I. CAN Update

The last I.CAN network meeting last Thursday was a success. We had a lot of students come to the meeting, where we had a great time introducing and talking amongst ourselves. We also introduced the concept of the I.CAN network during the meeting and the students enthusiastically agreed with what we are doing. We plan to run one more meeting during the semester and we are more than happy for you to come!

I.CAN network picture

Our next I.CAN network meeting is on (updated)

Thursday 24 October 2013
Building 6, Room G08
12.30 pm – 2.30 pm

BYO Lunch

The topic for the meeting will be “Exam pressure, and how to cope with them”. Everyone is welcome to come to the meeting, especially students with Asperger’s syndrome or autism and students who know a relative or a person with Asperger’s syndrome or autism.

RSVP by Wednesday 23st October to Penny Robinson at penny.robinson@monash.edu. We hope to see you there!

Chris, James and Penny

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