The Australian Government wants to get more people with disability into jobs. The Government sees a future where people with disability, like other Australians, can enjoy the economic and social gains work brings.
The Disability Employment Taskforce was established to review the entire disability employment system and develop a new National Disability Employment Framework to boost employment rates for people with disability.
To assist in the development of this Framework, the Taskforce completed a first round of consultation based on an Issues Paper and a set of suggested principles for the new Framework.
Building on the principles and feedback from the first round of consultation, a Discussion Paper has been developed outlining more detailed policy proposals for the new Framework and will be used as the basis for a second round of consultation.
The second round will present the findings from the first round of consultation; provide an overview of the Discussion Paper; and encourage feedback on the policy proposals through an online survey. These sessions will commence on 19 November 2015 in Perth and conclude on 30 November 2015 in Melbourne. The survey will remain open until 7 December 2015. The Discussion Paper, survey and full details of the information sessions, including registration can be found at
Have your say!
The Government wants to hear from people with disability, their families and carers, service providers, employers and peak bodies to explore ways to improve disability employment in Australia.
You can attend a public information session to hear about the policy proposals outlined in the Discussion Paper. Feedback on these proposals can be provided by completing the online survey.
Information sessions will be held around Australia starting on 19 November, in the following locations:
Perth 19 November 2015 Hobart 26 November 2015
Adelaide 20 November 2015 Darwin 26 November 2015
Brisbane 24 November 2015 Canberra 27 November 2015
Sydney 25 November 2015 Melbourne 30 November 2015
For more information on sessions or to complete the online survey go to