Latest news
Media Access Australia appoints new CEO
Ms Manisha Amin has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of leading Not For Profit web and digital accessibility organisation, Media Access Australia. Her appointment by the Board of Directors will see her join the team on Monday 5 September.
Microsoft rolls out Windows 10 update with accessibility improvements
Microsoft has commenced rolling out a major new update to its Windows 10 operating systems on desktop, laptop and tablet devices, bringing a number of new features which include benefits to people with disabilities.
BBC iPlayer trialling subtitles for live channels in world-first
In a welcome development from the UK, the BBC has begun trialling subtitles for live channels on their iPlayer platform. This is a first for any major video on-demand service in the world, as up till now, subtitles have only been available for on-demand programs.
Accessibility in the workplace has widespread benefits
Almost half of all EU citizens living with a disability are unemployed, a new study commissioned by Microsoft has revealed. As people increasingly rely on technology to get their jobs done, the report also showed that many employees who are Deaf, blind, vision, hearing or cognitive impaired, or who have a physical disability, are finding it harder to participate productively in workplaces that are not technologically accessible.
Featured accessibility article
Create annual reports that are accessible for all
It’s annual report season again, and now is the time to look at making annual reports as meaningful and inclusive as possible, so that people of all abilities can be catered for. It’s a straightforward process to make an accessible annual report if you are in a position to be able to plan upfront, and in many cases, it’s also mandatory to do so.
Useful resource of the week
Media Access Australia made a major 2016 update on the state of social media for those with a disability a little earlier this year. It’s a really helpful resource that you are very welcome to share, where you can go through the accessibility pros and cons of all the popular forms of social media available today. Check out the level of accessibility of social media plus learn some useful tips, on the Media Access Australia website.