Archive for the ‘graduation’ Category

Tim Chan’s graduation

Monday, May 27th, 2024

Congratulations to Timothy Chan on the occasion of his PhD graduation. His thesis “Substructure Densities in Extremal Combinatorics” was jointly supervised by David Wood and Daniel Kral. His research has been published in Combinatorial Theory, RSA, SICOMP and JCTA.

Congratulations Harald

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022

Dr Harald Bögeholz’s PhD was conferred on 8th June and he graduated today! His thesis is titled A Relational Model for Parallel Computation. Harald is the first PhD graduate of his Main Supervisor, Michael Brand. Associate Supervisor is Graham Farr.

Congratulations Eileen Pan

Thursday, September 23rd, 2021

Congratulations to Eileen Pan for completing her M.Phil. degree, supervised by Heiko Dietrich. Her thesis Groups of small order type has also been published in the Journal of Symbolic Computation. Eileen will start a Warwick-Monash joint PhD, supervised by Heiko Dietrich and Adam Thomas.

Congratulations to Subhrajyoti Saha

Friday, June 5th, 2020

Great news for Subhrajyoti Saha, whose PhD Thesis “Finite p-Groups and Coclass Theory” has just been approved. Subhra was supervised by Heiko Dietrich (with Ian Wanless as associate supervisor). Congratulations Subhra!

Congratulations Darcy Best

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018

Hearty congratulations to Darcy Best who submitted his PhD thesis today. His thesis is on transversals of Latin squares and related objects, (supervised by Ian Wanless)

Dr Eric Zhou

Friday, October 28th, 2016

Congratulations to Eric Zhou on his PhD graduation today. Eric’s thesis title is “Phase Transitions of Some Discrete Models in Statistical Mechanics”. Congratulations also to Main Supervisor, Tim Garoni, and Associate Supervisors Greg Markowsky and Daniel Tokarev.

Michael Payne graduates

Friday, February 20th, 2015

Michael Payne recently graduated with his PhD degree from Melbourne University. His thesis, supervised by David Wood, is titled Combinatorial geometry of point sets with collinearities. Michael’s undergraduate degree was at Monash, where his honours thesis was supervised by Ian Wanless. Michael is currently completing a post-doc at Université Libre de Bruxelles.

Daniel Harvey graduation

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

Congratulations to Daniel Harvey on the occasion of his PhD graduation (from Melbourne University). Daniel is now a post-doc in the discrete mathematics group.

Congratulations Daniel and Michael

Monday, July 21st, 2014

Congratulations to Daniel Harvey and Michael Payne, who recently completed their PhD degrees at Melbourne University, supervised by David Wood.

Daniel Harvey “On treewidth and graph minors
Michael Payne “Combinatorial geometry of point sets with collinearities

Both Daniel and Michael have strong connections to Monash: Daniel is currently a research fellow, and Michael did his undergraduate degree here.

Finally, congratulations to Graham Farr, who is now an academic grandfather.

Darcy gets gold!

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

PhD Student Darcy Best recently returned to Canada for his graduation from University of Lethbridge. He won the Governor General of Canada’s Gold Medal for top graduate across the whole university in the academic year 2013/14. Pretty impressive!