standard application fee for home loans (saving of $300).
- Term deposits: Receive a 0.25% p.a. bonus on the standard rates or 0.10% p.a. bonus on the blackboard special rate. This offer is available for deposit amounts of $5,000 – $250,000 for terms of 6-24 months, for online applications through NAB@work.
- Dining: Special offers on a wide range of restaurants around Australia including local eateries and premium restaurants.
- Shopping: Special offers on an extensive array of quality brands, products and services through telephone based and online service providers.
For more information about the NAB@work program visit the Monash eployee benefits and discounts webpage
10% off Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts
Enter the Monash Corporate ID at 40 Rydges, Art Series and QT Hotels & Resorts in Australia, New Zealand and the UK and receive:
- 10% off all your accommodation bookings
- Best rates online guaranteed
To start saving:
- Visit any of the hotel websites and select your preferred location and stay dates
- Enter the Monash Corporate ID: PC102298 in the text box and save 10% off the best rates
BUPA health insurance staff discount
Bupa (formerly HBA) provides staff access to a Monash Corporate Health Insurancec Plan, with:
- Your premiums paid through direct debit/credit card
- Savings on corporate products including Top, Intermed
iate and Saver Hospital cover,
- Access to Corporate Advantage, Classic and Essentials extras (with a minimum of 70% back on most services),
- No gap dental for children
- A single room or your money back.
For pricing and detailed information see staff benefits and discounts.
Change to how your pay for your health insurance – New members who join BUPA from 1st August will only have the option of direct debit/credit card payment. There will be no changes for existing members who pay through payroll deductions.
Travelling soon? Discounted Virgin and Qantas lounge access
Sign up for a discounted airport lounge membership for Qantas and Virgin and enjoy the benefits!
Qantas Club memberships offer heavily discounted rates that can be salary sacrificed; pricing: $316 (one year) or $560.89 (two years) plus $230.00 joining fee.
Virgin Australia lounge corporate memberships offer a special price of $200 per year with a $100 joining fee.
Visit Airport Lounge discounts for more information.
Free Comedy Club tickets
The Comedy Club at the Athenaeum Theatre is offering Monash staff a great range of weekly offers, including complimentary tickets.
View the line up of comedians online. All complimentary tickets are for the show only. Dinner and show tickets can be upgraded for the discounted price of $35pp (normally $45pp). For detailed information see staff discounts.
Flower delivery and green gifts
Enjoy 10% off a delicious range of chocolate bouquets, cake pops, choc dipped strawberries and beautiful ham-pers all handmade with love at Edible Blooms.
The Green Thumb Gifts range of flowering plants, herbs and trees are not only perfect for marking special occasions and celebrating the mo-ment, but once planted they provide a lasting memory of important life events.
Staff offer: Enter the promotional code MONASH in the checkout stage on www.edibleblooms.com.au or www.greenthumbgifts.com.au to receive 10% off the product total. Offer expires 31st October 2013
Other discounts available to staff
- Andrew’s Airport Parking – 20% discount for staff, 15% for family
- Avis car hire – reduced excess and 3rd day of weekend rentals free
- Aussie Farmers Direct – first order discount
- Blink Optical – 20% off sunglasses and lenses
- BMW & Mini Corporate Program – complimentary scheduled servicing for 4 years / 60,000km, use of a BMW during scheduled servicing, xorporate pricing, reduced dealer delivery charges
- Convenient Kitchen home delivery meals
- Dell – up to 15% discount
- Lite n’ Easy – 7 day meal pack discount
- Magazine subscriptions – 10% off
- Monash Commuter Club, 10% discount on Myki
- Parkville Carlton Football Club Cafe
- Travel insurance – special rates for staff