Bill Tutte Centenary Celebration

Today we celebrated the Bill Tutte Centenary Year with a half-day event consisting of the following short talks about his life, work, and influence on mathematics:

Graham Farr: Overview of Tutte’s life
Kerri Morgan: Squaring the square
Ron Steinfeld / Amin Sakzad: Tutte’s work at Bletchley Park in WW2
Kai Siong Yow: The dissection of equilateral triangles into equilateral triangles
Graham Farr: A ring in graph theory
Ranjie Mo: A contribution to the theory of chromatic polynomials
Jane Gao: When can vertices be all paired up?
Sanming Zhou (Melb): A family of cubical graphs
David Wood: How Tutte would draw a graph
Grant Cairns (La Trobe): The Hanani-Tutte Theorem
Norman Do: Tutte’s topological recursion
Daniel Mathews: The Tutte polynomial and knot theory
Andrew Elvey Price (Melb): Some counting problems on planar maps
Nick Wormald: My impressions of Tutte

William (Bill) Tutte (1917-2002) became a research mathematician while still an undergraduate at Cambridge in the late 1930s, broke the toughest Nazi codes while at Bletchley Park in WW2, and became one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. His work saved countless lives during the war and led the development of graph theory. His work was usually inspired by pure curiosity or recreational puzzles, but has been applied in domains as diverse as electrical circuits, statistical physics and information visualisation.

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