Archive for the ‘Thesis submission’ Category

Congratulations Amber

Monday, September 30th, 2024

Huge congratulations to Amber Gentle, who’s PhD Thesis “Covering problems on permutations” has officially passed examination. Both examiners rated the thesis very highly and only asked for minor corrections.

Amber was jointly supervised by Ian Wanless and Daniel Horsley.

Congratulations Robert

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Today, Robert Hickingbotham submitted his PhD thesis “Exploring Sparse and Hereditary Graph Classes via Products and Tree-Decompositions”, supervised by David Wood. Robert’s candidature has been incredibly successful, with 17 papers published or submitted. Congratulations to Robert and David!

Update (14th June 2024): Robert’s thesis is now accepted. Update (24th June): The degree is officially conferred. Congratulations, Dr Robert Hickingbotham! Robert will start a post-doc at ENS Lyon in August.

Congratulations Rui

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Congratulations to Rui Zhang for submitting his PhD thesis “The probability of non-existence of small substructures in moderately sparse random objects (via clusters and cumulants)”, supervised by Nick Wormald. Rui is now working as a postdoctoral researcher in Barcelona with Gabor Lugosi.

Congratulations Adam Gowty

Friday, September 30th, 2022

Adam Gowty submitted today his PhD thesis “Problems related to Sperner set systems”, supervised by Daniel Horsley and Ian Wanless.

Update 9 Dec 2022: Adam’s thesis is now accepted. Congratulations Dr Gowty!

Congratulations Harald

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022

Dr Harald Bögeholz’s PhD was conferred on 8th June and he graduated today! His thesis is titled A Relational Model for Parallel Computation. Harald is the first PhD graduate of his Main Supervisor, Michael Brand. Associate Supervisor is Graham Farr.

Congratulations Angus

Sunday, August 7th, 2022

Congratulations to Angus Southwell for submitting his PhD thesis
Properties of induced subgraphs of random graphs with given degree sequences supervised by Nick Wormald, Jane Gao, and Misha Isaev.

Update Nov 2022: Angus’s PhD has now been conferred. Congratulations Dr Southwell!

Congratulations Ajani

Thursday, July 7th, 2022

Congratulations to Ajani de Vas Gunasekara for submitting her PhD thesis “Completion and Embedding Problems for Combinatorial Designs” supervised by Daniel Horsley.

Update (22 August): Ajani’s PhD has now been accepted. The final version is available here.


Tim’s thesis submission

Friday, February 19th, 2021

Today, Tim Chan submited his PhD thesis Substructure Densities in Extremal Combinatorics co-supervised by David Wood and Dan Kral (Warwick). The normal procession to the Graduate School was replaced by a procession to the Nott. Congratulations Tim!

Update 19th June: Tim’s thesis has been accepted!

Congratulations to Subhrajyoti Saha

Friday, June 5th, 2020

Great news for Subhrajyoti Saha, whose PhD Thesis “Finite p-Groups and Coclass Theory” has just been approved. Subhra was supervised by Heiko Dietrich (with Ian Wanless as associate supervisor). Congratulations Subhra!

Congratulations to Kevin Hendrey

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Congratulations to Kevin Hendrey who has been awarded the 2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Commendation for Thesis Excellence for his PhD thesis
Extremal Graph Theory for Minors, Improper Colourings and Gonality.
Kevin is now a post-doctoral research fellow at DIMAG in Korea.