R U OK? Day 2021

R U OK? Day – 9 September 2021

R U OK?Day  – Thursday 9 September.

Are You Really OK?

2020 & 2021 has been an exceptional year and many people (across the world) have been affected by these challenging events.

Holidays have been cancelled, dinner plans and home gatherings have had to be rescheduled and hair appointments have been pushed out.

That’s naming just a few adjustments we’ve made over the past 18 months.

On September 9 it is R U OK Day and although mental health is an ongoing health issue, it is always great to take a moment, make a cup of your favourite beverage, find a quiet space and pick up your phone to check in with a friend.

You yourself may not be feeling ok, and want someone to talk with. Or there may be a significant person in your life who has not coped well in lock down.

A single conversation can have a lasting impact and change a life.

Call a Loved One and Ask if They’re OK

So, on September 9, we ask our DSS and Monash community to call a loved one and –

  1. Ask them if they are ok? This may feel like a tricky conversation, so here is a great website on how to start your dialogue
  2. Listen actively to how they are feeling
  3. Encourage positive action
  4. Check in and follow up with your friend

Currently many parts of Australia are vaccinating their way out of lockdown and, whilst in Melbourne we are confined to our 5km limit, please know that you are not alone.

If you would like to talk with someone, there are some fantastic support resources you can reach out to.

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