Improving MazeMaps

MazeMaps Improvement – Have Your Say!

Staff at Monash Esolutions are interested in receiving feedback from students and staff with vision impairment regarding our digital map provider, MazeMaps, with a view to improving the accessibility of Monash’s digital maps.

  • You are invited to participate in a focus group to have your say about MazeMap improvements that would help you and your situation.

The objective of this focus group is to gather insights, suggestions, and ideas from visually impaired students and staff to improve the University’s mapping and navigation system (

We believe that your firsthand experiences and perspectives will help us create a more accessible and efficient navigation solution.

As part of this focus group, we will be providing:

  • An overview of our current blind navigation system, with an open discussion where you will be encouraged to share your experiences and challenges with the existing system, as well as systems that have worked well for you
  • Identify areas for improvement and potential solutions.
  • Provide feedback on proposed improvements.

Next Steps and Follow-up

Participant Criteria: We are looking for students who are actively using or have experience with navigation systems for the visually impaired. Your insights are highly valuable to us, regardless of your level of familiarity with our specific system.

  • RSVP: Please contact by COB Sept 22nd to participate.

Sessions will be organised both in person and via Zoom based on availability.

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